Dungeon Exploration (III)

"Is she alright?" Dairen walked over, concerned. He checked on Mike, who was out cold, and then came over towards Snow, holding his broken arm.

"She's been Mana overdosed." The man leaned down onto his knees and picked up her wrist.

"Mana overdosed?"

"Yes, this lake is filled with magical energy. The monsters here come to replenish their reservoir."

"But what does that have to do with Snow getting all crazy like that?" Dairen was confused, especially on how Snow went full psycho for that moment.

"She took in too much."

"I know what you are implying, but still, I don't get it. How does having too much mana affect Snow like that?"

The elder man pulled back his sleek black and grey hair. The upside-down cross-shaped scar on his cheeks was more apparent the closer one looked. He shuffled in his pocket, pulling something out. A small purple crystal was pressed to her heart.

"To be put simply, this lake is alive."

In seconds, the crystal glowed brightly purple. Magic was extracted from her body and filled the crystal.


"Yes, when a large pool of magic forms in one area, they start having a will of their own. It starts to search for a host. Not everyone can be compatible with hosting large magic without blowing up, and many don't usually feel it. Your friend here is one of those very rare few, idiots, who can channel such magic without becoming popcorn."

"But, why, though? For what purpose?"

"No reason, but to use up all the magic in the lake."

Dairen gaped at what the elderly man had said as he looked back at the lake and back at Snow.

"It's more of a curse than a blessing."

"How so?"

"Because usually, they have a short life. A battery conductor only has a certain amount of life span before they are burnt out and unable to hold any more mana."

"So you are saying she could die if she continued letting her power like that?"


"Is there any way for her to not get into such a horrible fate?"

"A few."

"That is?"

"The first is the philosopher's stone."

Dairen went silent, he furrowed. Realizing what he had just learned aligned with the things that he was looking for.

"Or anything that can keep her body immortal. Another is for her to start working on her mana capacity and grow it as quickly as possible. Usually, that would take her a lifetime. Third, it is just to stay away from a mana pool. "

The short breath finally became long and deep, allowing Snow to calm down. Her eyes began to flutter open.

"Look, she's waking up."

"Ugh," Snow groaned. "What happened?" She pushed herself up to sit. Her head throbbed, her throat was dry.

"You had a mana overdose."

"A what?"

"The mana pool used you as a magical conductor, which could have caused you to die."

"Magical conductor?" Snow's mind was still frazzled.

"Don't worry too much about it, gramps-- um, your name is?" Dairen asked.

"Everrett." He got up, scanning her one more time to make sure she was okay.

"Mr. Everrett saved you."

"He did?"


"Thank you." Snow bowed, glad that she was out of that mess. Even though the swirl of mana was potent and addicting, she knew in her heart that she couldn't handle it.

"Little girl, you need to practice expanding your pool of magic."

Snow was confused by his sudden advice. "Is there something wrong with it? And also, my name is Snow."

"Yes, if you were to go near another Mana Lake, you will be burnt out and die."

With a solemn expression, she knew what he meant. Her body couldn't take the vast pool of energy that she had just endured.

"Thank you, sir. I would heed your advice."

Everrett nodded, satisfied with her answer.

"Boy, take care of your arm." Mr. Everrett gave him a small red vial.

"This is?" Dairen took it with curiosity, flipping it over a few times.

"A health potion. It should take care of that broken arm of yours. It's not as powerful as the other agents we have, but enough to do its job. Though I don't suggest you use such items so often or it could deteriorate your body's natural healing process and make you immobile for life. Most drink three of them once every two weeks; the rest a healer would be best."

"Thank you." Dairen popped open the cap and guzzled it. He tasted a harsh taste of citrus and some kind of fishy like taste. Immediately, effect took place, healing his bones. What bothered him was his skin started to itch where the bones were broken, it was annoying but bearable.

Mike groaned, he woke up. "Ugh, where am I?"

Dairen looked over. A mischievous smirk appeared, "The afterlife."

"What?!" Alarmed, Mike got up, scanning around him in disbelief. "That's not possi-- you asshole." He glared at Dairen, who was laughing.

"I needed that laugh."

"I'll get you for that next time."

