The Gate that Start's Everything (VI)

Snow wasn't sure how to handle Mr. Rogers. Mr. Roger's wasn't a pushover. He was the type of man who would flirt his way out of anything that was a female. His charming self was an innate biological urge that attracted even both sexes to him effortlessly.

"It would help you, as well." Mr. Rogers spoke. He already slipped his hand around her arm again. They were already leisurely walking down the streets like a lover in hand, which Mr. Rogers was playing it off very well. On the other hand, Snow was stiff as aboard.

"If this isn't a favor, what favor would you want me to do for you?" Snow carefully asked. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and having a favor for a vampire was a dangerous thing. "You didn't tell me what it was at the meeting."

Mr. Rogers didn't answer.

"I hope you don't do something that would make me uncomfortable." Snow tried to hint to him that she wasn't happy with the unreasonable favor.

Leaning over, he smirked. "My favor is harmless. I swear."

"Oh, please. A vampire's favor is definitely not harmless." Snow rolled her eyes. She had a hard time believing such things after the rumors of his infamous "favors" that he had accumulated. Some even moved the government to his whims from the favors that he had procured.

"It's a simple favor."

"That is?"


Snow took a moment for her to process her thoughts. "Blood?" Why did he suddenly ask for such things? Was he out of blood right now, and he needed one? She froze. Her heart quickened from worry, and sweat started to make her palm sweaty.

"Yes. Yours." He pointed out bluntly with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Snow swore so hard that Mr. Rogers coughed out loud, laughing.

"Are you insane?"

Eventually, it took a bit of time for Mr. Rogers to get his laughter under wraps. The laughter died down, leaving Snow feeling awkward.

"Your blood smells exquisite. Since the first time I met you, it was light and manageable, but now…" A feral growl crossed across Snow's lips. His fang showed as his eyes turned blood red. "It's unbearable. After you came back from your first dungeon, the smell of your blood has increased in sweetness. I was surprised that my men haven't pounced their fangs on you."

Snow wanted to pull away, but she couldn't. An overwhelming stench of power pressed down on her, keeping her in check. Her light energy in herself started to rapidly stir, fighting against the darkness that means to swallow her whole.

"So, you took me away from the others to kill me." The words were hard to blurt out; her instincts were telling her to fight.

"Absolutely not." Mr. Rogers felt offended. "If I kill someone like you, I would only get to taste it once." He patted her hand a few times.

"So, I'm a cattle."

"No. No. Snow." Mr. Rogers shook his head. "I just want a monthly donation of your blood. That is all. You don't have to worry about my people. They won't attack you, because I am here." He said confidently, which Snow strangely believed in his words.

"What if I say no." Snow carefully asked, wondering what the consequences of a vampire lord would be. She had heard rumors, but she wanted to push as far she could.

Mr. Rogers was silent. He was looking off into the distance before he coldly spoke, "A favor must be owed, Saintess, or I will find something of equal value of the favor that you have promised."

The threatening words brought chills. Snow hid her worry away, knowing full well that showing an inch of fear in front of Mr. Rogers would be bad. Instead, she steeled her resolve, knowing well that she needed to stand up for herself.

"A favor is a favor, Mr. Rogers. I can still say no if it goes against my morals and beliefs." Snow said sharply. She wasn't going to budge. "There can be other favors out there."

Mr. Rogers took a moment to look at her, stopping. "This is true. A favor is still considered a favor." He thought over what she said. "But Ms. Snow. All I ask is for a vial of your blood for each month. A snack to carry around to sedate my own curiosity."

"For how long?"

"Three years."

Snow was silent. She took a step forward and another step, looking into his red eyes that glimmered with interest. Three years was a long time, but at the same time, getting out of Mr. Rogers favor was something she wanted to do soon. Being in debt with this monster wasn't something that she wanted to be in.

Mr. Rogers did not flinch when she approached.

"One year." Snow rebutted against his claim.

"Two years and eleven months." Mr. Rogers said with a smile.

"One year and a half."

"Two years and six months."

"Fine. Two years and I'm not going any higher."

"I can work with that.��� Mr. Rogers was satisfied. He stepped backward, giving them space. But before he could answer for any more, the ground trembled.

Snow stumbled, reaching out towards the nearest light pole near her for stability. Mr. Rogers squatted down low as he braced himself.

The earthquake intensified, rattling the very building. Glasses shattered, raining down dangerous shards. Papers fluttered out of the building, and even the cars alarmed went off. Quickly following behind, the ground started to break apart, creating large mounds of broken asphalt.

Screams of people could be heard, trying to find some kind of safety, but even if they tried to hide, danger lurked a step behind.

The ground broke apart, even more, splitting in the middle as people started to fall into the very crevices. It got longer and longer. If this was an apocalypse, that was how it felt to Snow.

Fires broke out, sparking off a slew of buildings. Buildings tilted, smashing into another as death reigned down from the sky. Unsuspecting people were crushed to their death.

Even Snow was thrown around at first. The ground pushed upwards, creating a tent-like base. She grabbed a hold desperately, her hand cutting against the sharp edges.

Fear doused Snow's mind; she was dangling in the air. The ground raised up higher. Already, she was three stories high, her hand holding on tight.

A low hum rumbled in the ground. Snow body vibed with the magical energy that reverberated out throughout the city. Her eyes glowed gold, realizing what this meant. She could tell that the monster in the center of the city was the dungeon core, and the dungeon core was powerful.

Snow had never felt such atrocious monsters living in the center of the city before, mostly because it was a monster she didn't even know they could win against. Whatever it was, it was where they needed to go.

Snow pulled herself up with a struggle. Her hand pounding from the cut. She was able to sit, dangling her foot on the side. She sighed that the earthquake had stopped.

Whatever was sleeping underneath was waking up.

Just as if on cue, the broken cracks echoed with the chattering of animalistic sound.

At first, Snow thought she had heard a dog barking, but the grunting became more feral and loud. It wasn't just one or two short barks, but thousands of voices wrung with excitement.

A burst of monsters pooled out from the very ground; they were hellhounds. Black bodies with cracks on their skin glowed with fire, broad snouts that reminded Snow of a Doberman, and a short stubby tail. Large claw-like paws were present, and powerful muscles decorated its body. She could tell that his jaws could crush a normal man's head with one bite.

Another ear shrieking scream could be heard as the Hellhounds dashed across the ground, killing every person it could find.

Snow was shocked that the overflow was happening before her eyes. It was too soon. She had hoped that it wouldn't be so soon, but she was deathly wrong. There were too many. Her tattoo on her face flared to life, bringing out her magical armor that she had put away into existence. Covered from head-to-toe, she stood up on top.

A powerful surge of magic glowed around her. she jumped off the ledge, smashing into the nearest Hellhound that she could grab.

Jumping off the Hellhounds back, she broke its back and landed.

Mr. Rogers leisurely waved his hand around him, causing destruction effortlessly.

Snow was able to appear next to him without much trouble. She had pulled out the box of weapons. A smile escaped her lips.