Mike's Greed (I)

(Mike's Perspective)

Mike felt a sudden rush of energy smashing into his body, he remembered the same feeling that he had not long ago. His magic, health, strength, and stamina could be felt tingling all over his skin. It was Snow's unique skill, Holy Redemption.

"I'm glowing?" Angie shrieked, shaking her hand in disbelief.

"It's Snow's special skill," Dairen said. They glowed white with magical energy that even an average person could see that they were different.

Both Angie and Mike looked straight out of a superhero novel with its angelic halo, while Dairen's usually dark mood around his body was cut drastically in half, making him more saintly in appearance. Some would have stepped back and probably done a double-take if they weren't in such a hurry.

It was an odd feeling and invincibility that Mike had felt, he was thrilled that he was endowed with such powerful magic again.

"No way." Angie hiccuped, her eyes twinkling. "I wish I can do that."

"Be glad about what you can already do," Dairen said, he pulled out his bow and arrow, knocking it into place. "Out of all the Healers that we have ever worked with, you are the strongest player in the Healer class."

"Am I?"

"Yes." Even Mike agreed. There were plenty of Healers that they have worked alongside, but they did not compare to Angie's ability to heal large amounts of health compared to most healers who were a bit slow and needed a bit of casting time.

"Comparing yourself to Snow is silly," Dairen said he was watching for any unsuspected attack. They made their way to the infested area. Pirates were already making their way in.

"What he said." Mike winked, making Angie blush.

A screeched could be heard as the three made it close to the deck.

Not too far away was a fully armored out green goblin that jumped onto the very deck. They clamored and bang their swords on their chest, trying to intimidate the crowd.

A pungent smell of bad body odor floated in the air, making the three feel a bit sick. But he could see that the goblins were a lot more well prepared as they wore metal sheets of armor that looked as if it was patched with glue. While rough patches of animal skin and fur decorated most of its body, making it look like a hotpot of ragged armor.

The goblins screeched, and the Players roared, fighting against the tide of the current. It was a bloodbath as the Players killed their enemies without mercy.

"I got the three in the right." Mike rushed forward, swinging his blade as he hacked up the first one that was spilling over.

The Players noticed the shimmering glow from both the leaders and Angie; they cheered, seeing a familiar face. Everyone became even more excited, fighting even harder than before.

Not too far away, peeking through the side door. Dairen had noticed something sparking off inside. A piece of the wall was being cut away as Dairen took the initiative to run towards the edge of the deck. He jumped and grabbed a swinging rope and ran across the wall, kicking out the other goblins that were trying to crawl through the side.

"That crazy bastard." Mike gaped, he caught a glimpse of Dairen's shenanigans, realizing that he had jumped ship.

Mike finished off the three without much trouble. He rushed to the side and saw Dairen shooting and swinging at the same time. He was amazed at Dairen's archery ever since the beginning, now it had become something anyone would be envious of as his skills grew exponentially.

Not many could do what Dairen could do and come out alive. Swarms of black silhouettes flew out of his shadows and sprung towards the pirates ship. Black ghastly creatures appeared from the shadows and began their mindless slaughter against the goblin pirates mercilessly.

Dairen swung over to the pirate ship, rolling onto the deck. He sprung up, firing the arrow in his hand in close quarters. The arrow pierced through one of the Pirate's heads effortlessly as it fell onto the ground dead.

His undead minions swept up the surrounding area, allowing a clearing for other Players to jump to safety.

"I swear, he's getting scarier and scarier," Mike grumbled. Glad that Dairen was still on their side. Especially the monsters that he could summon. He was like a one-man legion.

Mike turned towards Angie, who was busily healing a few wounded Players. A mischievous smile dashed across his lips.

Without a second thought, he rushed towards her. His right arm snatched her off the ground by her waist and ran straight towards the opening where Dairen had jumped off.

"What are you doing?" Angie held on tight, screaming in Mike's ear, allowing him to have both hands free.

Mike grabbed hold of the swinging rope, and they both swung in the air to the other side. He let go as they were thrown onto the deck and rolled for a few moments. Their landing wasn't quite marvelous as Angie's legs were dangling over her head, while Mike was in his little pretzel formation.

Angie groaned, she gazed over and glared at Mike. "Next time, don't do that again."

"Don't worry," Mike grunted, getting himself up. "I'll make sure to pick you up again."

"You ass."

"You're welcome."

Mike couldn't help but smugly laugh, the whole swinging thing made his blood pumping, and he was ready to destroy more monsters. He didn't know if he could do that again without the buff.

"You guys done fooling around?" Dairen came over, he shot an arrow that killed a pirate goblin between the head and not too far away from them.

"Nope," Mike said lazily. He was scanning around, trying to figure out what to do next.

"I had sent my minions out to score the area," Dairen had said as he shot another arrow to the side, without even turning his head.

"What in the world," Mike said a bit flabbergasted. "Do you have eyes in the back of your head?"

"No, but we got a big company coming in...5. 4. 3. 2. 1." Dairen fired off more arrows, perfectly taking out a few more to his left.

Mike hurriedly got into position as he sharply turned around to face his opponents. He narrowed his eyes, and he rushed in with his group, storming through the deck as they slaughtered the pirates that stood in their way. His blood pumping, his gaze excitedly hone in on his enemies. Even his instinct screamed with bloody frenzy, jumping from one spot to another. He ducked under a swing from a sword.

His blade dashed upward, cutting the Pirate in half. Dairen tackled the surrounding pirates with his arrows, entirely knocking them down before Mike got jumped. This allowed Mike to bulldoze through without too much trouble.

His other guild members started to cross over, pushing and slaying the goblins that blocked their way. Mike and Dairen continued to keep the other goblins at bay, allowing them to fortify their small patch of land. His four commanders: Frag, Joe, Stacy, and Kim, were able to cross over to give a helping hand.

Not too far away, he saw a goblin different from the rest, commanding the other goblins in shriek like manner.

His goal was one thing only: the named monster Goblin Leader Roko.

He saw Roko a few times through the corner of his eyes. Compared to the other pirates, he was quite noticeable from the rest.

Roko didn't have the usual triangle hat, but instead, his hair was braided thickly together into one. His face was clean cut with only a short beard that was nicely groomed. He had pointy ears and green skin. Sharp serrated teeth and an ugly face snarled back at its own members, pointing at them in a fury.

"Are goblins usually this smart?" Mike dryly chuckled. Of all the goblins types that he had fought, he had never seen such goblins like these before. The ones that he remembered running into were the weak, naked goblins that ran at him with daggers and clubs. These were on a whole nother level that it baffled him.

"No." Frag, who usually likes to wear anything with a frog costume, kicked a goblin pirate from behind. "The last one was much more barbaric and lived in a cave. Though we have never fought one in a dungeon." She said, grabbing another as she whipped it onto the ground with a vicious pull.

"I thought so." Mike took out another. He danced his way through the attacks, arriving towards the captain that threw his angry stumpy arm in front of him.