
A loud voice shouted towards Snow, waving his hand overhead. People looked over, figuring out what was going on, getting up, and wondering what was going on. Some even got up, coming over towards the trailing voice that sounded close to panic.

"Saintess!" The young man waved his head over his head, rushing over towards her with bated breath. A slight craze was present in his eyes, telling him that something was going wrong. His greenish dyed hair covered most of his face, and only a slimmer of his eyes were seen.

Snow snapped towards the voice, unconsciously getting used to being called a Saintess, wondering what was going on. She didn't know who was calling for her.

"Saintess!" The young man ran over, abruptly stopping in front of her. He huffed and puffed, leaning forward, trying to catch his breath. He wobbled for a moment, trying not to faint.

Stepping forward, she raised up her hand towards his head and let out a soft light. Her energy seeped into his head, allowing him to become stable.

"Saintess." the man weakly said, trying to get his voice out.

"May I ask who you are, and Is something wrong?"

The man grabbed Snow's arm, pulling her a bit too close to her body. "My name is Jacob, and I am a guild member of the RedVelvet. We need your help!" A bit of panic could be heard from his voice, tugging at her arm to follow him with such force that she stumbled.

Snow snatched her hand out of his hands, pulling away as she was annoyed. "I would appreciate it if you didn't pull me." Her words were laced with ice.

Jacob froze, realizing how pushy he was. "I'm sorry." He quickly replied. "But we really need your help. They are all trapped!"

"What about Ego and Bluevera?" Snow had sent the other two vampires with them. She had thought that they would be able to fend off the other monsters without any problems, but was she wrong? Was the dungeon too strong for even one vampire to help clear out the monsters that occupied the dungeon or was the dungeon another unique dungeon similar to the one that she had just come out of?

"They disappeared." Jacob bluntly said, "While we were fighting the dungeon boss."

To hear that the dungeon specifically targeted the two vampires and spirited them away was unheard of. Did they have such power to get rid of them all in one go? Such troubling thoughts bothered her, bringing in a new set of rules that she didn't understand.

"Tell me exactly what they were doing. Are you sure they just up and disappeared?"

"Yes." Jacob nodded hard to the point she thought his head would fall off. "We were fighting against the Hollows, getting close to eradicating it, and out of nowhere, it sent out a powerful wave of energy. When I came to, the vampires were gone, almost as if they were eradicated."

Eradicated. Such a word was not something quickly done against two noble class vampires and the top two of the Player's guild. If this was true, then this was a dangerous raid.

"I came here to ask to save the others trapped in the castle."


"The dungeon is a flying castle, I was lucky enough to escape and make it back. My team was assigned to make it out alive, but things happened. We were ambushed multiple times, picking us off until I was the only one alive." Jacob's words were heavy; his shoulders slumped. "I don't know if they are all alive anymore."

Snow reached over, gently patting him on his shoulder. Her heart reached out to him, feeling his sorrow and sadness. The burning desire to live was etched in all human hearts, and she knew the despair that one would fall into.

"Let's go." She said, "I'll go."

Snow let go as she walked ahead. The other Players that were paying attention to their whole interaction jumped up to quickly follow behind without question. More and more people started to follow out of curiosity or wanting to know what was going on as a large group of people streamed behind her.

Even Mike and Dairen ran over, wondering why there was such a large number of people heading towards the east of the city. Everyone knew that the direction that she was heading towards too was one of the last two remaining dungeons that were left.

Already, it has been a week since the group had made it back to camp with no communications whatsoever. It was worrying for Snow as she wondered if they were even alive.

"Snow, what's going on?" Mike finally caught up to her. "Did something happen?"

"Yes, the second group is in trouble, and we need to fish them out."

"It's that bad?"

"Most of my teammates are captured," Jacob said in a hurry. "I believe in less than a week, they would all be killed."

"What?!" Mike was flustered in what he had heard. "How can two thousand experienced Players and Natives alike just get wiped out so easily? You guys had two A-class Noble Vampires escorting you."

"I- '' Jacob went silent, his head cast down embarrassed at what Mike had said. It was true, they had the top two guilds and two A-class noble vampires entering into a dungeon. To be quickly subdued was a mind-numbing thought. One would have thought that Jacob was joking if it wasn't for Snow's serious expression.

"Do you think you can gather the rest of the team?" Snow said in a hurry, while she was power-walking towards the second dungeon.

"Yea, just give me a bit of time. I can also bring Rodney's team."

Snow shook her head. "No, Rodney needs to stay here and protect the camp from the Overflow. Heather told me that another Overflow is bound to happen in the next three days. We are going to need a strong group of Players to stay behind."

She didn't want the dungeon lord to pay too much attention to them. Snow knew that any Players that entered into any dungeons were watched, and something big as another thousand Players would attract the full attention of one.

"Okay, I'll meet you there." Mike understood what she was implying. He turned around, rushing back towards the camp.

It took a while to get to the second dungeon.

Compared to the last dungeon, the cemetery, this dungeon was on top of the skyscraper building.

Snow glanced up, realizing how small she felt. She entered into the broken doors, click on the elevator. With a loud beep, the elevator opened as her group packed in to be lifted up to the top floor.

There were no more than three hundred Players that followed behind her, most of them were from Mike and Darien's Gold Phoenix guild, which were half, while the other half was still at the camp.

She stood waiting-- a bit impatiently. She felt cramped by the number of Players that followed her. Red and Angie were stuck close to her, almost hugging her. While Dairen was glaring at the two to not misbehave.

Eventually, the ding of the elevator opened as everyone surged forward.

Snow quickly went straight towards the final door that led her to the roof. She pushed open and stepped out. A harsh wind smacked her on the side, throwing her off for a moment until it cooled off. She stumbled to steady herself.

Finally, Snow was able to stand up straight.

In the middle of the roof, a large bluish-black portal was widely open, flickering, and glimmering in the middle of the roof.

"What kind of monsters are there?" Dairen stood next to her. "The only info that we got was flying type monsters, but even then, it's not enough."

"Jacob," Snow called him over. Jacob was dallying from behind. He looked a bit terrified at going back in, but he still pushed himself over towards her like a lost lamb that was going to get devoured.

Snow called him again, "Jacob."

Jacob came over, his body started to shiver. He nervously glanced around before he stopped upon Snow's gaze, which made him shrink.

"What monsters would be inside?"

"Gargoyles and Pirates."

"Pirates?" Snow was thrown off by his words. Mostly because she didn't expect pirates to be the answer to her questions.

"Saintess, please. We can not get caught." Jacob said with a plea. "If we are caught by the pirates, we will die."

Snow heeded his words very seriously as she knew how dangerous on how dungeon dives were. Already three weeks had passed since the dungeon opened, meaning the level has increased exponentially.

"Isn't that a given?" Dairen spoke from behind. "All dungeons are dangerous."

"Yes, but still…"

"You are getting way too worried." Dairen rolled his eyes, "anyways, the other should be here soon. I suggest we get ready to head in."