Omph, dead monster bodies stinks

As if on cue, a group of bounty hunters slammed open the door, dragging in a large bag. Judging from the careless way it was handled, there was likely yet another corpse inside. What seemed to be the leader of the group, an absurdly muscular man clad in body armor, threw the bag across the room, letting it hit the ground with a sudden thud as it stopped short of the intricate statue in the lobby.

Not even a few seconds later, the metallic scent of iron mixed together with the distinct smell of the outside world wafting through the air. Snow couldn't help but frown at the large ape-like man who flung the body bag onto the clean floor. It wouldn't be a small task to clean up the blood and viscera that was leaking out of that bag. This lug-head had just dumped a whole new mess onto them. She couldn't help but reel with disgust at the thought of the task she would spend the next few hours doing.

"Hello, sweethearts." The gruff buff, Irish-looking man called out with a jolly laugh as he winked at Heather. His orange mustache twitched as his eyebrows arched upwards. Following right behind him was a younger man who looked to be around in his early twenties. Compared to the buff man who looked reminiscent of a man in full SWAT armor, this Asian man wore simple black jeans and a jacket. He was clean-shaven and didn't seem so out of place in the elegant lobby if you overlooked the sword at his waist. His features were forming a stark contrast to the gruff man.

Both of them were B-class Hunters, well known in the Hunter Association as quickly rising rookies that were rapidly racking up monster kills as if it was nothing.

Tamaki was considered a standard masculine beau with a strong jawline. He was Tommy's hunting partner, but Snow couldn't spot him today.

"Oh, for Christ's sake, Tommy. Really?!" Heather yelled out in disgust. "This is like the seventh time you brought your kill through the front door! We have a back door for this!"

Tommy clicked his tongue while waving his hand in front of her face, not paying any attention to her outrage. Instead, he replied, "You still look beautiful when you're angry, sweetums." He chuckled, not bothered by the bad reception of his entrance and instead walked in proudly through the door with his chest puffed out like a peacock.

Snow couldn't help but snort at Tommy's prideful, arrogant stride. She got up from her chair and walked towards a side door. After gently closing the door she walked over towards the body bag. Heather on the other hand, was boiling with rage due to Tommy's rude behavior and was ready to jump through the door to try to throttle him.

"What did you and Tamaki bring this time, Tommy?" Snow asked. She stopped in front of the body bag and used the tip of her foot to nudge it.

"We brought back the 10,000 gold Chupacabra that was wanted in Tray city, New Tex," Tommy replied with apparent satisfaction. He walked over towards the bag and stood over his prey as if it was some kind of trophy.

"New Tex? That's pretty far."

"I'm sorry Ms. Snow." Tamaki said politely and bowed his head in embarrassment at his partner's rude behavior. "I told him to go through the back but…." He groaned and sighed.

Snow knew full well what Tamaki meant, Tommy was a hard-head that barely listened to anyone and did whatever he wanted whenever he wanted, which was an especially big problem in moments like these.

"You should see the full size of this creature when it's standing on its two feet." Tommy bellowed out in glee, "It was a monster worth hunting." He brought his right arm forward, where he pulled up his sleeves to show a nasty cut going up his forearm. She could already see his arm was bloated and red from the Chupacabra's venomous claws.

"Are you serious?!" Heather stormed over to him, pulled his arms towards her and snarled with disgust.

"You should've gone to see a healer first before bringing this thing over!" Her hand hovered over the wound and a spark of blue fire appeared around her hand, covering it completely. The flames sent out a heatwave that even Snow could feel from a distance away.

The blue flames crackled with life, swaying with the will of the caster as it burned and sizzled on the wound on Tommy's arm. Tommy hissed and clenched his teeth as the fire healed the entirety of the cut, leaving behind a strip of pale skin that stood in contrast to his usual skin color.

"This is going to cost you." Heather sharply admonished him, not pleased with having to use her ability. "I'm deducting 200 gold as a service fee for healing you."

"Oh, come on, sweets." Tommy groaned at the thought of losing money for the healing that Heather had done. "Can't you cut this man a slack? I'm not rich, you know."

Heather snorted, rolling her eyes at his comment. "You're lying. You brought in a creature worth 10,000 gold and you say you don't have any money?"

"That's 5,000 gold between Tamaki and I. That's not enough to feed my family, you know?!" Tommy cried out in outrage.

"You don't have a family." Heather coldly replied, "all that money goes to alcohol and women."

Tommy gasped as if he was offended at her statement. He feigned being stabbed in the heart by her words. "Alcohol and women are sacred to all men." With a grand gesture, he waved his hand in front of him and then raised his arm to clutch his chest, feigning defeat.