"Nah, I'll make sure you won't." He winked, which made Mike frown even deeper as his face turned red from embarrassment from being goaded at. He then calmed himself and looked around, resting his gaze on Snow.

"Snow?" Mike saw her awake; he let out a relieved sigh. "I'm glad you are okay."

"Thanks. Me too." Snow replied she stretched her arms to release her tight muscles.

"Everything alright?"

"Yea." Mike noticed Mr. Everrett, wondering where he came from. "This is?"

"Mr. Everrett." Snow spoke, she got up. "He saved my life."

Mike jumped up, walked over towards Mr. Everrett. He took out his hand to shake. "Thank you, sir. If I could have, I would."

Mr. Everrett shook his head, telling them that it wasn't possible without words. They continued to talk amongst themselves, pulling a bit away from the lake that still called to Snow's mind.

She still hungrily stared but forced herself to look the other way. It was torture.

"Grandpa!" A young woman's voice could be heard from behind. Heavy footsteps stomped through the grass, bursting out in a squeal.

"Slow Down, Cleo." A raspy voice followed after, huffing and puffing. It was the twins, Leo and Cleo.

"Grandpa!" Cleo ignored her brother. She scuttled on up, rushing over towards Mr. Everrett. With arms spread out wide, she jumped to give him a bear hug.

Mr. Everrett glided out of harm's way, letting Cleo fall onto the ground. She squealed, crashing.

"That got to hurt," said Dairen.

"Tell me about it." Mike agreed

"Cleo!" Leo ran over to help his sister up.

Cleo didn't need any help. She whacked her brother's hand away and hopped up. "Grandpa, why did you avoid me!" She stomped her foot, upset.

"Child, I'm old and frail. Taking in a full blunt of your force would break my bones."

"That's a lie, grandpa. Your simple finger flicking killed a monster in one blow." Cleo scowled.

"Did I do that?" Mr. Everrettt thought over what she had said, scratching his white beard. "I am getting old, so I don't remember everything, but that doesn't sound like me."

"Grandpa." Cleo harrumphed, crossing her arms.

Snow had never seen this side of Cleo or Leo. They both were always quiet and kept to their respective selves, making any interaction with them difficult. She didn't think there was anything wrong with being alone. It just surprised her to see that there was so much of a difference between her persona now.

"Ah..haha….ha," Mr. Everrett gave a half-hearted laugh, "that is why I have you too to take care of me."

"Exactly." Cleo snorted, rolling her eyes at Mr. Everrett.

Mike cut in on their warm atmosphere, bringing everyone's attention. "What are you guys doing here? Heck, why are you with the NPC? Did you get a quest or something?"

"Who are you calling an NPC, he's OUR grandpa." Cleo wasn't too thrilled with the disrespect that Mike has given. "If you call him an NPC again, I'm going to break your balls." She vehemently stated. Her eyes locked onto his and eventually slithered down to his private area.

Mike uncomfortably moved, covering himself. "Sorry. Sorry. I mean Mr. Everrett. It was a slip of the tongue."

Cleo wasn't pleased with his answer, but she didn't push it any further as Mr. Everrett's hand rested on her shoulder. He shook his head to warn her.

"You got yourself lucky. If it weren't for grandpa, I would have crushed it by now." She spat, placing her hand on her hips.

"Sis." Leo hissed, reaching over to calm her down as well. "It's Mike, the Hero."

"Yea, I know who that f**ker is, do you think I care if he is the HE-RO?" She sarcastically stated. "Just because he is one of the four Heroes doesn't mean he is all that."

"But still, they are powerful…." Leo's voice became small. There was still a hint of awe at Mike.

"Get over it bro; there are three more you can moon over."

Leo ducked his head. The tip of his ear turned red from embarrassment.

"Excuse me." Snow was getting a bit fed up with their little drama. They were standing still in front of the magical lake that constantly barraged her mind to come closer and go through that whole awful ordeal again.

"Can we get away from this lake, please? I don't want to get pulled into the mana lake and start firing magical laser beams at you guys."

The others sharply turned towards her, realizing what she had said.

"Yes, let us get out of here. The monsters are becoming restless." Mr. Everrett turned his back from the group as he started to head out. "Follow me; I know a decent place to rest.