*3 Tragedy

One Spring day a rumbling started high on the mountain. Land, trees, rocks and boulders came tumbling down the slopes. The family of gems could feel the vibration in their cavern. Being accustomed to their cozy quiet little piece of the world the gemstones began to panic. True to Emerald's prediction many fell over, broke, cracked or damaged. Father tried his best to hold the roof up as Mother tried to soothe her gems who were terrified. The sides bottoms and tops of other caverns broke away spilling into one another.

The next thing Emerald knew is their was a small voice coming from next to him. "Hello!",the voice spoke. "Hello.", he answered back. ""I'm Ruby", the voice replied. "Emerald", he greeted back. Looking around once the shaking stopped it had become larger and brighter in the cavern, now a full on cave. Father lay upon the floor and Mother had a rather large crack across her. While the others whined about being disturbed, Emerald shouted, "Mother, Father are you alright?"

Mother answers, "Yes, sweetheart I'm fine but your father has come down. Are all of my little ones alright?"

Ruby looks around at her surroundings. Now her home had a huge hole in it and was now connected to that of Emerald's. She saw her family cluster above her . Knowing she had no way to get back over to them she wept. "Emerald, is it alright to stay here next to you? I can't get back to my family way up there. Also will you be my friend please?" Ruby asked softly. He replies,"Yes you can. I have always wanted a friend." At that Ruby starts to glimmer and shine with all of her brilliance. Overjoyed. The two become fast friends. Other gems now had come to find themselves in this unfamiliar place scattered around, many distressed, cracked, and lost.

Off to the side of the wall very near Emerald and Ruby the mud begins to wiggle. Out pops a small grey mouse. Enraptured by the lovely cave he decides to make this his home. Never having seen a creature as this the gems did not know what to make of it. He was holding a Smokey quartz in his tiny mouth when he popped out of the mud shock rang out in the gems. Does this creature eat their kind?