Snow couldn't help but shake her head at the two's dramatic bickering and sighed. If she didn't know better, she would have thought that these two would have continued their bickering like an old couple and would keep it up throughout the night.

With a quick glance, Snow looked over towards Tamaki. He sighed and shook his head along with a shrug of his shoulders, signalling her that he had given up any thoughts of persuading him. Snow squatted down. Her pearly white fingers reached over and unzipped the bag a quarter of the way down.

What stared back at her was an ugly, misshapen man-like creature. Its face was filled with hair that was an inch long. Whiskers were growing out the side of its squashed nose and its black skin seemed to be wrinkled and old. Feral teeth were shown behind its lips, while its face looked like it was bludgeoned by something as it was partially destroyed.

Snow couldn't help but crinkle her nose as the pungent smell of nasty body odor wafted through the air, leaving behind a sour aftertaste in the mouth. She quickly pushed the bag away in disgust and straightened herself up. Tommy and Heather were still bickering with one another as they continued to haggle over the price, eventually settling on something they were both happy with.

"Sweetheart, you really are going to make me broke," Tommy replied with anguish. The thought of losing money made him want to pretend to faint.

"You'll be fine. It's your fault for getting yourself seriously injured." Heather shrugged her shoulders.

"Next time, kill something easier then."

Tommy snorted at her reply, appalled at the thought of killing something easy. "Killing easy monsters doesn't earn me enough money, nor would it help increase my ability." He scoffed at such an idea.

"Then, you should have taken Franz with you." Heather crossed her arms. "You know just as well as I that having a healer is imperative. Both you and Tamaki can't heal a anyone. You're both muscle heads."

"Ms. Heather." Tamaki coughed. "I'm more of a magic swordsman. It is Tommy that is the muscle head."

Heather shook her head at Tamaki's statement. "You humans are all the same, thinking you are invincible. When you didn't take Franz with you, you decreased your chance of surviving. Even I know a basic amount of healing spells for such occasions."

"Bah, healing. That's for priests to do. I'm a heavy hitter, not some pansy healer." Tommy hit his chest with a loud thud.

"Tell that to Franz when you see him next time." Heather snorted. "I'm sure he won't heal your ass he then."

Tommy went silent, he knew that saying such things to Franz was a death trap and probably make him suffer in his own way.

"Well, you're all healed. I'll get you sorted out and process your papers." Heather replied she walked over to get her clipboard and pen.

Tamaki, who was standing next to Snow, coughed, grabbing Snow's attention. "Um. Ms. Snow."

"Yes?" Snow turned around to face him.

"What do you think?"


"The mission?" He asked awkwardly.

"Your kill?"


Snow took another glanced at the Chupacabra and frowned. She wasn't a fan of dark creatures, especially the ones that were dangerous and keen to kill people. "You guys did a good job in keeping the body intact. Mostly it's teeth and eyes. The witches would be thrilled to have those fresh ingredients in-store now ...though I'm not sure about the coat." The thought of opening up the bag and checking out the damage made her want to barf.

She wasn't a big fan of the smell this creature gave off, especially when it smelled so horrible. Luckily, she only needs to appraise the monster and not have to cut them to pieces. That was the job of the butcher that they would send to when the appraising was done.

"It wasn't an easy kill…., especially its claws." Tamaki shivered, thinking back to the fight.

"Well, you guys did a B class Quest...which usually you would need five B level Hunters to hunt them down." Snow was impressed that Tamaki and Tommy killed the Chupacabra without a Healer, especially with just two people. It wasn't something simple to do, but they were considered one of the rising stars of the Hunter Association. "I'm pretty impressed it took only two of you to bring it down."

Tamaki slightly blushed at Snow's comment, causing him to bashfully look away. He pulled his collar and continued to speak, "We were lucky honestly. When the Chupacabra took a chunk out of Tommy arm's, I thought he was a goner." He was embarrassed at the thought of their mishap. "Somehow, we pulled through and killed it before the venom could spread quickly. Tommy's body constitution does have a good level of poison resistance, just his wound was infected."

"Accident happen." Snow shrugged, knowing that a Hunter's job was dangerous. "Next time, why don't you take Franz with you. This way, you won't have to worry too much about injuries."

"Though…." Tamaki frowned, "Franz wanted to have a date with his girl and didn't want to go hunting this time."

"Oh, really?" Snow didn't expect Franz to have a girlfriend so quickly. The last time she saw him, he was single and was complaining about how he wants a girlfriend in his life.

"Yes, it was a Tuesday when he met her, and they decided to have a date on the day we were supposed to go hunting," Tamaki growled. "Next time, I'll personally drag him to the hunt than going on his date." He wasn't pleased at the thought of Franz skimping out on them on a critical mission. "Even if he's kicking and screaming, we will drag him."

