City's Growth (II)

Snow had trouble winning against Heather. It was hard to say no to her friend. Especially when she was going out of her way to make money for both of them. Already, she had seen Heather and Mike work together to create a website for all the famous Hunters, asking them to make their own social media.

Heather's job of directing marketing for the Gold Phoenix had become one of her full-time jobs, and she was very good at it.

"Look." Heather came over, sat down on her desk. She was wearing a red one-piece tight dress that perfectly fit her curves. Pulling out her phone, she showed it, Snow.

A picture of her working diligently as she scowled was taken. Her white hair was pulled back into a bun as she was tapping a pen near her mouth. Snow had wondered when Heather had taken such a picture without her noticing. Over 323,023 likes were present, and her eyes were raised up in surprise.

"I've been telling you to keep updating it." Heather chastised her, "You got over three million followers right now, and it keeps growing." She snickered.

Heather kept scrolling down some more.

They were pictures of the campsites, to her eating, and video reels of her magical powers of healing were posted. Heather stopped at a reel of Snow casting a spell of the famous "resurrection" spell that had over a whopping 23 million views and

"I tried." Snow bluntly replied. "I've been busy with work." She tapped the desk with her fingers.

"Which is why we got a team doing all the social media for you, but personally, I would rather you do it. It brings more flavor to the page."

Snow thought it over; she wasn't sure how to even present herself in front of the camera; she already thought that whatever they were doing now was fantastic. Posing for the photoshoots and even doing commercials was one thing as they told her what to do, while on her own page, she just took random photos of animals and environments that had nothing to do with her. Many of the other pictures that had her in it were posted by a social media manager.

Reaching over, she took Heather's phone and typed on Mike's page.

When she found him, Snow couldn't help but stare for a moment and burst out laughing. Half of the post were him goofing around, while the other half was in dungeon raids with his guild. They were fantastic footage of the fights inside the dungeon as the like buttons skyrocketed quickly into half a million.

While Dairen's page had a bit more technical aspect of dungeon exploration. He personally advertised different technological items that he would bring into the dungeon and used for camera feeds or even weapons in a raid. Half of them failed in use, which still brought many views, while the one that succeeded became a hit in the dungeon raids throughout different guilds and companies. His page was a lot more thought out and professional as each post was like a movie reel, while Mike was more homely and close to the viewers.

On the other hand, Angie had a lot of cute pictures of herself and animals. Almost everything had her hugging some form of cute animals to plushy that she can pose with.

"I'm quite impressed with the amount of fans that they have accumulated." Snow handed the phone back.

Heather puffed up her chest, "our team has been working diligently to get them popular for the guild and for Dragon Express. Them being famous has brought more customers to us because of the hype that it's ridiculous."

Snow noticed the flow of workload had increased exponentially.

Straightening up, Heather got up from the desk. "Your next appointment for a photo shoot is in ten minutes. They are waiting for you at the usual spot. Plus, we got some meetings right after that you are going to need to go too."

"Which ones?"

"Just the usual interviews with the new guild members and sitting in on Mike's company-wide presentation."

"Wait, that was today?"

"Yea, it's the first of the month."

"Is it?" Snow was amazed at how quickly time flew by. It didn't feel like yesterday that they were in the dungeon. Since then, she rarely joined in any other as they weren't something she could go too. The only time she even had time to sneak out for a fresh breath of air was going to the Yggdrasil tree and the rooftop. At times, she would bring a blanket and a few bottles of drinks to enjoy the nights alone.

"Time sure flies." Snow replied.

"You're telling me." Heather sighed. "I swear the workload just keeps increasing. We need some more people."

"Which is why we are hiring."

"Yea," Heather was pleased with how quickly everything was going. "Give or take in the next month, I wouldn't be surprised if we get past three hundred employees. Plus, your popularity helps with the hiring process, as well."

"That much?"

"Yep, you should see how jealous Lily gets." Heather boasted, "since she took over Mr. Jay's job, the business went down. It has become a shit show if you know what I mean."

Snow remembered the strip club like store. She heard two different reviews with the dragon express store as the higher-ups had pulled out and completely shut it down. The reason was simple: it didn't follow their code of business, which Snow expected.

Instead, Lily had rebought the store and made it into her own personal strip club: Sky Havana.

The change in customers brought different riff raffs and people to her store, making business a bit difficult. Even still, Heather persisted and grew her club into her own little haven. After that incident, Snow didn't even meet up with her.

Still, what confused her was, where did Mr. Jay go?

Everything that Mr. Jay had been brought back to her workroom as she kept all the files neatly in order. They were things that she didn't expect to see, which she had to go through some process to keep silent.

"At least she isn't with us anymore." Heather harrumphed. "I swear that girl is crazy for sex."

"Well, she is a succubus. They need such energy to survive."

"True, but she uses work for her own personal pleasure." Heather gagged. "On the bright side, we won't see her anymore."

Snow agreed. She was relieved that she wouldn't have to see her anytime soon. "Still, did you get any information on Mr. Jay?"

"Mr. Jay? Oh! You mean our ex-manager. I couldn't find anything." Heather crossed her arms. She blew her hair back. " You know, I get a strange feeling that they are trying to hide something."

Snow couldn't help but wonder what it was that really caused Mr. Jay to be fired. Even though Lily had stated that he was fried, Snow had personally called up the higher-ups to figure out what really happened. Even with her new position, she was still denied information.

"Who knows, maybe something will show up later.�� Snow thought a bit out loud.

"I'm sure he's fine," Heather said, waving her hand in front of her. She wasn't too interested in what or where Mr. Jay was doing. "He isn't the type to be lounging around; I wouldn't be surprised if he had become a famous business owner by the way he loves money."


Heather cut her off. "What you should be worried about is how you are doing with your love life." She slapped her hands down onto the table, watching Snow.

"W-what?" Snow stuttered, she sunk into her chair, getting a bit smaller. She tried to hide her unease, but the way that Heather was staring at her made her super uncomfortable.

"I know you. I can smell something going on from you?" Heather stuck up her nose and pretended to sniff around her.

"Are you a dog?" Snow blurted out.

Heather stopped, sly smirking at her. "No, but you have been wearing a bit of foundation and lipgloss on your lips."

Snow raised up her hand unconsciously, touching her lips. She quickly pulled it down back to her side. "My lips were dry."

"Right…." Heather didn't completely believe her. "So, who is it?"

"Who is what?"

"Who's the lucky guy you are trying to impress?"


Heather gave her the stink eye. "You put a bit more effort into the way you look. Your face got a lot rosier, and you have a," She leaned towards her and sniffed her, "rosy like perfume on you."

"That's just a normal thing I do."

"If you say so," Heather shrugged her shoulder. "Though I'm putting my bet on Mike, Dairen, or possibly Tamaki." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"We are all just friends, Heather. Nothing more to it."

"You can keep believing that, my friend."

Snow gave up even trying to entertain Heather. The more she tried to change the subject, the more Heather seemed to dig her claws into her.

"Well, I'm going to go to my next appointment." Snow got up, walking past her in a bit of a hurry.

"Okay. Okay. Sheesh." Heather came after her, but a hint of mischief was still present.

They both headed towards the door as they went down to the seventh level, where most of the photoshoots took place. It didn't take long for Snow to blaze through the shoots and go through the meetings, which there wasn't any new news.

Eventually, she finished around 8 p.m, allowing her to head straight towards the cafeteria.