
The knocking continued on the door

"Im coming, im coming." Elizabeth said

"Mom!" a voice said from the door, it was Clark

"Welcome home sweetie!" linda smiled giving clark a massive bear hug as soon as he walkd though the door "foods on the counter if you are hungry, Remember to take out the rubbish when you go out, okay?"

".." clark didnt say a word and nodded to agree, his eyes were dull, no emotion no nothing he wondered into the kitchen and picked up his plate, he grunted as he walked past sakura to sit down

" hey big brother! " sakura said smiling at him " rough day huh? " she asked

"mhm.." Clark nodded taking booze out of his bag, he took a sip.

"Bother, its okay to be upset" Sakura said stroking her hand up and down his arm

"... W.. - hats. The p-point?.." Clark muttered only just so sakura could hear

"Brother, listen im here"

"Why is it always fucking jenny, one minute im allowed to see my kids the next she fucking hates me, Why do i.. Of all people deserve this i lost my fucking siblings my dad and fucking eveyone and i deserve this?" clark clenched his fist "Its not fuckin fair!" clark then proceeded to punch the wall, he didnt feel hurt, the wall definitely needed replacing "im fucking going to bed, do me a favour and tell mum i ate."