'I won't be powerless and helpless never again like this, I will get stronger and stronger till nobody looks down on me...how am I going to face the princess ,my master if I don't even have the power to even try to stand? I know, she might be watching me, observing me that's why I don't want to stay helpless like this 'Amania took a deep breath and tried to stand up. Although her legs were still shaking ,she tried her best to slowly stand up. Once she stood on the ground, she lifted her face to look at the eyes of the handsome Youngman before her.
Meanwhile the Youngman was taken aback while watching the girl who was standing with her still shaking legs while looking at him in the eyes. Appreciation flashed his eyes and he withdrew his aura. He looked at her eyes and said,
Having gotten a rank 1 magician to withdrew his aura even willing to listen to her explanation, amania felt a sense of accomplishment .She opened her mouth to explain what wish told her about ,when she was interrupted.
"Hey Evelyn, what are you doing? "A handsome man with ocean blue eyes and long blond hair walked towards them. Amania recognized him as the person they met a while before ,Austin Barney.Meanwhile in amania's sea of consciousness, wish finally remembered why he seemed familiar. This girly guy along with a Lolita were the companions of the raven brat every time she met him.
When Austin saw Amania ,there was a surprised look on his face. He took a look at his best friend and then at Amania. Then he asked her,
"why are here?"
"You know her?" Evelyn asked his friend. "ya,I met her a while ago when she was about to get bullied by her classmates when I visited bright one Department, but why is she here?" .They both looked at Amania who had a blank look on her face which was then replaced with excitement.
"Did you ..just called him Evelyn? Then is this Evelyn Keiran?the strongest magician in the imperial magic academy? Are you?"
'not just the strongest in the imperial magic academy, but the strongest magician on the human realm though nobody knows it except me and Annie, even the academy doesn't know '.Austin thought while he looked at his friend who kept silent.
His silence was taken as a yes and Amania started getting excited. Austin looked at the girl who was close to worshiping his friend and became speechless. The said person had no reaction as if it was not about him while wish was fuming inside amania's sea of consciousness. 'That was supposed to be the reaction I should get!!that lass was only shocked when she knew about my identity but once she knew about the raven brat, she is so excited that her body is trembling!!what a difference in treatment even though I'm stronger than him? Beh!!what's so good about him anyways? '
"say ..student from bright one class, why are you here?" Austin asked amania about the question that was bugging him.
"I'm Amania Louis and even I don't know why I'm here "she answered not forgetting about the situation. 'what kind of answer is that?' thought Austin but he was patient although he was getting suspicious of her.
"Then how did you get here?" 'None of the students know about this formation or it's details. We'll decide whether she is a spy or not depending on her answer' he thought.
"I don't know how I got here too. I was pushed by someone and then when I open my eyes I'm here".
Evelyn frowned and while Austin continued to ask, " who pushed you and why would they push you?"
"How would I know why he pushed me? Somebody was loitering around doing something while I was taking a walk ,when I approached him asking what he was doing ,he suddenly pushed me.I thought I was going to fall on the ground but who knew I ended up here." Amania spoke as if she didn't know anything about the transporting formation. Her words seemed truthful at the same time with not. So Austin approached her and used his magic to analyse her, this was one of his skills analysing people without the help of the magic device used for analysing one's magic. And just like wish predicted all he could find was that she was a rank 9 magician and nothing more.Yes,he couldn't even find that she was the child of the golden seas because wish who predicted this already hid the golden light .Austin looked at his friend conveying the message through his eyes that she is a normal rank 9 magician who doesn't have the power to break the formation which in turn makes her words trustable. He felt a headache coming,
"Did you see how that person looked like?"
'How would I know when there is no such person??' Amania thought but lied flawlessly
"That person was wearing a black hood, that's all I know"
"I see. This matter needs attention for this person can even break the formation Evelyn made", he spoke while his face turned solemn.