Snow chuckled, the thought of seeing Franz throwing a tantrum popped up in her head. "Good. Seeing you guys die would be a very saddening experience." She didn't like to see her customers die, especially the ones that she had constant interactions with. Tamaki, Franz, and Tommy were those people that she enjoyed talking with each other.

Tamaki's eyes became large from hearing Snow's response, causing him to feel even more embarrassed. Snow couldn't help but wonder how could such a handsome man get red so quickly, but she ignored it.

"This should raise your levels up." Heather's voice cut through loudly, causing Tommy and Tamaki to look over with interest. "When we finish registering this kill, you guys would be A-Class hunters. Snow, could you update their Hunter's license for me? I'll grab that Chupacabra after I finish this paperwork."

"Yea, sure." Snow nodded. She motioned Tamaki and Tommy to follow her to her desk. She sat down, pulling up their files.

Tamaki sat down as Tommy followed after, grinning at their achievements. It wasn't often to rise up in ranks, especially hunting magical creatures wasn't as simple as people think.

"How long has it been since you been an E Class Hunter?" Snow asked, starting a conversation with them as she clicked through. "Three years?"

"Yes." Tamaki nodded. "I remember the days when we were collecting herbs in the forest just to rank up to D Class Hunter." He chuckled, reminiscing about the past.

"Those days were torture," Tommy grumbled. "Who in the right mind would want to gather herbs these days and age?"

"Quite a lot of people, actually." Snow replied, "most of our missions are based on rare herbal gatherings that can't be grown still. We even have A and S class missions of certain herbs because of the monsters that protect it."

"Well, the potions that the alchemist makes use those rare herbs, you know," Heather replied, quickly jotting down notes. She circled around the Chupacabra, poking it a few times. "We still haven't been able to naturally grow certain herbs in our greenhouse. Something like the Starfield Flower could only be found on top of a mountain during the summertime. The monster that guards that are the Wyverns, where they make their nests. As you know, those monsters are only B class monsters, but having over hundreds of them nesting during their mating season is considered an A-class. Then we got the S class missions, higher than A, the Blue Moon Berries are Red Dragon's favorite fruits, and finding the fruit, you will always find a Red Dragon lazing around it."

Snow ultimately agreed, the most dangerous quest usually were herb gathering, but many people weren't quite fond of it. Mostly because it was either too easy, tedious, or too risky.

"Either way, you guys raised up your levels quite quickly." Snow smiled, finishing up her paperwork.

"If you don't mind, hand me your cards?"

Tamaki and Tommy nodded, slipping their cards over. Snow pulled out a scanner from her desk and scanned the tickets. Not even a second or two later, the card changed from B class hunters to A class. She slid it back towards them, they were delighted at the change of letter.

"Just to inform you, A Class License will give you a 20% discount on sales in any store. You will also be able to have a free pass every two weeks to stay in a 5-star hotel with no charge for three days every month. Not only that, restricted files in the library will be allowed for you to go and check out for any new skills and magic that you want to learn or possibly even hire a high-level tutor. Just don't lose your card." Snow happily replied, she enjoyed seeing her customers excited at the level up. This was one of those perks about this job that she enjoyed.

Tommy burst out laughing in excitement, bringing up his card in front of him with a big smile on his face. "I can finally get that damn weapon I wanted."

"The Fire Slayer?" Tamaki asked, he too was pleased at his level up.

"Yea, I been eyeing that beauty for months now."

"Well, we do have enough capital to buy a weapon and some more armors now. Not only that, go on a vacation. I need one after that, Chupacabra fight."

"What are you talking about? We're going for another mission."

"What?" Snow stated. Hunters usually take a few days off before they start on another mission so quickly. "So soon?"

"Why not?" Tommy replied with a haughty attitude. "We'll be taking Franz with us in the next mission."

"But don't you want to rest for a few days?"

"We will," Tommy reassured her. "I just want us to be ready to get to our next target sooner than later."

Snow sighed. She shouldn't have expected any different answers from Tommy. He was a hunting junkie. "What mission would you like to do?"

"Well, I was wondering if there are any S class missions," Tommy asked, catching even Tamaki off guard. He literally looked at Tommy in complete disbelief.

"Are you nuts?!" Tamaki blurted out at his partner. "We're going to need over twenty people depending on the type of mission it is."

Tommy waved his hands. "Don't worry about it. I'm only asking if there is any S class mission. I'm not that stupid enough to jump into danger right now. Some news would be good, you know."

"I…" Tamaki was stunned at his partner's sane words. Even Snow was shocked, but she quickly covered it up and surf through the mission logs.

"We only have three S class missions in progress. It seems Fire phoenix group has taken the cleansing of the vampire general that has awaken in Italy. While the other two still nobody has taken."

