Meeting you again

Clark stormed to his room, coincidently isaiah was in there

"who the fuck are you?" Clark interigated "why are you here?"

"You must be clark, are you not?" Isaiah stood up

"That doesnt matter" clark pulled out his glock "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Im your brother in law, now put the gun down, my name is isaiah, i date your brother, Isaac Cartwright." isaiah introduced himself quite slowly putting his hands up to clark to show

he wasnt armed with any sort of weaponry

Clark put down his gun "Isn't isaac dead?" he asked with slight tears in his eyes

"He isnt, he is in the bathroom, he wanted to surprise you." Isaiah answered

"What about.. Elizabeth?" he asked slowly walking to the gun "Isn't she dead?"

"where did you get that impression from?" Isaiah wondered

"Dad.. Nevermind do you know where either of them are?" Clark asked, slowly putting the glock back and forth through a cloth, "i have some things i need to say, Hah." He continued to wipe down his glock "Afterall i haven't seen them in over 8 years."

They both wondered through the house

"Haha! Iz! Stop itt!" came from the guest bedroom

"shut it, midget! Come get me you fucker!" a few snickers came from the door

Isaiah and Clark nodded at each other as they walked in the room

"Hey, room for one more?" Clark asked.

"Clark!" Isaac giggled and ran up to him and hugged him "come join in izzy," clark said, they all were smiling at each other, they were all joyous. So happy