The Pope (II)

Levian pulled out his danger that gleamed dangerously in the light. Everyone shrieked, noticing what Levian was trying to pull. They rushed toward Levian in a hurry to stop him from stabbing the Pope with the dagger.

It was as if it was going in slow motions.

Snow was dashing at Levian but was too late to stop him.

The flashing dagger, aggressively stabbing at the Pope's heart.

"No!" One of the priestess yelled in horror at what Snow was doing.

A blast of black energy was lashed out from both Pope and Levian. Everyone was thrown back, except Levian, pushing down onto the ground, unable to get up.

Even Snow struggled to get close. She was berated by the heinous energy that screamed out of control. With a grunt, she gritted her teeth. She could feel her muscle tensing as she pushed out her own magical power, which butt heads with the mass of energy. It was suffocating. Something about it made her lungs freeze up, making it difficult to breathe.

Her magic swirled even harder around her, wrapping herself like a burrito.

Levian gritted the knife, pushing it deeper into the Pope's chest.

A blast of dark energy continued to expel out of the body.

Suddenly, a bone-chilling scream could be heard, piercing out of the Pope's mouth. The Pope's eyes rolled backward, showing the white of his eyes. His mouth opened and closed, arching upward.

Black smoke spewed out from the Pope's chest, and black blood slithered downward and onto the ground. The Pope's eyes turned black and empty, ghastly magic of darkness spewing out of its mouth. Everyone who was watching it was horrified at what they were seeing.

Then suddenly, the Pope stopped.

An eerie silence followed after.

Everyone waited, wondering what was happening next.

Levian didn't pull the dagger out from the Pope's chest. Instead, he was sweating profusely. Almost as if he was trying to keep the dagger contained.

Like a horror movie, the Pope slowly got up. He was pushing Levian at the same time, making many gasp in shock. The Pope never had such physical strength, and it was odd to see him suddenly have it.

"Snow!" Levian shouted in panic. He was huffing and puffing, trembling to keep the dagger inside the Pope's chest.

Snow pulled up as much of her light energy that she could muster. The swirl of magic became a silent wind, pushing out of her in waves. It clashed against the dark energy that spilled out from the Pope's body.

At first, she couldn't move, but the stronger her light magic became, the better she could breathe. She took a step forward. Then another. Her hand in front of her.

"Snow!" Levian shouted again. "I can't hold on forever!"

Pushing more energy in front of her. She made a cone shape barrier, pushing through like a knife. Her steps became faster and faster, allowing her to break straight at Levian and the Pope.

The wind blew more wildly, and the energy seemed to intensify, making Snow hold her breath. Dark energy whipped out fiercely as she got closer and closer. Levian hand was slowly peeling off from the dagger. He was desperately holding on, but he was losing the battle.

"Snowwwww!" Levian hands let go. He flew backward straight at Snow.

Snow barely stepped out of the way as she grabbed hold of Levian's collar, temporarily choking him. He flayed, trying to get on a better footing. It took a few steps, and he could pull through as close to Snow as possible. The barrier around Snow expanded to encompass both of them.

"Thanks," Levian said with a heavy breath. Cuts and blood were dripping down his cheeks, and both his hands were bloody.

"What's going on?" Snow asked. Her hand was in front of her, blocking the wind as much as possible, but she was not succeeding. Her white hair was blowing hectically all around her, making her look like a medusa.

"The Pope is awakening."


"A demon General," Levian said with a sharp breath.

"How?! He's a Pope."

"Doesn't matter. Once chosen by the Demon King and gifted with a cursed seed, it's over. The Pope wanted power. This is how he will get it!"

The wind lashed out even more terrible than before. The dark energy was becoming violent that cut into everyone's exposed skin. Luckily for Snow, the magic was keeping all the energy lashing from ruining her skin. Instead, her magic and the dark magic were canceling each other out, but she was still winning.

"Are you sure?"


