Kungfu competition

Han then went to Zacken's room to wake him up since he haven't woke up yet. While An went to the hut in the garden to wake old man Joe to ask him to help them send Zacken to school. After 20 minutes passed, everyone was ready and Zacken sat inside the chauffeur. But he then realized that the twins weren't following him in.

"Aren't big brothers following along?", ask Zacken

"Nope... we're running to school. So we'll be leaving first. We'll come pick to your school to pick you up. So just wait for us at the school gate.", said An

"Okay then.... see you later.", said Zacken

After that the twins start running to school, the chauffeur following behind them but it also can't seem to catch up with them. After a few minutes they parted ways.

When they finally reach the school, they went to the class which later the teacher ask everyone to gather in the hall. So they went to the hall. Which they follow the other students to since they don't know where it is. While walking,

"Hey aren't you two very arrogant about your Kungfu skill? So why not show it to everyone next week....", said a girl

When the twins heard that they turned to see who was that, only then they realized that it was the girl in their class. Miss idiot no.2. Which they still don't remember her name and also still don't want to know. For them idiots names are not important except for their cousin Matthew. Who to them is also an idiot but is a way better idiot than others.

"Oh.... hello to you too. Miss idiot number 2.", said Han

"Yes..... we are arrogant about our skill since we do have the skill. But showing it to everyone is also having to see who have the ability to make us use our real abilities and not just 20% of it. We went to Stardom dojo before to try fighting against the masters there before. But the most they could do is just bring out 20% of our abilities at that time.", said An

"Brother... that was three years ago. We were still very weak. If we were to fight against them now they would only be able to bring out 5% of our abilities.", said Han

"That's true too.... but for you wouldn't it be 8%.....?", ask An

"I'm only weaker than you by a bit.... okay...?", complained Han

"Weaker means weaker..... just make sure that our cousins doesn't manage to surpass you.", said An

"They'll never get the chance to surpass me.", said Han

The girl was speechless when she heard them talking.

"You two are just boasting.... shameless boasters...", said the girl

"We're not boasting on nothing. It's the actual truth and plus we do have the abilities and skills to boast.", said An

"We're not dogs who only knows how to bark. We're more like a pair of wolves who'll bite to show who's in charge.", said Han

The twins then ignored her and went to the hall. Once they were there they saw Principle Long, he saw them too. So he nod at them. The twins nod at him and just follow their classmates to the places where they were supposed to sit and sat down.

Minutes later when all the classes have all arrived, principle Long went on stage to speak.

"As you all know that next week is the week when we're starting the traditional Kungfu competition. Of course even though it's call Kungfu competition, other martial arts are also allowed. As usual the top ten prizes are the same. And competitions can be at anytime except for class time and also anywhere in the school compound, if it's outside then it's not counted. You all can wear your sport uniform for the whole next week or if you don't have it, you can wear your own sport clothes. But no one is allowed to wear inappropriately. Now we'll welcome the last years top ten winners. For them to introduce themself so that if you want to challenge them for their spot, you know where to find them.", said Principle Long

As soon as he said that, ten students came up to stage. Among them was the two miss idiots both number 1 and 2. And the rest are boys.

"I'm the first place winner of last year's competition. My name is Aden Wong, the son of the tenth ranking Kungfu master. I'm in 4B class.", said the first boy

"I'm the second place winner, Ashton Lee. Son of the fifth ranking Kungfu master. I'm from 4A class.", said the second boy

"I'm the third place winner, Shawn Hong. Son of the eight ranking Kungfu master. I'm from class 4D.", said the third boy

"I'm the fourth place winner, Asher Lee. Son of the fifth ranking Kungfu master. I'm in 3A class.", said the forth boy

"I'm the fifth place winner, Ashley Lee, daughter of the fifth ranking Kungfu master. I'm in class 2A.", said miss idiot no.1

"I'm Jordon Kong, the sixth place winner. Son of the seventh ranking Kungfu master. I'm from class 2A.", said the fifth boy

"I'm Jocelyn Kong, the seventh place winner, I'm the niece of the seventh ranking Kungfu master. I'm from class 2B.", said miss idiot no.2

"I'm Henry Heng, eighth place winner and also the son of the sixth ranking Kungfu master. I'm from class 3A.", said the sixth boy

"I'm Yaxen Ding, son of the ninth ranking Kungfu master. I'm the ninth place winner, I'm in class 4A.", said the person seventh boy

"I'm Hector Heng, tenth place winner. Son of the sixth ranking Kungfu master. I'm from class 2A", said the eighth boy.

All the student on the stage then bow and went down the stage. Principle Zhang then continue talking.

"For this year we're allowing middle schoolers to compete with us. But only the Diakom Middle School students. They'll be coming to our school next week for the whole week. They'll be using the extra classrooms to use.", said Principle Long

Then we dismiss everyone and went down the stage. The other students all went back to classes except for the twins. They just went to the dojo as they usually do.