The Pope

The Pope was in their hands. He was wrapped up tightly in dark energy that suppressed his power. They were able to escape.

Snow slumped on the ground, tired from what they had done. She had kidnapped the Pope. Guilt riddled her consciousness, knowing full well that she would become a wanted person.

The Pope was thrown on the ground as Levian frowned. He wasn't too pleased with their decision, mostly what they had done. It was supposed to be a quick in and out. Kidnapping wasn't on their agenda. He slinked his hand by the back, snatching the necklace from the Pope's neck.

For a second, the Pope choked before the necklace broke.

With his goal achieved, Levian pulled away. He stepped toward the shadows, lingering in there as he watched.

Snow looked around, noticing that they were in a basement. Tall wooden boxes, old crates, and multiple spiderwebs decorated the ceiling. She could tell that this basement hadn't been used in a while as dust covered most of the item. The only light source in the room was the one light bulb that they were under.

It clinked a few times, wavering as if it was about to go out. With a simple wave of her hand, Snow summoned up a few more balls of light. Floating around her, the whole room became brighter.

The Pope squirmed around, trying to get out. His white hat had fallen off, making him disheveled. One wouldn't have thought he was a Pope at how unkempt he looked. Plus, the dirt on his face made him look closer to a person living off the street.

Snow got up. She hardened her heart. It was now or never.

Walking over towards the Pope, the Pope stopped wiggling. He laid down silent, breathing a bit too hard. Snow reached over, grabbing the hem of his clothes, and pulled him up. It took a bit of effort, but she was able to allow him to sit.

The Pope glared at her.

For a moment, they were silent, watching each other.

Levian was sitting on a chair, leaning on the back. Snow wondered where he had found the chair, but she didn't ask. She was too focused on the Pope. He was twirling the necklace that he had taken. He was observing the two with a bit of interest. His eyes glistened, and he was enjoying what was happening before them.

"Look, I just want something from you, and you will be let go." Snow said softly at first. Her voice started to grow stronger.

The Pope didn't believe her and eyed her with contempt.

Even Snow didn't feel like what she said sounded truthful. Quickly, thinking about what to say, she finally spoke. "I swear it on the God of Light." She raised up her hand. A healthy flow of light energy swirled around her, reinforcing her words.

With wide eyes, the Pope began to calm down. This time curiosity blossomed in his mind.

Snow reached over towards the Pope, where dark energy was swirling tightly around his lips.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Levian had said. "It wasn't easy to get those in place.���

Snow glanced up, frowning at him. "You could have done an easy in and out, you know."

"I know," Levian smirked. "But you wouldn't be able to do what you need to do."

Snow sighed. He was right. The chance of talking to the Pope again was low, and she needed to ask him now when she had the opportunity.

Reaching over, her hand glowed with light energy. Quickly, as if it was melting, the dark energy around the Pope's mouth dissipated. Her energy crackled, slicing through it effortlessly.

"I need you to undo a curse." Snow spoke up first, getting straight to the point.

"Why?" The Pope's words were half scraggly and half coughing. "You are a powerful light magician."

"I can't undo things myself. You should know better than I that it doesn't work like that." Snow frowned at what the Pope had said. Mostly because such information was something that the Pope should know. They were powerful Light practitioners.

The Pope clicked his teeth. "Either way, why should I make a deal with a criminal?"

"Well, this criminal has your life on the line." Snow threatened. Playing as a bad guy was slowly getting easier. "So, if you want to go back home with a few fingers detached, I'm sure helping would be wiser."

With a snark response, the Pope spoke, "You and I know such threats are a waste of breath. You need to do better than that, child. A powerful person like you with such strong light magic don't easily succumb to the dark side of the life of this so-called torture."

"True." Snow shrugged her shoulder. She really wasn't feeling the idea of torturing. It always made her squeamish. "But that doesn't mean the guy behind you won't." She motioned her head towards Levian, who was mischievously grinning.

