Mike's Fight (II)

(Dairen's View)

Dairen had eradicated all the demons and monsters that were sent to him. He was able to convert the dead monsters under his rule.

An exhilarating feeling of pride and satisfaction rang throughout his heart. He knew that he had gotten a lot stronger. The number of the undead has reached over ten thousand, becoming a force of his own.

Even now, he could take on two to three demon generals without much effort. The only problem that he would possibly have was against the last demon prince. He didn't know who he was, and it bothered him.

Right now, he knew that the other demon prince was a lot stronger than him. So the chance of winning wasn't in his favor.

Still, this would not stop him. He knew that there was a lot on the line and his life here was what he wanted. Even taking care of his sister has become possible as she was fully healed.

Every day, his sister was getting stronger. The chance for her to come to the world that he had slowly started to call a second home was something that he wished to show her. Especially more these days as his relationship with Snow had become stronger.

He still felt his undead tiger with her, telling him that nothing bad had happened to them so far.

With his part of the job done, he started to head toward Snow.

The more he headed toward her, the stranger it felt.

It was as if the forest was messing with his directions.

Every time he went toward her, it felt like he was getting further away.

So, he headed back toward the city.

Time flew by; the closer he got toward the city, the more demons were apparent. It was getting to the point that every monster that he had slain another would take its place.

He didn't know how long he had been fighting against the hordes of demons that would come in wave after wave.

At first, they were easy monsters that would take up more of his time and let his army deal.

As hours passed, all of his generals had come back to assist him. But, unfortunately, more and more powerful demons were emerging, making advancing difficult. He had already fought over three different unique monsters that took a good chunk of his magical power.

At the rate that was going, his army was steadily growing stronger.

It was already midnight as the moon showered its light overhead.

Time wasn't his friend.

Dairen had a very bad feeling. It was only getting stronger and stronger.

A blast of uncomfortable energy swept through him. He turned his attention toward the source of power that slammed him. The striking power difference between light and dark was tipping. Dairen could feel his energy becoming stronger than before.

The first sacred tree was gone.

Dairen swore under his breath.

"Speed it up!" Dairen waved his hand over his head, pushing his army harder.

Even Darien had sent out more Dark arrows at enemies, one after another. In the hopes of clearing the monsters faster.

Time seems to stretch on for hours. The swarms between the two forces became stronger.

Another powerful slam of energy smashed into his mind.

Dairen paled.

The Demon Army was moving faster. Their attack became more fierce.

Whatever he was doing wasn't good enough.

Changing tactics, he pulled his own soldiers around him, turning his army into a spear. The front rotated amongst each other, pushing deeper and deeper into the very core of the demon army as he got closer to the city.

Both the Dragon and the Tiger Generals were the driving force of Dairen's army. They blasted powerful dark energy or smashed into the monsters with full force. Monsters burned as they screeched in pain, dying amid the fire.

The turtle and the Phoenix kept the army from being destroyed, keeping them alive. Every time a dangerous attack was sent toward the Dairen's army, the Tortoise general would hop in front of the attack and use its own shell for protection. While the Phoenix would fly from above, dousing its own army with spells of enhancement to healing.

Weaker undead monsters would even work together to keep the formation from breaking. When one fell, another quickly took its place.

Without the four, pushing through the demon army would have been impossible.

Dairen would use his bow and arrow to clear a quick path forward.

It was an effective push toward the city walls, but it was still slow.

Eventually, he was able to see the city.

Destruction was apparent. The city walls were down, and the two sacred trees that were keeping most of the demon army back were now gone. The gates were down, the walls were overrun, and the players, hunters, and soldiers were being pushed back or slaughtered on the spot.

Dairen's attention drew to the center of the city. He could feel the main sacred tree in the center of the city was in danger. A trail of dark energy was present, becoming more stronger as it got closer and closer. Instantly, he knew who it was: the Demon King.

"There is no time," Dairen mumbled. He quickly searched through his storage, trying to find something useful.

Quickly, Dairen pulled out hundreds of A-class cherry bombs. Even though they were small, it was a powerful disposable artifact that he had gained in one of the dungeon raids. There weren't many, but it should be enough to break through the army and get into the city.

He whistled for the Phoenix to come down.

The Phoenix heard Siren's call and swooped down.

"Take this and drop it to the front. Clear a path for us."

The Phoenix nodded. It took it from Dairen's hand. Then, with a pump of its wings, it flew up into the air. Zooming toward the front, away from both the Dragon and Tiger general. They all understood the plan as the will of their master was strong in them. Most of the time, they didn't need words as Dairen's emotions and bleeding thoughts pushed them forward.

Hundreds of small cherry bombs fell down from the sky down into the demon army. It would detonate in the middle, leaving behind a rage of fire.

Powerful sweeps of energy blasted out into the demon's army, taking out hundreds of surrounding monsters. Most were destroyed, but many were injured.

Pouncing right after the Dragon and Tiger General, sweeping away the remaining monsters as they pushed through.

Quickly and effectively, the monsters pushed through.

Dairen was able to get close to the walls.

Suddenly, a wave of arrows came pelting down toward his army.

Dairen shot his dark energy arrow to intercept the waves of friendly fire.

"Stop!" Dairen waved his hand. "I'm friendly!"

One of his guildmates saw him, waving the soldiers down.

Dairen bolted forward, heading straight toward the monsters climbing up against the ladder on the wall. With a mighty leap, he reached out and grabbed the back of a demon. Then, reaching

toward his leg, he pulled out a dagger.

With a powerful slash, he slit the neck of the demon's throat. Green blood guzzled out as Dairen

pulled himself up onto the ladder. He viciously kicked, throwing the demon off.

Climbing up, he continued to push, stab, or kill the demons that got in his way until he made it up to the top. When he pulled himself over the ledge, he pulled out his bow and fired at the nearest demon that came running to him.

"Vice Captain!" A young player was relieved to see Dairen. He just finished pushing back the demon that tried to kill him.

"Brett, how is the situation?" Dairen asked. He fired another arrow to the side, where it landed squarely into a demon's forehead. It flopped onto the ground dead.

"Not good. Captain went ahead with the other guild leaders to stop the Demon King. But, unfortunately, we have been overrun to the point where we can't handle the weight of the monsters that are invading the city."

"What about Mr. Rogers, Falcon, and Mr. Jay?"

"They are out cold."

"By who?" Dairen was shocked to hear that they were unconscious.

"The Demon king."

Dairen swore. He frowned, realizing that they were deeply in trouble. The chances of winning against the Demon King had become even slimmer.

"How's their injury?"

Brett shook his head, telling Dairen all he needed to know.

"We can't do anything about that for now. So let's regroup and form around my army. We'll push the demons out from our side and try to keep the damage control."

"Sir, what happened to the Saintess? I thought she was with you."

"She was," Dairen too wondered how Snow was fairing. "She'll be back."

"I hope so, sir. But, from the looks of how things are going, we might not have a city by morning."