Gem Beast (III)

Jogging, Snow went into a run as both her at the waves of Gem Beast clashed amongst them.

They towered among the people by three folds, but even still, nobody ran away. They were too used to the bloody fights that it didn't matter the size or shape.

Tommy was leading the pack with a maniacal glee that many couldn't help but follow behind him in the same berserk state.

Cackles of electric energy, glittered around the Gem Beast as they spat out electricity that tingled the very ground, shocking a few who were unlucky enough to be near one. But even still, the Players quickly formed into groups to take down the Gem Beast at hand.

Tommy had on him a giant bastard sword. He swung it around like it was nothing as he beheaded one after another with Tamaki, who wielded his long sword in quick flashes. Not many could come close when he drew his swords as his flurry of attack sliced and stabbed at the Gem Beast's vital areas.

The Players spread out around the two into a group of five, taking on a few Gem Beasts of their own as they culled the ones that were trying to escape.

Snow slipped through the crowds. She was hunting for her own prey as she didn't want to break the harmony that Tommy and Tamaki had created. Instead, she slipped in to assist the Players that were having trouble keeping the Gem Beast under control.

Not too far away from her, one of the Gem Beasts smashed its twin tail against a young female Player. She jumped in front of the downed Player and stopped the tail with her sword.

"Quickly, get up!" Snow yelled because she couldn't hold on for too long. The might of its attack was a bit too strong for her to hold on.

A few of her group ran in to pull her out. They were about to say their thanks when the Beast Gem switched its momentum, turning around to maul Snow alive.

Snow lunged to the side, barely getting chomped in half. She rushed onto her feet, her eyes watching for the next attack that the Gem Beast would do.

The Gem Beast let out a flash of electric fire from its hand, aiming at the Players.

"Get back!" One of the Players screamed, trying not to get toasted in its raging flames.

But an unlucky Player was a second too late and got caught up.

A ear-shrieking scream of pain echoed as they were doused in fire. The others couldn't do anything as they scurried away.

It didn't take much for the Gem Beast to hurl its powerful whip-like tail at her again. The tails hissed and crackled above her head, barely missing, while the other came straight at her once again.

Instinctively, Snow raised up her sword to block the whip-like attack. Upon impact, the tail was sliced in half, dropping onto the ground as it squirmed. With an angry roar, the Gem Beast turned around to snatch her up in its mouth.

Snow pulled a well of magical power swirl in her legs, she jumped up onto its head. Her clawed feet, gripped into its skin as she ran up on top.

Twirling her sword from above, Snow lit her sword with magical light energy. She stabbed downwards into the skull of the Gem Beast as it broke through its thick skin without too much trouble. Viciously, turning the blade, she embedded it deeply into its head.

With a moan, the Gem Beast faltered. Snow pulled out her blade and jumped back onto the ground. Like a falling tree, the monster fell down with a loud thump. She didn't look back at her kill as she dodged and jumped onto another.

Snow's tail whipped around and wrapped around one of the Gem Beast's legs. With a hard yank, she pulled, causing it to stumble. Her armored tail let go and smacked the very back of the knee as the Gem Beast folded. She took this chance and aimed her sword at its neck. With a fluid arch, the monster fell down dead.

The Gem Beast was quickly subdued as more and more. Players came in to assist one another, slaying them or splitting the Gem Beast apart until someone more reliable could come in to wipe them out in one hit.

Everyone was familiar with the many battles as they used this formation to handle large scale crowds, but especially the Gem Beast as they weren't easy to stop. Most of the Players could only hinder its progress, because of its thick scale that they weren't unable to penetrate. Some took some effort to bring a few down, they were burnt out for a moment while they went back to the group to recuperate.

Snow didn't let the Gem Beast get away from her. Her mind hardened as everything she saw before her became her target. The grudge and her will mixed together burst out from her body, giving her strength.

Snow was sick and tired of this game of cat and mouse. The oppressive energy of the light magic poured out of her very body. It swept the very floor, stunning both the people and the beast around her. For they saw an image of an angry black dragon that washed upon them with its grace.

Nobody was able to speak out loud for fear of drawing a different kind of monster in front of them; the Players quickly moved out of the way to not be caught up in her way. On the other hand, the Gem Beast felt threatened. The nearest one all turned their gaze towards her, rushing in a hurry to trample her under their feet, for they knew that they couldn't let her alive.

