*2 Mother's concern

Emerald grew a rich and vibrant green, nearly an almost a Holly leaf green. He steadily became quite happy with himself. Next deciding to focus on growing a bit more.

Some of his brothers who had become mighty spikes and columns chuckled at him and his sisters that became prisms made fun of him. A few of his sisters thought they looked pretty with their inclusions and flecks. And others touted their luster.

Mother and Father became worried over his development as he did not aspire to be like the rest. Mother in her concern asked, " Little Emerald why are you not growing like the rest? Is there something the matter? are we not giving you all of the nourishment that you need?"

"No Mother that is not the case. I just wish to be the best Gem that I can possibly be. My foundation is strong and my color is rich, and I'm quite happy to take my time. Those who grew too fast may turn out to be fragile and crack one day. Those who huddle tightly may fuze and become hard to part from one another. Those who grow at odd angles here and there may fall away and never get back up. While others still in trying to be prettier by adding more to themselves may just one-day make themselves too ugly or shoddy. I need not bother with any of that. Especially when I know you love all of us. Thank you Mother. Thank you Father. without the two of you I would not have come to be."

Satisfied he went back to his progress.