The Problem (II)

"I'll follow behind you when I get these guys back to the guild," Dairen assured her. He knew that he couldn't stop her from entering, and the best way for him was to follow behind her.

Snow nodded. She walked forward towards the giant portal five times larger than the normal dungeon gates that she had personally gone through. The intimidating aura around the barriers seemed to amplify with vigor, telling her that whatever was ahead was dangerous.

She shook off the feeling and went ahead. There was no turning back. The moment she stepped in, a hot, muggy air smashed into her. The air was wet, a bit uncomfortable to breathe. Even the surrounding area was covered with trees of various sizes. Vines and strange plants that she had never seen before were packed together. Colorful flowers of poisonous plants were apparent as they lured many with their sweet nectar.

Strange sounds of animals and insects made various sounds in the jungle. When she appeared, many animals started to become silent, watching her every move.

She found a large part of the forest haphazardly cut down, making way for vehicles and people to go through. With confident steps, she followed the open trail, allowing her to feel more at ease with her surroundings. She didn't like the stifling closeness of the trees all around her.

On the ground were streaks of tire marks and even tanks, making Snow wonder how they could even push forward with such a large vehicle in the jungle.

Not too far away, she heard the bustling noise of people running around setting up camp. High wooden walls, guards with guns and swords, and even large makeshift buildings and tents were present. This was basecamp that both the Natives and the Players had created to deal with the offensive Overflow.

Bustling crowds of people were walking around, but the most that took over the camp was the army that had just entered with their vehicles. Setting up and waiting for the rest of the team.

Snow walked over towards the gates, one of the guards saw her approaching.

"Halt!" The guard spoke. "You are?"

Without hesitation, she spoke, "I am a representative of the Gold Phoenix Snow. I would like to enter!"

The guard came over, he realized who he was speaking too. With an excited voice, he spoke.

"Saintess? The Saintess?"

Snow felt a bit overwhelmed by his excitement as his voice attracted a lot of attention. Many stepped out or stopped whatever they were doing just to see what was going on.

"It is the Saintess! Holy Crap! This is great!" He said, clapping his hand. "We'll definitely win this dungeon raid." Turning around, he motioned his hand to open the gates.

With a loud creak, the doors were forced open.

Snow thanked him as she stepped through as the guard asked a few times to shake her hands. Even trying to kiss the back, which she pulled away and hurried inside.

She had seen pictures of the camp the past week, and the number of things that had changed was extraordinary. After the destruction of the first and second dungeons, the camp had grown in leaps and bounds, bringing with it a larger number of Players that help fight against the monsters that stemmed from the dungeon.

Jack was busy talking with the head of the camp, which was led by Sarah, the second in command of the Heavenly Guild. She was jotting a few notes, while seemingly upset with Jack.

"I told you, women. I need the best tent there is here," Jack harshly spoke, glaring down at her with a snobbish remark. "As part of the governmental army, I have the highest authority here in the dungeon."

"What are you talking about?" Sarah spat. Her fingers gripping the pen tightly. "Who are you to just waltz in here thinking you own this place? Do you even realize where you are?!" her voice went up an octave.

"I know exactly where I am at. I have been given the mission to subdue this dungeon. My authority with the people is higher than yours. I'll be taking over this camp."

"Bull shit!" Sarah cursed so hard that it startled the other people around her. Mostly her guild members, because she wasn't the type to curse so vehemently in any manner of speech. "You are a nobody here in this dungeon! What right do you think you have? Don't you get how dangerous this place is?"

"I do. That is why you need my expertise in battle warfare."

"Don't give me that pompous crap. You don't know anything. Get out of my sight before I stick a knife in your chest." Sarah turned around, she left storming away.

Snow sighed. She really didn't look forward to meeting Jack anytime soon in the dungeon. He had personally come in here to kill himself and his crew members. The only thing that bothered her was her guilt for the people who didn't fully understand and followed a blind leader that was too far gone in his own little mental world.

The amount of unnecessary death that she could stop was her priority, but she knew that things weren't going to go her way anytime soon.

With angry steps as she got closer and closer to Jack, the things that he said and his arrogant composure bugged Snow.

Jack turned towards her direction, a condescending expression was plastered on his face. He looked at her up and down, judging her of her appearance. Compared to her, he wore all military-type gear, where she was more modernized to fight inside the dungeon.

"The Saintess." the way that Jack said it was more in snarky words that brought a feeling of disgust. "What brings you here early?"

Snow brought her emotions down, slowly before him, with a calm that she didn't think she had in her. It made everything easy for her.

"Jack," said Snow. She folded her hand in front of her. "I am surprised that you are here so early."

Jack snorted, knowing full well that Snow was here because of him. "What is it that you want?"

"Getting right to the point."

Jack shrugged his shoulder.

"I came here to tell you to take your troops and leave." Snow bluntly said. "Though I get the feeling that you won't."

"I won't."

"So, I am warning you now. You leave this camp, your chance and your people's survival will be lowered. Stay inside the camp."

"Is that a threat?"

"Depends on how you listen to it," Snow retorted back. She didn't want to have an argument right now. There were things that she needed to start doing to get ready for her teammate's entrance.

"I'll do what I want."

Snow felt irked at the stupidity of this man before her. Better yet, she wanted to kick this guy or possibly even punch him and knock him out, but for now, she didn't. No. Wait, should she? This would solve so many problems. The thought rattled in her head.

Even the energy in her fist started to rise up to dangerous levels, and the silent blood lust that was coming out of her body made Jack stiff. The arrogant attitude was gone. He went quiet, staring at her with a glare. Even though his muscle tensed, he was ready to fight.

"Well, then. I'll do what I want," said Snow. She snapped out of his vision. Her hand snaked forward, disappearing from his sight and appearing beside his head. With a solid snap, she rattled his brain, causing a small concussion as he dropped onto the floor.

Snow shook her head, staring at Jack with a shake of her head. She was disappointed in his skills. People around her stared in shock. Nobody moved, but waited, wondering what she would do next.

Stepping over, she bent down and picked him up, slugging him over her shoulders like a sack of potato bags. His large body dangled over her shoulders, a few people gasped in disbelief, wondering how someone so skinny could pick up a full man without too much trouble. Many didn't know that she used magic to assist her.

Walking forward, she headed towards the largest tent that was present. People split ways, letting her go through. She entered the tent, where a group of people led by Sarah was heatedly debating what to do for the next few days. Most of their conversation centered around how to deal with Jack and his insufferable attitude.

When they saw Snow carrying Jack over her shoulder, they went silent. With a loud thump, Snow dropped him on the table, completely baffled in what they saw. They weren't able to say anything because they never expected Snow to come in with the knocked out Jack, who was now on their table.

"Saintess?" Sarah was the first one to speak. She looked at her and then back at Jack, trying to figure out what to say without being confused.

"Lock him up." Snow ordered. It was too difficult to explain everything that went on. "I'll take the heat."

"But, Saintess."

Snow raised her hand up. "You can either deal with these assholes that will cause many deaths or save as many as we can. This dungeon doesn't allow the Natives to escape." She bluntly stated.

"Understood." Sarah didn't say anything else. She nodded to the closest person, who understood what she wanted to do.

A group of guards came inside, taking Jack's heavy body as they ferried him outside, leaving them with silence.