Time Limit

At first, Snow was unsure what had happened, it felt too much like a dream. Everything happened too fast, her mind was on overdrive, trying to piece everything together.

With whatever will she had left, she tried to conjure up the magical energy that was in her body, but it failed. Leaving her more confused and lost.

What was going on? She knew she had blocked a direct attack from the BullRoc's devastating blow that could have wipe both her and Dairen aside. She thought she had succeeded.

Her eyes trailed down, feeling a sharp, bubbling pain that erupted from below. Her chest dyed red with flowing blood as gasping breath escaped her very lips.

She was dying.

Regret, pain, anger, guilt, sadness all started to mingle into one followed by a sense of peace, happiness, joy that she didn't think she would taste at the end of her journey. Her eyes fluttered, unable to see or hear the shouting of Dairen, who was mouthing her a few words as tears dripped down his face.

Her heart roared in chaos, telling her this wasn't going to be the end. She felt around her mind and magic, trying to hold on to fleeting power that seemed to slip away from her fingers. But none wanted to stay in her grasp.

Heather, Dairen, Mike, Tommy, Tamaki, everyone that she had met, flashed across her mind. The reels of life to the time when she was just a child, running around, and then to her parents with a happy expression. Memories of good and bad were brought forth until it stopped on a few people.

The first was Heather, who she had a strong sense of friendship with. Her rock, who helped her in many emotional times. She felt sadness and anger that she couldn't keep her promise.

Then it was her parents, who called out her name to come forward into the light that she wished to go, but she didn't.

Finally, she heard the voice of Dairen and Mike, calling out her name. She blinked a few times, unable to see through the blur.

Snow struggled, coughing up blood.

She raised her hand, pointing directly at the BullRoc in front of her. It grunts at her in defiance.

It was then, her vision started to turn white as she felt a calm, pure light that she had never felt before until now. It was different from the usual light magic she had used before, but instead the very raw power of light itself. She could smell the sweet scent of orange spice with a calming hint of lavender. Even her skin crawled into light goosebumps, telling her that something was about to change.

Without a second thought, she grabbed a hold. Suddenly, washed away by the light, she saw hundreds of shadows run-up to her shouting in languages that she didn't understand. They crowded her, pleading for her help. Some even try to tug at her clothes. They were dazzled at the light that she had wrapped around her fingers. Not one could step to close for the fear that they would get burnt alive and disappear into nothingness.

A bright figure approached in front of her, lending out its hand for Snow to take. Snow hesitated, unsure what was going on, but she could feel the welcoming presence of the being.

Snow lap up the light energy that came to her naturally, pulling whatever she could. A burst of energy erupted from her body. Whispered words escaped her lips. She felt her body drain, leaving her more tired than before.

The shadows backed away, leaving her all alone.

With weary hands, she reached up towards the light as she grabbed ahold.

"Welcome home, my daughter." A whisper echoed in her ears as she silently closed her eyes and collapsed into the arms of the warm embrace.


"Snow!" Dairen shouted in disbelief.

With arms outstretched, Dairen turned around to grab hold of Snow. He could see the damage the BullRoc has done, and it was a fatal blow. The colors drained out of his face, realizing what this had meant, he had hoped it was just an illusion.

The BullRoc grunted dissatisfied that it didn't get Dairen as well. It pawed the ground, lowering its tusk as it ran straight towards Snow and Dairen in the attempt to trample on them both.

Dairen couldn't do anything but hold onto Snow, but before the BullRoc had even come to a step close, a blinding light erupted from her very body. He looked away, unable to stare at what was going on. She was like the glowing sun that glittered to the point where anyone who stared too long would be blinded from pain.

Covering his eyes, trying to see what was going on. He suddenly felt a wash of warmth, this time stronger than the one than the time Snow cast a blessing spell. It was comforting as if a mother's hand had come down to pet his head.

It was then, he gasped as he saw a miracle.

"Resurrection." Snow spoke in an ancient tone of voice that sounded too inhumane.

A feathery light filtered down onto the entire battlefield. All the Players and Hunters that had perished was once again brought back to life as the lights shimmered around their bodies. They stepped out in perfect condition as they gazed around, confused, and lost. Many caught on quickly that they were in the midst of war as they grabbed the nearest broken shield or weapons and attacked, bringing down the unsuspecting Gem Beasts that were blinded by the light.

