Li Li, Leo Lion and Zen Zen

Then they heard the other side paused for awhile and another person answered the phone.

"Oi.... stop calling me Li Li. It sounds like a girls name.", said Liam

"Well that's too bad. So what did you and your brother did?", ask Han

"I worked part time as a tutor for those elementary and middle schoolers since I already know all of it. And then I became a famous tutor in Moonkom for some reason. And people pay me about 1000 for just one lesson. And another 1000 for another subject on the same day.", said Liam

"The smart ass Li Li is on the roll again.", said An

"How about your brother?", asked Han

"Ask him yourself... I'm not going to speak for him. I still have another lesson then I have to tell all my students' parents that I'm going back home. I'll see you guys when we go back.", said Liam

Then there was another pause at the other side and another person answered the phone.

"Hiyo..... big sis An and big bro Han.", said the person at the other end

"How are you doing, Leo lion?", ask Han

"I'm fine. How about you two?", ask Leo

"Of course we're fine. But when you guys come back here. Remember to call An as big bro or brother. She's dress as a boy right now. So that the people who killed our family don't know that we are still alive.", said Han

They then heard agreement at the other side of the phone.

"We'll tell Liam when he come back.", said Leo

"Good boy. Now tell us what did you work as.", said An

"I worked as a bodyguard in disguise for a young famous actor. He's really good at his work. And he pays me about 50 thousand a month. And he's also very nice to me. And my disguise was to be his close friend. But instead of it being a disguise, it became a reality. But I still protect him from anyone who's doing harm to him.", said Leo

"That's good of you to have friends. You can invite him to come visit us in the future.", said An

"He's a orphan child with no parents. His parents died when he was just 9 years old.", said Leo

"Oh.... then do you want him to live with us?", ask An

"Can I really let him stay with us?", ask Leo

"Why not...? We got little Zacky living with us so why not one more non Qi member.", said An

The twins also heard agreements at the other side of the phone and knew that the others also liked the boy and agreed to let him stay with them.

"Thank you big sis....bro An and Han.", said Leo.

"Leo.... what's his name? And also how old is he?", ask Han

"His name is Percy Zhang. He's the same age as me.", said Leo

"Okay..... you can only let him come here to live with us if he's willing. Don't force him... okay?", said Han

"Mm.... okay.. I'll do ask him now. Do you want to talk to Zen?", ask Leo

"Okay....", said An

They then heard another pause at the other side and another person answered.

"Big brothers An and Han. Long time no talk...", said Zen

"Yup Zen zen is right. Long time no talk.... how are you doing Zen zen?", ask An

"I'm doing fine. I want to talk to little Zacky...", said Zen

"Right now you can't talk to him. He's sleeping now. We can't disturb him. Tomorrow he needs to go to school. When you come back. You, Ken Ken and Leo lion have to take care of him. Okay.....?", said Han

"Okay....", said Zen disappointed that he couldn't talk to Zacken

"Zen zen, do you have fun working?", ask An

"Yup. We hired 3 chefs and 2 waiters. We then teach and guide them on how to do things and while they do the things needed. I got a lot of free time. So I always chatted with the customers that are still waiting for their food to arrive. It's very fun to hear a lot of stories from those uncle and aunties.", said Zen

"You must have make them like you a lot with your cute face so they tell you a lot of stories.", teased An

"I'm not a kid anymore. I'm 11 now. 11 already counts as a teenager.", said Zen

"Haha... okay... but you must be very handsome now. All Qi family members are always very handsome.", said An

"You too...?", ask Zen

"Yup..... I'm also very handsome.", said An

"But you're a girl.....", said Zen confuse

"I'm a girl but dressed as a boy. My hair is also cured short like a boy. The same hair cut as Han. And also me and Han still have an identical face. So if he look handsome, then so do I. It's just I have a little bit more of a feminine face than Han. But I still look handsome", said An

"Ooh... I get it now....", said Zen

"You guys better go pack your things and hurry up and come back. We still have school tomorrow so we need to sleep now. Goodnight.", said An

"Goodnight big bro An and Han", said Zen

They then ended the call. The twins then went to their bed and sleep.

The next morning, the twins woke up at 5 as usual and did their morning routine. When they were done and already bathe and changed to their uniform over their sporting clothes. An had a call from Principle Long, she put it on speaker mode so that Han could hear too.

"An.... you two have to go to class for the next whole week like a normal student.", said Principle Long

"Why?", ask An

"For the next whole week, the school will be having a martial arts competition event. The first place winner will get a million dollars, the second place winner will get 500 thousand dollars, third place winner will get a hundred thousand dollars, forth place winner will get 50 thousand dollars, the fifth place winner will get 10 thousand dollars, sixth place gets 5 thousand dollars, seventh place gets 1 thousand dollars, eight place will get 5 hundred dollars, ninth place will get 1 hundred dollars and the tenth place will get 50 dollars.", said Principle Long

"Okay then... we'll be good student next week for the money then.", said An

"Okay.... the rest will be explained in the hall later when you guys go to school today.", said Principle Long

"Okay..... bye then....", said An

She then hung up the phone.