Appearance (I)

The door opened, allowing for Snow to step in. She didn't answer as she was too engrossed in her own thoughts and walked past Mike without noticing him.

"Snow?" Mike asked. He tilted his head, trying to get a good read on her. "Wait, I mean, Heather. What are you doing here?"

Mike reached over and grabbed her. Yanking her back to face him. "Heather."

Startled by his rough pull, she whipped around, putting him in an arm lock.

"Hey! That hurts!"

Snow took a moment to see who it was and noticed that Mike squirmed under her arm.

"Why are you calling me heather?" Snow was confused on why she would call her best friend's name.

"What are you talking about? First, let me go." Mike was getting angry.

Snow disengaged, pushing him away.

"For christ's sake, who knew you had such a hold," Mike mumbled, trying to loosen up his shoulder that still stung from Snow's grip. "I thought you weren't the fighting type."

"What?" Snow was confused at Mike's speculations about her. "Mike, I'm Snow."

"Right, Heather. We know you are standing in for her, but come on. I get that you are missing your friend, but you don't have to play it to such a level, you know."

Snow was baffled by Mike's delusion. "I'm Snow." She accentuated her words.

Mike reached over, patting her on the shoulder.

"For crying out loud. I'm Snow!" Snow blasted her magic, taking out her sword White Gryphon, waving it in front of her.

"Wow, that's a nice special effect. I can't do that." Mike's eyes grew wide. He really did believe that Heather was trying very hard to play as Snow.

Snow fist punched him in the stomach, which Mike had reeled over. "Now you remember if it's me or not?"

Mike coughed, holding his stomach. "Oh god, I remember that hit. That's definitely Snow."

Snow sighed, putting away her sword and armor. "Why is it that you remember me by my punches?"

"Because it's something you can't ever forget." Mike was teetering back and forth. He was finally able to stand up, which there was still a hint of pain. "How could I ever dare to forget your punches? After that one embarrassing moment in my life, I was hoping that I would never get it, but look at me now…" He chuckled.

Mike rubbed his stomach once more and a wide grin plastered on his face. He then walked over toward her in a hurry. Reaching out, he gave her the biggest hug he could muster.

Snow squeaked as the air was pushed out of her chest. She raised her hand, patting him gently on his shoulder.

Mike started to sigh in relief. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

They both stood in place, enjoying each other's comfort. A gentle smile as Snow's stiff expression left, leaving behind soft features of her true self. How she had missed her friends, especially Heather, Mike, and Dairen. Every one of them had been giving her encouragement and kindness that she had counted on. It was like she was coming home, and her eyes started to water.

"Where were you?" Mike disengaged, stepping back to give her some space.

"I have been around…"

Mike took a good look at her. "Did you get all your memories back?"

"No. Not yet."

"Then, how?"

"A few things happened, but I was able to break the curse. The only thing is that the memories are slowly coming back in pieces. It might take days, months, or years for all I know."

"That's a long time."

"But don't worry, the most important ones I do remember."

Mike was happy with the little bit of memory that she has obtained. But then his expression became solemn, staring at her with worry. He could tell that something was bothering him.

"I heard from Mike that you were with Levian."

"I was." Snow didn't refute his words.


"We were in a mutual relationship."

"A mutual relationship?!" Mike spoke in aghast at what he just heard. "You guys are dating?"

"Heaven's no. He needed to do something for me, which was to help me break the curse. Other than that, I wouldn't have tango with him." She frowned. The thought of dating Levian made her uncomfortable. Even being near him was a strange lull of her mind, and she didn't like that.

"So, now that you remembered, you came back to be with us?"

"Yep, and I won't be going anywhere anytime soon." Snow reassured him. Even though there was a lot to do, she wanted to spend more time with her friends for a while.

'Does that also mean you won't work with Levian anymore?"

Snow was hesitant about her answer. She couldn't look away from Mike, but her silence gave him the answer that he needed.

"Snow, that's a bad idea."

"I know." Snow quickly replied. She knew that working with Levian was a problem in itself, but his prophetic words weren't something that she could ignore so easily.

"You know what he has done?"

"That I don't remember."

"He's a murderer."

"That I know."

"You're willing to work alongside someone like that?"

"Only if our interests coincide."

Mike gave her a groan, scrunching up his eyes, not pleased with her answer.

The silence between them became heavy.

Snow shifted, uncomfortably. She partially understood him, but her instincts were telling her for once to listen to Levian.

"I don't think he's up to any good, Snow."

"I know that, as well."

"Which is a problem that you know and won't stop working with him."

"I'll take full responsibility."

"That's not what I am worried about."

"Then what?"

Mike took a good moment before he continued. "I'm worried about you."

"I can take care of myself."

"Your stubbornness astounds me." Mike gave up, but there was a hint of dedication to stay with her if trouble arose.

"I've been told." Snow agreed. She did have a stubborn streak that brought her trouble at times. Which she believed that she was getting better at. "Anyways, I have been told that Mr. Rogers is waiting for me."

"Ah, yes, he is," Mike spoke. They both headed toward the meeting room.

Mike opened the door for her, Snow stepped in confidently. The aura around her was dazzling as the people waiting inside turned their heads in her direction.

"Why if it isn't Ms. Snow." Mr. Rogers was the first to speak up. Even in a room of people, Mr. Rogers glowed with charisma that drew anyone and everyone in.

"Mr. Rogers?" Snow was stupefied to see that he was still human. The charm that he had as a vampire didn't even hinder how he looked now. Instead, Snow thought he looked even more impressive than before, which made her heart slightly flutter.

"Hello." He chuckled, enjoying the stupefied look from Snow. "Good to see that you are back."

"Yes. It is." Snow gently nodded her head. She made her way towards an open seat. Pulling it back, she sat down gracefully, folding her leg in front of her.

"To see you back from the living brings a bit of relief." Mr. Rogers chuckled. "I hope you had a grand adventure."

"Of course, I did."

"That small scuffle at the Church was a spectacular show." Mr. Rogers raised his brows, leaning forward and crossing his fingers.

"You heard?"

"Of course. Nothing escapes my ears."

Snow thought over for a second. If Mr. Rogers knew what happened, she couldn't help but feel a bit worried about the Pope knowing it was actually her and Levian for kidnapping him.

"Don't worry. The Pope doesn't know." As if graced by the Heaven's, his words were like a lightning bolt that brought a sense of relief.

"Thank you."

"Of course. What are friends for?"

Snow was glad that Mr. Rogers hadn't told the Pope. It would have been a bit of a problem if she was caught.

"Now, on to our most important part of the meeting."

"That is?"

"There is a hit list on Dairen by the Pope."

"What?!" Mike was the first to speak out loud in surprise.