Falcon's Gift (III)

There was a lot to think about. Snow's mind was mixed heavily with the information that she had gotten. Excitement, pleasure, and weariness were all mixed in one. It was a powerful item that she knew that she had to be careful with. There had been instances when such things devoured their beholder, but so far, she had a feeling that it wouldn't do it to her--for now.

Since the beginning of her entrapment inside the dungeon, her whole life was turned upside down. Dying and resurrecting, growing into a different person from the past. She was not the same Snow when she chased after Dairen.

Snow couldn't help but ask her armor to disappear. "Even though I have read about the mythical dragons, what else is there that I should know about?"

"Well, there are a few types of dragons—the myths from different cultures. The Europa dragon was a giant beast with wings and slew the people because of its love for gold. Another Asian culture where the dragon had no wings but as long as a snake was considered benevolent. The emperors would associate themselves as dragons and have been cases of them being a dragon in the past. While there, the central continent had dragons that looked like snakes with wings. One would consider them as gods and monsters."

Falcon explained. He turned around, heading straight to the back of the room. He brought out a wooden box, which he opened up for her to see. In it were three rings: one black, red, and green.

"These are old artifacts that I have collected over time. Each of these artifacts are made with a piece of a dragon's heart."

Snow started, amazed at the rings inside the box. They were simple, almost too simple compared to the many intricate rings that she had seen being made these days and age. The colors were dull, almost stone-like, making anyone who looked at it wonder if it had any value.

"The red one is made from the Red Dragon of the west: Sylveon. It has been known for slaying thousands of people, destroying cities, and hoarding large gold piles. He was slain by the knight Roseland, which in itself is quite fascinating. The only famous female knight that became famous and became a duchess at a young age."

Snow had heard about Roseland and read extensively about her history. She was one of the people that she looked up to and learned much about. She picked up the red ring, flipping it a few times.

A strong emotion fluttered in her heart, causing the tattoo on her face to thump in excitement. It was as if the two were communicating with one another.

"The black one is from Quetzalcoatl, a dragon that has a resemblance of the eastern continent. Powerful creatures, I must say. This dragon was killed by a famous hero Xoc. A hero that slew the dragon in the name of their sun god."

Snow placed the red ring down and picked up the black one. The same feeling resonated with her, but she couldn't help but notice that this ring made her weary. She quickly put it down as if it was hot on her fingers.

"The last one is from the jade emperor. The dragon who ruled its continent with an iron fist was considered the most benevolent emperor of all time--Emperor Xing."

Every single name was a famous name in history. She couldn't help but gape at the amount of knowledge she received from the rings in hand. Even without touching the last ring, she could tell that it had a familiar feeling as the other.

Closing the box, he smiled at her.

"You want it?" Falcon casually said with a smirk of his lips that brought complete surprise from her.

"You're just going to give it to me?" Snow said with disbelief. These rings were items that couldn't be gained anywhere and were priceless.

"Yep, why not. It's not like I can use it." Falcon snorted, rolling his eyes. "As much as I want to use it, half dwarves like me don't resonate with dragon magic. Plus, how things are going with the one you have now, I wouldn't be surprised if your body can handle it without any problems."

"Yea, but you could still give it to Players that you like."

Falcon said, "their body can't handle it as of now."

"That still gives it a chance one day."

Falcon waved his hand. "It's not soon enough."

Snow was wondering why he was so pushy about giving her these three rings. He already did enough with the six swords and the armor upgrade that he had made. The number of collections that she had gained couldn't compensate for the things he was willing to give.

"Plus, I rather see these used as soon as possible than later down the line. Equipments are meant to be used, I don't know the requirements for using these rings, but I'm sure you will find out." He shoved the box to her. Which she fumbled for a minute and almost dropped it onto the ground.

"These are priceless artifacts, Falcon. Even the government would want to covet this."


"Shouldn't it be used by someone strong?"

"Yes, which is why I'm giving it to you."

Snow was thrown off by his words. Is she strong? She wasn't crazy powerful like Tommy or had elegant sword fighting skills like Tamaki. Red was herald as a genius mage with her control of magic.

"But, I'm not strong, though." Snow quickly replied, trying to shove it back, but he wouldn't let her.

Falcon shook his head. "Magic attracts magic, especially Dragon magic, and any of the Red Flower Nation buffons wouldn't even handle something like this anyways. They would be too stuck up on the idea of trying to break it down and ruin it in the name of magical science." He harrumphed.

Snow understood what Falcon meant. The Red Flower nation was the leading magician company that led to magical technology and magic.

The box felt unusually heavy in Snow's hand. The weight of his kindness and thoughtfulness made her heart warm.

"Thank you. I'll take good care of it." Snow put the three rings on her fingers. A soft pulsating energy hummed throughout her body, and even her tattoo started to thump with excitement.

The energy between the three rings and her tattoo were swirling. Clashing against each other until it finally settled down into a light hum, reminding her that they were still there. Quietly waiting for her when the time arose.

"In exchange, I want all the best material from every dungeon hunt you go into." Falcon huffed, not really caring that he gave something so precious away.

"You know, I could just stop going into a dungeon."

"Right….tell that to the last dungeon dive you went into."

"That was just a small low-level dungeon. Just a simple in and out a few days ago for an inspection with the Players."

"Exactly, you are a field manager for the Dragon Express, you are bound to go into high-level dungeons. I wouldn't be surprised if Mike or Audrey drags you in on another."

"Hey, now, don't jinx it." Snow chuckled; she didn't hate all dungeon exploration. These days, going into these dungeons brought a curiosity in her, wondering what she would see and find in its depths.

"The last dungeon brought rare materials in a big harvest. Almost every major dungeon you have come out of brought rare items that I can't help but get my hands on." Falcon said excitedly. "While the other dungeons didn't bring as many rare items that I would personally like."

Snow knew that the dungeon materials' profits were profitable, but she didn't know all the ins and outs of what a blacksmith needed to create unique weapons and armors.

"By the way, have you heard about the 13th Dark Society on the move?" Falcon walked over towards his own small little bar. He took a glass of scotch and poured a cup for himself and for her.

"No, is there something I should know about?" Snow asked. The 13th Dark Society was something everyone knew about and even spoke openly. They weren't a group of organizations that people wanted to mess with.

"Yesterday, Levian became the sole leader of the Society."

"What?!" Snow's voice went up an octave. She hadn't heard much about Levian in the past months. Rumors were that he had tempered with the dungeon gate, but there wasn't evidence to state that he did it.

"How? He's just one man." Snow said in disbelief. The extensive amount of damage one man had caused made her wonder how and why he was doing all this. What purpose was it for him to cause such destruction, chaos, and reap upheaval in the community. She didn't quite understand.

"I know what you mean. It's something you don't hear about often, but it's something that you can't help but think that a bastard has something bad under his sleeves." Falcon spat. He walked over, bringing the drink for her.

Snow gladly took it as she wanted to wash away the concern from what she had heard. Swishing around the drink for a moment, she took a gulp. The drink scaled down her throat and warmed up her stomach. She coughed a few times before handing it back.

"Want more?"

"No, thank you. One was enough." Snow replied. She realized that she drank a bit too quickly.

"Well, then." Falcon turned away from her. "I got some more work to do," Falcon grunted; he waddled over towards his half-finished sword.

Snow quietly thanked him once again, turning around as she left with serious thoughts.