Demon Army (II)

"Are you guys alright?" Snow asked. She pulled out her sword, flicking off the blood.

"Yes, thank you," Hol said with a half pain and groan. He got up, then looked around in a panic. "Where's Jasper?!"

"The guy that fell off your back?" Snow asked. She unconsciously observed him for any kind of injury.

"Yes. Where is he?"

"Over there." Snow pointed.

Jasper was laid out on the ground, unmoving. His head was bandaged, as his black hair was peeking out in a mess. Drops of blood went down the side of his face as he looked even paler.

Hol ran over, squatting down to check on Jasper. When he saw the blood dripping down Jasper's face, he panicked.

Snow walked over, she tapped Hol on the shoulder. "I can be of some help." She calmly replied. She didn't like to see people in pain, and if she could get rid of it with magic, she would.


"Yes. I know some healing magic."

"She's a strong healer." Dairen had come over. He put his bow away on his back. "You won't find anyone else as strong as her."

Hol eyes sparkled, allowing Snow to come closer. "I would really appreciate that."

Snow went on her knees, placing her sword on the side. With careful fingers, she unwrapped Jasper's bandages, checking his chest. She found a few heavily injured areas that smelled of rotten blood. Yellow pus bubbled out on his skin.

"He got burned and slashed by the demon's poison," Hol replied worriedly. "We were out scouting when we were ambushed. Jasper, Robert, and I were the only ones who got away."

Snow raised up her hand in front of her. Soft white light glistened around her fingers, growing brighter and brighter.

A soft hissing sound was heard as the wounds on Jasper. Hol's eyes became wide in joy at the sight that he was seeing. He couldn't contain his goofy smile as tears streamed down his face.

Even the blisters from the poison were disappearing entirely, leaving behind flawless skin. Snow let the power of her magic go, allowing it to dim down. She then looked at Hol, who had a few cuts and bruises on his face and arms.

"Give me your arm." Snow motioned him.

"I'll be alright. It's just a few cuts. I'm just worried about my friend."

"Jasper will be fine." Snow pointed out. "Look, he is breathing a lot calmer now."

Hol was breathing better. His shoulder loosened, and the stress that he had on his body was gone.

"It will get infected if it's not taken care of." Snow didn't back down. She reached over and grabbed his arm, a bit too roughly.

Hol yelped. Snow flinched, realizing that she had grabbed a bit too firmly. Her hand loosened to get a better hold. She then took a better look.

"It's deep." Snow once again used her healing magic on his arm. The wound on his arm started to disappear, leaving behind a white scar.

Hol opened and closed his mouth, unable to speak. Until, finally, Snow went through all his open wounds, healing him completely new.

Snow got up, dusting off some dirt off of her.

"You're a healer?" Hol asked with awe to see that his wound was all healed.

"Something like that." Snow didn't want to explain it further. It was better to keep it simple, so they didn't expect too much from her. She walked over toward Robert, who was on the ground knocked out.

The monster had hit Robert on the head, causing him to fall to the ground unconscious.

Snow squatted down, checking Robert's pulse. He was alive and breathing. She closed her eyes, trying to figure out what else was wrong, but she had not found anything. The only thing was a slight concussion.

"Would he be alright?" Hol asked. He came over to check on Robert.

"Yes. I'm sure that a little rest and Robert will wake up."

"That's great."

"Was it you guys who were causing all that noise off in the distance?" Snow asked curiously.

"Yes. We had a group of ten with us, but only three of us were left. We must quickly get to the walls and warn the others that the demon army is advancing.

"How soon will they get here?"

"In one day."

"So soon?"

Hol nodded.

"Dairen, do you think you can send a bird to Mike?" Snow asked.

"Yea. I also just got a quest update. We're going to need every available body to win this." Dairen quickly said. He was already summoning up numerous undead birds—each one with a similar message. "One of these will make it to Mike," he assured them. Summoning a handful of skeletal birds, he sent them off back to Mike.

"Do you think you can take us to the wall?" Snow asked Hol.


Before they started on their destination, Dairen summoned five tiger undead. He picked up the two that were known for their stability. Each one went over to grab Robert and Hol, putting them on their back.

"Let's go. This will be faster to move than walking," said Dairen. One of the tigers walked up to him, allowing Dairen to jump up onto it.

Snow didn't say no. She followed suit. When she got on the undead tiger, she was surprised that it wasn't quite bony as she thought. The green energy that was spilling out of the tiger gave it a cushion. How this was possible, she didn't know nor complained.

"Get on," said Snow. "We don't have time."

Hol nervously glanced at the undead tiger, unsure if he should hop on. It looked too much like a monster that was bent on killing him.

"Don't worry. It's not going to kill you." Snow assured him.

Hol turned toward Snow and Dairen, realizing that they were both upon the tiger's back. With a bit of reluctance, Hol got on. He gripped the area around the tiger's neck.

"Which way?"

"South. " Hol pointed toward the direction that they needed to go. "You will see a white tree."

Dairen whistled, telling the tiger to move.

Hol yelped as the tiger bounded forward.

Snow couldn't help but chuckle at Hol's misfortune. She leaned forward, holding a bit tighter as she was thrown into a full-out sprint. Her white hair trailed behind her as they all bounded through the forest.