The System (1)


'An ability. So, just one of many. I wonder what they are. It is really tempting to become a Controller but I don't even know the conditions. Even worse I don't have the power to make it submit. Truly frustrating!!!' Thought The Doctor with a little greed and envy. It was impossible not to be both greedy and envious. The Controller was a privileged position with an all-access pass to everything he might want or need.

"Yes. I get that part. The issue is how I gain power from it. You say I could absorb power through the system but how?"

The information was indeed provided but he needed to make sure. It doesn't hurt to be careful.


"And this is why the clones were needed?"


"Hmm… How efficient is this transference? Also, how can you ensure that the energy doesn't affect the purity of my own?"


'How efficient. I wonder how it calculates the purity of my energy. It is truly great to have percentages though. I get to learn just how far I have come and if I am making progress. Excellent!!!'

"I see. Given that there are different types of energy, how can you eliminate problems of compatibility?"


It took a moment for the ramifications of that statement to sink in for The Doctor.

"Wait!!! If you have energy purification and conversion abilities, shouldn't it be possible to have energy that's purer and higher-level than mine?" He asked with a voice tinged with childish excitement.

One of the requirements to advance his cultivation realm is to have purer energy, which is achievable. The other requirement is to tap into Origin energy, which is the problem.

Origin energy is a level higher than Chaos energy, but it had been a myth for a long time. No one had been able to tap into Origin energy for a long time such that it was unknown even if it truly existed. If this orb could truly convert energy into Origin energy then he would advance his cultivation beyond anyone else. More than being Heaven's chosen, this was truly like the Heaven's were urging him on.


With that statement, The Doctor began to chuckle inwardly before going off into his signature psychotic laughter. He imagined towering over his peers who laughed at him as he focused on studying laws in different places across the multiverse. He imagined cutting down his enemies. He imagined beings bowing down in worship as they begged him to guide them in tapping into Origin energy. He was truly pleased by the orb. It was truly Heaven's guidance that gave him his orb.


That statement sent him into madness and rage. His energy roared and threatened to tear down the entire plane, which was difficult, but not impossible for beings of his level. His castle couldn't handle the raging energy and cracks could be seen expanding from where he sat.

"Are you kidding me?" He shouted in anger.

He really wanted to destroy everything. He had been taken from the height of pleasure to the very depths of despair in a matter of moments, and if there's something The Doctor hated, it's being toyed with.

He glared at the white space hoping to find something to destroy, but even his display of anger went unanswered. He could almost imagine the orb staring at him like a child throwing a tantrum.