"Fire Phoenix took the mission?" Tommy rubbed his chin. "They are considered the top five teams."

"It's to be expected." Said Tamaki. "They have a higher percentage chance of clearing S class mission

with a 70% success."

"We'll get there," Tommy replied, his eyes were blazing with commitment at the thought of one day being able to do an S class quest.

Doing an S class quest wasn't a regular thing, and once a hunter took the quest, their names were widely known if they succeed.

"We'll take an A-class mission. Give us something in our level range for an appetizer." Tommy stated.

Snow nodded, pleased that the lug head was actually reason enough to not jump straight into an S Class mission. She pulled up ten different types of A-class mission around the area. Tommy and Tamaki leaned forward, looking at the different quest that was brought before them.

"What do you think about the herb gathering for the werewolf tribe. The reward is 100,000 gold a piece for every Lunar flower you can bring back. The minimum is three, but the more, the better." Said Tamaki.

"We could do that." Tommy pounded the table as he nodded in agreement with Tamaki. Excited at the thought of a large amount of income, they could get from just three flowers.

"I thought you didn't like herbal gathering." Snow smirked at Tommy.

"There are always exceptions." He coughed, embarrassed that Snow caught him red-handed. "Plus, I need to buy something from their tribe for my weapons. It's not easy to get access to their territory."

"Well then," Snow noted down the Tommy's team as the mission log faded to grey, stating that it was taken. "You have a week to complete the quest before the full moon rises."

"Are there any monsters we have to look out for?" Tamaki asked, knowing full well the danger of an A-class quest.

"Yes, you'll be heading into a nest of Arachne's in the Tombigbee National Forest in Rissi."

"Wait, Arachne's?" Tommy didn't like the sound of monster names.

"Yes, Spider-woman. They're known to abduct human males to create offspring with."

"Excuse me?" Tamaki was taken back from the information that he was given. "Create offsprings?" He was horrified at the thought of mating with such a creature that he pale green. Even Tommy face fell into a scowl.

"I would like to change our mission."

Snow shook her head. "Once the mission is inputted in the computer, I can't reverse it. Either you complete the mission or pay a hefty fine."

"The price?"

"1,000 gold for a termination fee. Each"

Both of them groaned. It wasn't easy to make much money, and the price was hefty.

"Just take the mission. It shouldn't be hard for you guys. Take some poison resistance potions and fire magic stones with you." Snow winked. "This information is free of charge."

"Thanks...I think." Tommy was definitely not thrilled at the thought of going through the forest even more now to gather the herbs that were requested.

"Anything else you could give us for free?" Tommy asked, hoping that Snow would spill some more information.

"Sorry, no. Anything else would cost a bit, but because this is your first time. I'll give you a discount."

"How much?"

"20 gold."

"Fine. Tell me what you got."

Snow gave them the usual receptionist smile. "Arches usually stay in large groups of twenty to a nest. Their territory, though are quite close to each group, meaning if you destroy the first group of twenty, the neighboring group will take its place. I suggest you to buy some scent removing potions. Please be wary of their webs, it's as strong as steel, once caught, getting out of it would be very difficult without you burning it with fire."

"Is that all?"

"Hmm…" Snow thought over what she needed to remember. "Ah, this is breeding season, meaning you will be hunted vigorously. So, unless you change your genders... you're going to constantly fight for your life. I suggest you increase your party to at least ten before you go into this danger. Possibly having a few B or A class female mages and swordsmen."

"I know a few." Tamaki thought over the information that Snow had given.

"Well, then. It seems we got everything we need." Tommy frowned, but the thought of money kept him from backing out completely.

"That's all I got." Snow got up. She then walked back towards Heather, who was also finishing up her examination.

Just when Snow was about a foot away from Heather, suddenly, the front doorbell rang out loud.

Everyone stopped, and their attention went straight towards the front door. Snow's eyes became big as she stared in disbelief as a young man with glasses entered through the door. His messy brownish hair looked like he just came out of bed as his baggy brown clothes seemed to drape over his body, making him seem smaller than he looked. Even the ragged backpack on his back made him seem like he would fall over with a simple push, which made him stand out even more.

One feature that caught the Snow's attention was the man's silverish green eyes. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she felt a sudden draw towards the man. Quickly, she snapped herself awake from the trance and hardened her gaze, and body tensed at the situation before them.

The man stopped in front of the door, shocked to see the four of them around the body bag. Snow heard Heather swore under her breath as the words "Sleepers" with a flurry of curses. Even she knew instantly the trouble they were in, catching the Tommy's and Tamaki's attention as well.

"Hell, can you believe that?" Tommy half-heartedly chuckled. "A Sleeper."