Snow continued to pour more and more light magic in front of her. She took another step and another, getting closer and closer. Her muscles in her leg tensed as she circulated her magic through it. Without it, she would have been thrown back and possibly broken some bones.

Her hand reaching out, she forced her way toward the Pope. With a dangerously gleam, the knife stuck in the Pope's chest throbbed with red and black.

The Pope's head snapped toward Snow.

A shocking cold splash of energy doused Snow's body. Her heart quickened. Her eyes became wide as they locked eyes. At the same time, Snow was able to grab ahold of the dagger.

"So, you are she." The words from the Pope's mouth brought chills to everyone. The heavy wind around them suddenly stopped. Even the magic lashing out was pulled back, leaving behind a foul air that lingered in the air.

Without much thought, Snow pushed the blade into the Pope's chest. But, she couldn't push any further.

The more she pushed, the more darkness spilled out of the Pope's body, wrapping around her like a snake.

"You can't kill me with a blade." The Pope snickered. His hair started to change black. It became to the point where Snow was taken aback by his sudden change of appearance. Small horns were jutting out of his forehead, growing exponentially, while his skin shifted colors from pale to black. His nails and teeth were becoming sharper and dangerous.

"We shall see." Snow pulled out more light magic into her hand, and she pushed. The dagger that didn't want to budge moved.

A hiss let out from the Pope's lips. His eyes became bigger.

Snow put her whole body weight and magical power into the push. The dagger slowly inched deeper.

"No!" The demon Pope grabbed ahold of Snow's wrist. A loud hiss was heard, burning the Pope's hand. Even still, he did not pull back and dug his claw into Snow's wrist.

Snow could feel the pressure from the Pope's grip. She was surprised to feel the tension in her hand getting stronger to the point where it felt as if her armor was going to start cracking. This startled her as the armor wasn't something that could be easily broken.

The Pope's hand started to turn hot and molten, heating up her armor.

"Let go!" Snow hissed.

A wicked grin appeared on the Pope's face.

Snow knew that she couldn't hold on any longer. The hand that was burning Snow was getting tighter and tighter.

Pulling her hand back with a snap, Snow snapped her other fist into the Pope's face. Both connected, causing the Pope's head to snap back. A loud crack followed after as if the Pope's neck.

Snow didn't stop. She spun around doing a spinning back heel kick.

The Pope's bent neck caused them to flinch. Some even rub their necks over and over again. Some screamed out in horror at the thought of his neck being broken. Their sacred Pope was tarnished, and their image of their beloved Pope came crumbling down.

"You should try a bit harder." The Pope laughed. His broken neck was swaying back and forth until finally, he reached to get a hold of his head. With a wicked crack, it set into place.

Snow stepped in, throwing in a one-two punch combo.

The Pope stopped Snow's hand in midair.

"Is this all you got, Saintess?" The Pope chuckled. "And here I thought the great Saintess had more power than this."

"I do." Snow sharply said. Light magic blasted out of her hand, causing the Pope to be blown back into the air. She then rushed in and did a flying hammer kick downward, smashing into the ground.

A large crater was formed, leaving an ugly spider crack.

Black blood spewed out of the Pope's mouth.

Snow didn't stop. She continued her ugly barrage of kicks and punches, trying to put him in deeper into the ground. Her vicious attacks were relentless, pushing him deeper and deeper. Until she finally stopped, breathing heavily.

The demon Pope was twisted and broken. His face was bloodied with black blood and bruises. Even his arm was bent out of shape.

Snow glared at the mash of the body. She stood in place, watching. Her eyes became wider when she saw the body move.

"You serious?" Snow gapped. She had poured a large amount of magical attack into the blow, hoping to be able to kill him before he could recover.

But her worst fear was realized.

The bones creaked and groaned. The bones in the Pope crackled. It twisted back into place.

Snow lips became a thin line, her eyes creased, and her mind sharpened. This was a problem for sure.