*6 Wooing the future Mrs. Mouse (1)

Suddenly out of no where a bobcat pounced towards her. Snapping out of his cherry blossom filled day dream he squeaked as loudly as he could to allert her to the danger as his tiny legs picked up speed dashing towards her. Panic over took him as he tackled her away from the paw that was bearing down towards her head. Just in the nick of time he pushed her to safety and picked up a thorn from the ground beside him. Raising it up and holding it up it sunk into the bobcats paw. Yowling in pain the cat limped away a few good feet it licked at it's hurt paw. Looking over to him the lady mouse gave a dreamy look and said to him, "You are one crazy mouse" before running off like a shot. He heart enchanted by the Galant mouse she hoped to meet him again one day soon.

Feeling guilty about hurting the bobcat in a moment of panic Mr. Penn timidly inched over to the location of the bobcat. "Excuse me Mr. Cat, I am so sincerely sorry to have hurt you. If I may be so bold, may I make amends by taking that thorn from your paw? I only wished to save the young lady. Please don't eat me."

"Bob, call me Bob," said the bobcat.

"Huh?" exclaimed Mr. Penn.

"My formal address is Young Master Bob. Not Mr. Cat. Mr. Cat is my Father's title. I am not so starved as to need to eat young mousey there. I was meerly teaching my siblings pouncing techniques. A bit of fun, yet it didn't turn out so well. You sir are one brave mousey if I do say so myself. I regard your sentiments highly sir. And yes please do take the thorn from my paw. It is embarrassing to be seen with it in front of the young ones. After which I will part ways with you."

"YE OUCH! That hurt more coming out that going in!" exclaimed Bob.

Picking and chewing some wild herbs Mr. Penn made a plaster to keep the wound on Bob's paw from getting infected and stopping the bleeding.

"Well sir I hope this makes amends. By the way my name is Mr. Pennsylvanicus G. Mouse, but I am called Penn for short. I shall now bid you good bye."

"Well then so long Penn, and good luck with that girl."

All the while sitting atop a shrub the lady mouse couldn't help but watch the strange scene play out. With a myrriad of fluctuating emotions she was captivated by the strange male mouse. ' Interesting fellow. I have never known such a mouse. Alright Mr. Penn let's see if you are here tomorrow' thought the girl mouse to herself. Carefully she climbed down from the shrub and made her way to her family's burrow and told the tale of the strange mouse who saved her.