Quickly, the others followed suit, taking down as many Gem Beasts as they could, dwindling the population down to the last few until finally, only the BullRoc stood.

With an angry roar, the BullRoc shot another blast of energy at Snow. A beam of powerful light entangled with BullRocs' power, pushing past it and straight to its core. A roar echoed outwards, cracking the center as the BullRoc pulled back into the very fog.

Everyone was amazed at what happened before them, looking at Snow with gaping jaws. They cheered.

The light around Snow started to flutter and dim, Dairen caught her in a princess-like carry, realizing how badly she was injured.

Mike ran over. He parried an assault from a Gem Beast with an uppercut to the throat. He viciously tugged the sword out as he stumbled over to where Dairen and Snow was.

A message popped up on Mike and Darien's screen. Dairen felt his heart tightening, twisting into ugly knots, realizing what they must do.

Save Snow. You have less than three minutes before she dies. The Main Mission will be terminated.

Main Storyline Mission

Protect Snow Drezellion and help her solve the mystery of the dungeon.

Snow is dying, save her.

Quest Level: C+(The danger level of the dungeon increases every day.)

If Snow dies, the mission is terminated. The loss of ten levels and all fame.

Reward: 1000 gold coins and an increase in fame.

Completion: 95/100




Dairen cursed, angrily wiping away the message that blocked his view. He had no time. Quickly, he placed her down, rummaging through his item storage, he pulled out a small orange pill and a white leaf. Without a second thought, he grinded the white leaf in his hand, dabbing it on Snow's gaping wound. He then pulled out a bottle of water. Taking the pill into his mouth, he grabbed the water bottle and took a big sip.

Leaning down, he gave her mouth to mouth, allowing her to swallow the medicine that he had given. The warm lips that he had been wanting to kiss for a long time was replaced by fading warmth. It wasn't how he wanted to kiss her. It wasn't like any other typical medicine that he had found, it was a very rare pill that would help her body fight against frost.

Without thinking about what to do next, he pulled back. Ice magic quickly formed in his hands as the power around him intensified.

"Ice Coffin." Dairen yelled as crystalized energy started to build around Snow.


Dairen felt antsy, he poured more magic into his ice magic, hoping to speed up the process. Already, the ice magic was halfway up her chest, covering up the gaping wound.


Dairen's instinct screamed. Something didn't feel right as he felt a power surge towards the BullRoc.

The fog became lighter, pulling back from the field. Eventually, it showed off the empty waters of the lake, and in its place were thousands of Gem Beasts. Everyone gasped, realizing what this meant. The final surge was here, and the BullRoc was standing behind the waves of monsters, grunting and shaking its head.

In a matter of moments, the last fight began once again.

Dairen watched with impatience as the ice coffin magic barely hit her neck. The time was ticking, and he could feel the strain of his magic, starting to show.

A Gem Beast ran towards him, with a fluid motion, he stabbed the nearest Gem Beast in the side of its chest, followed quickly in an exchange of the bow as it shot three more dark arrows into the body of the Gem Beast itself.

The Gem Beast collapsed onto the ground, its body was being devoured alive by the dark energy that gobbled a piece of its collection.

Mike took the other two that were heading straight for them.

���Over here, you great lug!" Mike shouted, drawing their attention away from Dairen. He picked up speed, dashing between the two. With his massive blade, he stabbed into one and dragged it across its body, quickly taking it out and doing the same to the other. Both collapsed onto the ground as he rushed over the back to Dairen.

Dairen stared at the message that popped up in front of him for a split moment as relief spilled out his lips. The timer blinked in red, unable to move forward or back.


With a bit of difficulty, he picked up Snow, who was more massive than before. Mike rushed over to help, but Dairen stopped him as he carried her in a princess style.

"Where too?" Mike asked, his usual smile cracked, showing a hint of concern as he saw a blob of red on her chest.

"I'm going to take her to the first floor, stay here and kill that damn boss." Dairen hissed, he started in and jogged then a full outrun.

Mike nodded in understanding, realizing what he meant. For a moment, he had temporarily forgotten why he was here as he saw the state of Snow.

"Bring her back alive." Mike replied.

"I will." Dairen replied as they both split ways.