Snow didn't mind, her feet were light, almost picking her up in a dance-like manner, she waltzed her way in towards the coming monsters.

"Enchant." Snow whispered, her eyes focused on her prey. Her blades once again burn with light magic. It was different from the usual soft tone of light magic that she would usually use that was meant to protect, but instead, she called upon the light that could burn the very soul of her enemies. For her light magic was as harsh as the sun for anybody who looked upon it.

Each step, Snow took her sword strike in a blinding flash, decapitating a Beast Gem in one fluid hit. Some, who watched, though they saw the Gem Beast's soul pushed out of their very body and eradicated from existence.

It wasn't just one or a few that fell on her blade, but over a twenty to forty and eventually seventy as she tightly circled around in one spot. Piles of Gem Beasts piled around her, creating an odd bunker-like mound.

The only one who could compete with her was Tommy and Tamaki, who was having a blast flying around, killing the monsters effortlessly.

Snow could still see the electric blue light that pulsated on the very ground. It was always connected to the very lake. Some Gem Beast tails were submerged into the very ground like a plug, powering them in short bursts. It would then light up the Gem Beast crystals, giving it magic as they would spit out a firing array of either electric balls of electric flame throwers.

"Blessing of the Light." Snow spoke. A brightening blast of light magic shimmered outwards in a calming wave. The people around her vicinity were washed with light magic as they were buffed with a power of light.

Every Player and Hunters had an exponential increase in strength, dexterity, and even vitality. Many messages appeared in the Player's view, startling them momentarily. Some also cheered with excitement, calling her an Angel.

"Nice one," Mike spoke, he had come to assist the first group with Dairen closely trailing behind.

Dairen blitzed through the crowd like a ghastly smoke, sneaking in and out to paralyze the Beast Gem with his dark magic. His dagger-like sword would go in and slash any weak or exposed sides of the underbelly, while sometimes, he would pull out his bow and fire on close combat.

With a low sweep, Dairen dodged and rolled. He pulled up his bow and fired a dark arrow. The arrow flew true, loading itself into the rear of the Gem Beast. A sudden powerful blackhole energy erupted from the arrow itself, taking away chunks of the Gem Beast back.

The Gem Beast roared in pain, Mike dashed in with his sword. He swung upwards, silencing the Beast Gem with one swing as the black hole gobbled the monster whole.

"This is awesome," Mike said with glee at the boost in enhancement; he flexed for a moment. He gave Snow a thumbs up, which Snow didn't pay much attention to.

Snow hopped up onto the mound of the dead body, sliding down to run towards the next Beast Gem.

"Sword of Light." Snow spoke as blades of light appeared all around her, floating in a circle. With a wave of her arm, the first few blades flew towards the Beast Gem, turning it into a porcupine.

Snow ran towards and jumped on another, barely missing an electric ball that went past her chest. She could still feel the electric tingle from the short encounter. Her blades stabbed into another, causing it to flop down dead.

Instinctively she felt danger, her head moved, almost clipping a dark arrow whizzed past her shoulder. It lodged into the Beast Gem behind, causing a black hole to form and chomp off its head.

Snow heard a loud thump; she looked over her shoulder and saw the Gem Beast dead. She then turned towards the culprit who shot the arrow, realizing it was Dairen, she gave him a nod.

Dairen nodded back without saying a word. He was too busy firing more, assisting the bulldozing Mike, who didn't seem to care that he was surrounded by five Gem Beast.

"Come on. Come on. Come on!" Mike shouted in excitement.

All five Gem Beast smashed their tail into the ground, electricity appeared on their mouth, forming into a giant ball. With a blast, all five-shot towards Mike.

Mike didn't budge; instead, he smiled.

The electric balls hit his very body, he didn't scream as he absorbed energy that was thrown at him. With a violent roar, he directed the power back, causing a thundering boom. Instantly, the Gem Beast was fried to death as the lay dead.

Suddenly, the remaining Gem Beast stopped as they looked towards the fog. Everyone else followed their gaze, wondering what was going on.

A silent power crept through the very battlefield, freezing everyone in place.