

Snow rocked back and forth, sitting in front of her painting. This time, she was drawing a beautiful angel with a child on her side. The golden glow around them was vibrant with color, filled with love. It has taken her three consecutive days of focus and commitment to get the drawing and coloring the way she wanted. She barely ate as she was adamant about finishing the piece.

With her last stroke, Snow was able to color the angel's eyes with gold. A surge of magical power swept out of her body. She felt drained and tired. It has been a while since she drew on her own time without the constant barrage of life knocking on her door.

Laying down her brush, she sighed with relief. Finally, finally, she had completed.

With a groan, she pushed herself up. Her stomach was heavy with a child. It has been eight months since the door between Earth and Rosevear closed.

A soft knock was heard from the door.

"Snow." Mike's voice called out from behind the door. He opened the door, bringing with him a tray of food. "I brought you dinner."

The waft of air made her stomach growl. She looked over, ravished with hunger. "Thank you." She walked over.

Mike brought over the food to the table with two chairs. He placed the tray of food down and pulled back the chair for her to sit.

Snow sat down. "What did you make?"

"Steak and mashed potato. You did say you were craving it, no?"

"Yes, I did." Snow chuckled. For the last eight months and three weeks, both Heather and Mike were running around like headless chickens, helping her with her cravings. It got worse as time went by.

Mr. Everett had set up a school for martial arts, teaching the new students that came to learn under him.

Red continued her crazy experiments in the Red Flower Nation, becoming the next in line to become the company's leader.

On the other hand, Mr. Rogers was in one-hundred-year sleep as the power he used through the SS battle and the war with the Dark Society had drained him of power. The vampires went into a silent recluse, knowing full well that they could be targeted next if they weren't careful. Even though their image was seen better, they knew that history would repeat itself, putting them in a dangerous spotlight.

Rodney, Gilbert, and Audrey had stayed, leaving behind the world of Earth and establishing themselves in the society of Atlantis. But, unfortunately, the process of new alien registration had taken a while to take effect as they chose to stay behind and start a new life.

Many of the Players, too, did not go back to Earth, only the ones that had someone waiting for them or had a life of their own. Instead, most of the players stayed to build a new life that they have loved.

The only thing was that they could not cross over the back to their world, making them a permanent resident.

After setting everything straight at the Dragon Express and the Gold Phoenix guild, Snow had gone on a long six-month vacation when she found out that she was heavy with Dairen's child.

When she was free, she searched endlessly for any news or information about the passage to the other world, but so far, she wasn't able to find such a route.

Mike had been a pleasant knight, a best friend, checking in on her with Heather. Then, recently, he started to stay behind to make sure that she was alright.

"Thanks." Snow waddled over, her hand on her belly. She sat down where Mike had pulled the chair back for her. Then, with a heavy harrumph, she flopped onto the chair. Her feet ached, and her back felt heavy.

The cravings came and went, but these days, she was more tired than she liked. Sleep was her best friend as she spent hours and hours sleeping.

"How is the guild doing?" Snow picked up the fork and started eating. She slowly enjoyed the food with each bite.

"Not too bad." Mike replied, "you wouldn't be surprised at how crazy the guild has been these days. The number of hunts has been strangely increasing."

"Wait, I thought that the dungeons were closed after Dairen closed it."

"Yes and no. You can think of these dungeons as ancient dungeons that have just recently been found. I don't even know if it's connected to the same thing that we have been going through hell over." Mike rubbed his chin. There were stubbles of hair starting to grow on his chin and around his mouth. "So far, the magic dungeon identifier that Red had made said it's not. So, we're still good to go with clearing it. Maybe we'll find some clues about finding a connection to Earth."

Snow stopped. She nodded. She missed Dairen; the soft voice and lovely hugs that Dairen gave were gone. Only the cold bed was left behind.

Mike noticed the subtle change in Snow's expression. He reached over, patted her on her hand. "He'll be back."

Snow opened and closed her mouth. She shook her head.

"Just stay healthy, Snow."

Mike let go.

Snow continued to slowly eat, trying not to think too deeply about Dairen. She had many other things to do. So even though the answers that she was looking for weren't found, all she could do was keep searching and hoping that he would come back.

Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted throughout her stomach. She inhaled deeply, cursing underneath her breath. Her eyes became wide, her breathing heavy. "The baby's coming." Snow said in a panic. Out of everything that she had faced and fought, this was one thing she was not ready for.

Mike bolted up. Panicking in his own way. He fumbled out of his chair, almost falling over. He then ran over to her room to grab a jacket as he rushed back.

Snow at first struggled to get to the door as each step was a painful reminder of the baby getting ready; eventually, they made it to the car as they rushed to the hospital.

Snow was going in and out for the next painful six to seven hours of labor, fighting against the rocking pain.

Mike was waiting outside with Heather, who had rushed in when she heard that Snow was going into labor. She literally dropped everything, excited and worried, and sped over without getting a ticket. When she saw Mike, she shook him for an answer, but he too didn't know what exactly was going on.

It wasn't until two thirty in the morning when the cry of the baby's yell erupted in the room.

The nurse came out the door, allowing the two to enter.

Mike and Heather curiously walked over, wondering how their new additions to the family would look like.

When they saw a haggard and tired-looking Snow with a child in her arm, they both spoke simultaneously.

"Is he here?" both of them asked. "His name?"

"Ashten." Snow replied with a soft but lovely smile, looking down at her child with a wide silly grin.

Heather pumped her hand in the air and stuck out her tongue at Mike. "You lost the bet. I knew she was going to name him." She motioned him to pay up.

Mike rolled his eyes, pushing her hands aside.

"Well, Ashten. Welcome to the family." Mike came over, looking down at the small baby, opening and closing its mouth.


The light in Snow's personal room shimmered.

Snow blinked a few times, wondering if she had forgotten to turn off the lights. Then, quietly, not to wake up her baby, she walked over toward her door.

Suddenly, something loud crashed in her room, making her stop.

Was someone in their home? The thought of possible burglary made her on edge. She had a child to protect, and she wasn't going to let someone break into her house.

Alarmed at the sudden strange sound, Snow unconsciously summoned up White Gryphon into her hand. She slowly reached over toward the doorknob. Then, with a gentle turn of the knob, she pushed the door.

Snow leaned in.

A man was standing in the darkness. Snow could barely see much of his facial features, but when he turned around, Snow gasped.

A beautiful smile blossomed on Snow's lips.

"Welcome home."