Chapter 1- A New Beginning

- Bzzzz Bzzz bzz

It was strange... I think I was the first to have awoken. I even remember life before I awoken.

It felt so unreal, I started to 'see' the world with so much more colors and depth.

I remember I was a human before, I was a father? I think I worked at something called FSB and I was going to be promoted to a secret organization called the KGB?

I remember as I was running frantically away from the large creatures. I ran to a building and locked myself in the janitor's room not making a sound. After a few hours, I was hungry thankfully there weren't any of those monstrosities around. 

It was a sight to behold, I thought it was the end of the world. I enjoyed the last few days savoring whatever food was left in the office kitchen. Strangely no one was there and no one came.

Then one day I looked outside the building, it was a sight to behold. Several black droplets was seen in the distance.

I knew it was the atomic bomb that the U.S used to decimate Japan. 

A blindly flash rushed towards me before I knew it. I shouldn't have looked. I think I might be blind forever. Not that means anything anymore. 

Then came the terrifying booming sound of a million tons of tnt that barreled in all directions. 

Then came nothingness. Then I was asleep for the longest time I can remember. It was serene and something else. 

It's hard to describe what being reincarnated feels like. There was an ever changing colorful dot in front of me. 

I couldn't do anything except slowly float towards it. 

Then I woke. I awoke so hard that I think I became an angel and flew into the sky. 

Then I realized I was in hell. I was still on earth, but not the earth I grew up, it was tainted and destroyed. 

I looked around me. It was more or less what I expected from several massive bombs dropped a hundred miles away. 

Some buildings were somewhat intact while most were in rubbles. 

I got used to my new body which was unfortunately a giant bee. Like I have no more arms! 

I mean flying is great and so is stinging but don't I die from releasing my only stinger? I don't want to find out, maybe the radiation and the disease changed it. 

However, on the bright side I had companions. I sensed some strange invisible force in the air. 

I think its called pheromones. I could sort of tase it which was something new. Anyways, I followed the scent several miles away and found a large hive. No, it was an Urticaria an extremely large hive that covered an entire 3 story building. 

It was unbelievable that the mother queen can control so many bees at once. It seemed to be in the thousands of giant two to even 5 meter bees! 

I was at an average of 2.3 meters, at least I'm tall now. I was a pathetic 1.7 meters as a human. I noticed that my that my legs or arms are very articulate and refined like muscles. The exoskeleton for my legs or arms did not exist. It seems that the bones/exoskeleton was inside. 

However the rest of my was covered in an exoskeleton layer, even my eyes! I would control when to close the exoskeleton shutters at will. It was like car windows but more flexible. 

My fellow bee comrades actually spoke to me! Like in pheromone language, it sounded like english to me which I didn't mind. Apparently the queen bee would mate with other hive's biggest and strongest male bees. Although I'm very much a male bee, I'm just a normal worker bee.

However, when I dropped something about reincarnation, they didn't understand. So it seems like I'm the only one that reincarnated for now.

The male consorts however don't die this time, they actually guard the queen bee as male concubines which was okay I guess. I'm a traditional russian man, so the sort of stuff was not okay, like totally not okay in my book.

But I'm a bee so I guess I have to broaden my mind. Looking at all the neat compartments in the hive, It was honestly like an office of sorts.

There were several food storage of radiated and irradiated meat. Only the new protector bees were allowed to have irradiated meat. Seems like there were several more bee professions, like an ancient caste system.

I was luckily a worker bee and not a scrapper bee. As long as the mind bee records my daily input of resources or food, I can request irradiated meat once a month. 

I worked and worked for several weeks already every single day. But strangely I don't hate it or feel tired at all. In my past life as a human, I would totally not survive working 12 hours a day everyday.

Strangely, even though every other worker bees didn't have a vast memory despite their large brains. I actually could remember how long I have worked and could remember like the mind bees. But I couldn't release strong pheromones that kept the bees in check.

In other words, I couldn't talk very loudly or very persuasively. But I'm sure I will improve in the future. There was also a special group of bees that were sent out to find humans, which was great. This means that I can find my fellow human comrades again!

Although I can't communicate with them verbally, I can still draw words with my yoked arms.

One day, the special team came back with 4 corpses! It was a cause for celebration! The most amount of corpses we caught in a week was 4! And they came back with 4 in day! This time everyone above the worker class was able to take a 3 day break. Except for the soldier bees they had to keep an eye for foreign beehives and other insects. 

Our hive had an alliance with other hives in Mirny. I remember it was the city where the Russian Government attempted to drill all the way into earth but barely scratched the surface of the crust not even.