Chapter 2- Feel the power!

From what I heard the giant hole was a joint alliance of the centipedes and worms and ants. Our colony alliance of bees actually had to pay taxes, funny right? Well its not, we have to give up 50% of our honey production.

Sometimes they even capture some of our bee caravans and make them into slaves. Basically the bee population are suppressed by the ants.

There are several different species of ants and most of them in Mirny City are allied. Although some are lone colonies.

Of course there are other mutated monsters like animals and even humans. But there are very few humans who actually mutate successfully, most of them live horribly with mutations. No one knows why though.

The humans come and go, although they are weaker than us, they have weapons. They have rocket launchers, AK-47, titanium armor and even large protective vehicles.

The corpses contained bags and backpacks full of food and ammo. The bees just threw away the weapons and ammo, since they don't know how to use them. 

They kept the ones that are alive and kept them as breeding tools. Whether it's a male or female, the queens injects eggs on their back and put them in the breeding grounds. 

The offsprings become a mix of humans that have wings and legs like bees. They can use weapons and drive vehicles. But they can't create weapons or anything like that. 

They live for a year at most before succumbing to the painful process of being melted. The fusion of humans and creatures never really succeeded, at least from what I heard from other bees.

"Hey man, you think we can ever become a field bee?" asked Dan, he was one of my bee friends. It's strange, I never thought that animals can make friends and talk but here I am making friends with a mutant bee.

"No, I don't think so Dan, you have to be born like them, with bigger wings and such." Everyone knows this, but some still ask anyway hoping for a day where they can redeem themselves and become stronger.

"Yeah I know, your right. Well see you later I want to get some food right now."

The stronger more capable humans also liked to dissect our bodies for chitin, the exoskeleton. They use the chitin for their own armor since it's pretty effective combined with iron plates. 

"Okay men, you, you, and you," shouts a mind bee, "You guys go find humans within a 3 mile radius, follow the signals. Okay shoo shoo off you go!"

"Jeez Arxa is always so bossy and a little crazy," said my teammate as he flies out of the hive. 

"I agree man, whatever lets get this over with."

I merely nodded and followed them. We saw a couple of cars that looked patched up which meant someone was nearby looting. Most of the food hasn't actually gone bad, probably because of the radiation and disease that increased the potency of preservatives. 

Jackpot! Only two person this time, and it doesn't look like he has any weapons but we still should be careful. Before I signaled with my antenna to my bee-teammate, he already tried to attempt a sneak attack on the poor man. 

Contrary to my beliefs of the man, he pulled out a silenced pistol. He quickly courched and turned around swiping at the bee. The other man decided to hide behind the counter, maybe because he had no weapons.

"It seems like he's got something sharp attached to the gun!" I quickly shouted to warn my teammate not to get too close.

-Bang Bang!

Two consecutive shots, one on his leg and another in his abdomen. This is why being a scout sucked big time. We didn't have healing abilities and being worker bees, we had thin layer of chitin compared to our superiors.

"Ughh haa! Damn! That was my leg, gaa its bleeding!"

"Damn bees, I thought I was quiet enough!" The bees couldn't understand, but I could. 

The man escapes onto his bike as I tried to chase him but I realized that I was no match against a modified gun. I chased after the man without a weapon instead, I quickly latched or hugged him and squeezed as hard as I can.

After the man fainted, I used my tiny twin teeth or mandibles and bleed his neck arteries. 

I return to my dying friend, he was bleeding profusely. It came out like a waterfall. If I had a mouth I would totally through my guts out. I quickly found a cloth and tried to clog the bleeding.

"What in the world are you doing!" The dying bee like other bees did not see or know how to utilise their resources so I gave up trying to save him. 

I didn't say anything, and before I knew it, the bee died. I paid great attention to the steamy mist diffusing out of his body. It was probably his soul or something. However my other teammate showed no reaction.

It seems that only I can see souls. I try to concentrate and control it, it was successful. The mist flows towards me before entering through my mouth and antenas. 

It feels so invigorating, I feel so power right now. I can feel something in my mind, I can finally picture something solid. Feeling extremely good, I signal teammate that he can go back.

He did not hesitate and thanked me for doing the job for him. I don't want any other creature to be next to me while I am trying my new power. 

I went to the dead man and saw that the mist had already diffused all over the room, so I quickly fly around the room and sucked the mist in. Ahhhh it feels so amazing. 

In my mind there was a house. It is the same house I had before I joined the FSB. Now I wanted to try to picture an anatomy of a bee. So far all I can picture is the frame of the bee. The most solid part was the mouthpiece. 

Probably because I am most used to using my mouth for everything, picking up things, eating, chopping, attacking. I tried to make it sharper and larger like the soldier bees. Did I mention that bees now have jaws? Oh yeah they do now. 

I almost succeeded but felt extremely tired after only changing the tooth or mandiles slightly larger. 

I decided that I must join a field bee team. This way I can suck more of the mist of dead creatures.

I quickly flew back to the hive to rest up. Not only did I feel tired mentally but also physically. I was super hungry.