Child of the golden seas

'HOW DARE HE APPEAR BEFORE ME AFTER THAT? 'the hell what rotten luck. Back then I vowed to beat him into pulp till no one can recognize him when he escaped with his lackeys. This brat!! annoying, I can't get my revenge because I have to endure it for amania. And what the hell is wrong with him now? He looks so cold and unapproachable like an entirely different person. What the hell happened to him?Anyways who cares .It's never late to get back at him. I'll give him a taste of what it is when one offends the demon princess...just you wait you raven brat!!'.

"Amania ,you take over. I'm not confident in facing him without beating him up. Don't worry ,if he's suspicious then tell that you found someone loitering around doing something and when you questioned him, that 'someone' pushed you into the formation. We will divert the attention from ourselves to this 'imaginary suspicious figure'. They have no reason to doubt you because even if they check you, they can't find me and all that will show is that you are a rank 9 magician who cannot break the formation no matter how much you try."

"ok,do you know him? Why do you want to beat him up? What if he doesn't listen to my explanation and outright want to deal with me?"

"long story. No he won't. Trust me, just be confident and play this out. We'll get out of this mess."

The young man who has no idea how much anger he caused wish to endure silently observes her. When he sees the fury in those eyes ,he is confused. But what makes him more confused is the fact how familiar he feels at the expression of fury in her eyes. He feels a bit ridiculous at his thoughts. But once the girl closes her eyes and then opens it, all the fury is lost replaced by a questioning look.

"I'm Amania Louis from bright one class .Kind sir, could you please tell me where I am?"

The young man looked at the girl with cold eyes with a threatening look,

"You don't know?"

Any one with low willpower will get afraid of him sensing the danger from him, but this was amania who didn't even get scared when she met the terrifying demon princess, instead took the risk to trust her, which proved her right.


"And you expect me to believe that? Naive."

The terrifying aura of a rank 1 magician was released once again ,but unlike last time when he only intended to inform of his presence, this time he aimed it at Amania. Amania felt hard to breath, sweat dropped from her forehead and her already pale face became even paler, her legs were shaking till it gave out and she fell to ground. 'so this is how it feels when a high rank magician releases his aura, he's strong, too strong...but I don't like this, to be so powerless that I can't even stand straight ,even having trouble breathing, my body trembling with fear. Just how powerful is the princess if she can stand in front of him unfazed even without her body?Haha. My master sure is strong' she thought as her powerlessness frustrated her, tears form in her eyes but her strong will keeps them from falling down.

Wish looks at amania who's now on the ground, 'I'm sorry dear, but I can't help you now for this is also for you to understand the real difference from a rank 9 magician to a rank1 magician ,that this is going to be hard as what are you going to do? Are you going to give up now that you know the difference? Are you going to feel disheartened? Or would you still want to go forward no matter what?' she thought silently as she looked at Amania. Suddenly a golden light shone brilliantly in the middle of amania's sea of consciousness. The golden light engulfed Amania's sea of consciousness. Wish looked shocked as she watched the light before a wide grin formed at her lips. 'wow, I really underestimated her. This human girl is really surprising, extraordinary...just how did the foolish humans missed such a talent? I'm really honoured to be the master of the child of the golden seas, 'brilliance '.

Yes, this golden light inside amania's sea of consciousness is the awakening of the power, the power given only to the chosen ones which happens once in a thousand years, to the child of the golden seas named 'brilliance'. Usually such a person is a greatest asset for the humans ,for once this power is awakened the person has no need for pills and potions to rank up because that person's growth is double than a normal person. In a war ,the child of the golden seas can heal people in an instant becoming the most greatest asset against the fight with demons. Even in a dire situation, once the child of golden seas have such strong willpower not to lose, their wish will be granted and the person is gifted even more abundance of power. This is such an ability that makes even the royals to watch out for.

But too bad for the humans ,for she ,Wish Lia Cardinia,the princess of the demon empire will never allow the humans to get their hands on such a powerful asset against the demons. Yes she is selfish but so what? She will prioritize her people above all. But if the humans knew that Amania was the child of the golden seas, then there is no doubt that her freedom will be cut off and she will be send to train for the war against the demons. Who knows what bloody experiments they will experiment on her to get their hands on such a power? She had seen greedy mad humans experimenting on others to get a part of their powers, if they knew about amania's powers it is even ridiculous if they think they might get a part of her power which is impossible for she was granted such power as a chosen one.

But what can one say about the power greedy group of humans who research on power for fighting against the demons? And if the demons come to know about her existence that is a threat to them, they will do everything they can to get rid of her. And I don't want such a thing to happen, as a princess I won't allow the existence of the child of the golden seas to be known to the humans and as her master ,I won't allow both the humans and demons to harm her, for she will protect Amania Louis.