The Pope gulped, realizing what she meant. There was a sense of dread when he saw Levian as if he saw a monster. Snow wondered what he could see with those crystal clear eyes.

"I would listen to the lady behind you if I were you." Levian stopped spinning the necklace. He got up and pulled the chair even closer to the Pope. This time, he sat down and perched his arm on the back, and leaned forward.

A diabolical grin was given to the Pope, which he shivered.

"I know you can see me with those eyes." Levian had said dangerously, which even gave Snow a chill. "You should know that dealing with me is a lot worse than dealing with the pretty lady next to me."

The Pope understood, slowly shaking his head.

"Good boy." Levian chuckled. He didn't move from the spot.

"Fine." The Pope easily gave in. "I'll undo the curse for you in return, set me free."

"That's what I had already promised," said Snow. She wasn't going to go back on her words. She wasn't the type too.

"Oh, by the way, I wouldn't try to escape if I were you." Levian had smoothly suggested, "your magic won't be able to break free from this room to get you found out. I made sure of that."

The Pope had a momentarily thought but was quickly squashed.

"Unless you are as strong as her, I wouldn't even try." Levian pointed out, which the Pope took a moment to stare at Snow. "You'll know what I mean if you try."

Getting on her knees, Snow started to unbind the rest of the dark energy that swirled around him. With a simple wave of her hand, the rest of the dark magic disappeared, allowing the Pope to sit up more comfortably.

Rubbing his wrist, he blew air out of his lips. He was frustrated that he couldn't do anything.

"Come here." The Pope called to Snow. He straightened up back to his regal demeanor that he usually had around him.

Snow scooted over, sitting in front of the Pope.

He raised his hand as light energy covered his hand. With a gentle whisper, the Pope started to chant.

At first, a warmth spread over Snow's body. Her eyes slightly droop from drowsiness as he allowed the Pope to continue to chant. Eventually, her whole body started to heat up, making her hot and ill. She wanted to throw up, but she couldn't because her body wouldn't listen to her.

There was a rage of light and darkness battling in her body. It ravaged her like fire, burning every single part of her skin. She wanted to scream, but no words would come out of her throat. She sat frozen in place, unable to move.

Just as quickly as the waves of light washed over her, it quickly went away. This time, leaving her exhausted. Her shoulders slumped, falling to the side.

Levian was right next to her, holding her up in place.

"The cursed have been dispelled." The Pope spoke with surprise. His hand was shaking, and he was deathly pale. "How did such a powerful curse come upon you?"

Snow tried to speak. It took a bit of effort. "The Dungeon Boss cursed me before she died." She coughed weakly. A small droplet of memories washed over in her mind. It was subtle. Only the last dungeon battle seemed to linger in her mind. "I don't remember everything, still."

"That's because it will take time for you to remember." The Pope tried not to show his weak side but was failing. "It wasn't a simple dispel; something of this caliber would take at least a few months before all your memories came back."

Snow tried to push herself up, but she failed. Her muscles felt like they were overworked. Levian scooped her up into his arm. She started to become very drowsy, making it impossible to stay awake.

"Let's go." Levian got up he started to head towards the door.

"Wait! What about me?!" The Pope yelled, trying to get on his feet to follow.

"What about you?" Levian stopped for a moment. He looked over his shoulder. "You are free."

"But I need your help!"

"Which is why you have your own two feet to walk out this door." Levian snorted, "Be glad that she had made a promise with you and not me. I would have killed you and buried you so your body would never be found. You do not deserve such a position."

Snow's mind was getting heavy. She was having a hard time keeping up with their conversations.

"What do you know?" The Pope snarled, showing him an ugly side of himself.

"I know a lot of dirty secrets about you."

The Pope went silent.

"Like the time you bring little boys to bed every night."

"I do bi such a thing!" The Pope shouted with anger.

Levian barked out, laughing. He continued walking toward the door, leaving the Pope still yelling in anger behind him.

Snow started to become heavy with sleep. She couldn't keep her eyes awake to see where she was being taken. Until she finally fell into a deep sleep.