Chapter 32

Something strange was happening in the sea. The waves were unnatural and the storm had appeared with no prior indication. Merely an hour ago, the sky was as clear as possible with a gentle breeze coming from the sea.

Something terrible was approaching Dorne. It was merely a feeling. But, since every single Dornish man and woman was being affected, Ellaria and her daughters were extremely worried.

It was like a bad omen for the entire Dorne to feel the dread of impending doom.

"By the seven.. Give us strength, oh Warrior, to face whatever is coming towards us." Ellaria said as looked upon the horizon. Something was coming from the sea so incredibly fast that it had raised a wall of water in its wake.

And with a loud noise, so loud that it seemed like the land near her was struck by lightning, the sea was blasted open and a figure flew towards Dorne. Ellaria's eyes widened in utter terror and she screamed for her men to be at arms. She never thought 'he' would come for them.

The Dornish army was beginning to assemble when 'he' landed right in the middle of a group of armed men. His landing threw everyone in the surroundings high into the sky. Even the very earth yielded under his force. The poor Dornish man on whom 'he' had landed, nothing much of him was left.

Edwyn slowly walked out of the crater and as he laid his eyes upon the terrified Dornish men, his anger grew further.

"Ellaria Sand!!" Edwyn's voice boomed all across Dorne.

"My sister was innocent. Yet, you poisoned her and killed her in cold blood. I've heard your plea and so I've come to deliver what you desired. Rejoice and accept my humble gift to you as I plunge your soul in eternal torment and make you watch as your children die a slow and painful death!!! I, Edwyn Baratheon, swear upon my name that each and every Dornish man who stands in my path will suffer damnation!! Run! Run as far as you can for I won't give you another chance! Understand this, Dorne, Ellaria Sand has brought your doom!!!"

Almost all men dropped their weapons and ran for their lives. Those who didn't, they immediately fell and writhed in pain so unbearable, they wished to die and embrace the Stranger.

Painful screams washed over the panicked Dornish people. Ellaria had little time to think before Edwyn stood beside her, grabbing at her throat and pinning her against the wall behind.

"Mother!!" One of her children screamed for her in panic and fear.

The dreadful glint in Edwyn's eyes was enough to confirm her fears. Before she fainted, all she remembered hearing was of her girls scream for her and beg for mercy.

Ellaria soon woke up, bound by chains with a metal collar around her neck that was attached to a chain on the wall. It was a big cell, big enough for all of her children to be bound in front of her.


The moment she heard the word, all her children began screaming and writhing on the ground.

"No! Please! I beg of you! No! Spare them!"

She stared into the cold unforgiving eyes of Edwyn as he spoke, "You didn't spare my sister. Why should I spare them? You caused me pain... a hurt so deep that I hadn't felt it for so many years. I'm a broken man, Ellaria. And a broken man can be extremely difficult to reason with. Why are you crying? You should smile, laugh and dance for you were given what you so dearly wished for. Come on, smile... SMILE!!"

Ellaria forced herself to do so as she watched her children undergo torment.

"Good.. Now laugh. It's funny to watch them wriggling like worms, isn't it? I find them to quite capable of embracing the essence of worms. Your loving children for whom you would birn the world down, they are screaming and begging to be spared from the pain. It's so funny.. So LAUGH!!"

Ellaria laughed as tears of blood rolled down her face.

Outside the cell, Edwyn stood next to a young woman in rags.

"W-What did you do to her?"

Edwyn looked her with indifference as Ellaria continued to laugh in her empty cell.

"I might be a little crazy, but, I'm not psychotic enough to harm innocents. Except for Obara, Nymeria and Tyene.. all of her children had nothing to do with conspiring against your father or the killing of my sister. I hope you will not renege on your word. If any harm comes to them, you will have me standing at your doors, ready to bring ruin to Dorne, Arianne."

The new Lady of Dorne nervously stared at the hysterical Ellaria who was bleeding from her eyes and nose, still laughing as Edwyn continued using genjutsu on her and made her see all of children being tortured to death. She shuddered to think of her possible fate at Edwyn's hands.

With Dorne brought down to its knees, it wasn't hard for Edwyn to convince them join his cause.


Jon still couldn't believe that dragons were alive once more. With Winterfell back under the House Stark and Ramsey Bolton fed to the dogs, Jon sighed rejoiced the moment of peace.

Sansa was still recovering from her trauma and the torture she had to endure at the hands of Ramsey. Having seen her brother, Rickon, die at Ramsey's hands had been too much for her. Arya hadn't left her side even for a moment, something that both amused and relieved Jon.

But, despite having the confidence of Edwyn Baratheon himself, Jon could not bring himself to be calm around Daenerys. Her arrival had terrified everyone. Because with her came three fully grown dragons. Live, fire-breathing, ferocious dragons.

Daenerys had assured him that her dragons would not cause trouble as they had been properly disciplined by Edwyn himself. It was incredulous to imagine a man disciplining dragons as if they were children. But, if it was Edwyn, then anything was possible.

Daenerys had promised Jon that the North was safe as long as Jon bent the knee to Edwyn and her.

Jon knew that the Northern lords would never accept another Targaryen ruler. But, a Baratheon King and a Targaryen Queen? If Robert was alive he would have died from a burst vessel in his head.

He had told Daenerys that he would discuss with the rest of the Lords after he had punished those who deserved it for betraying House Stark. Surprisingly, the dragon queen was incredibly understanding and reasonable.

Things were looking even better witb Ygritte who had finally forgiven him, after she nearly slapped his head off for betraying her love. Suffice to say the two lovers were having a hard time keeping their hands off each other.

"Jon!! There's some news from the south!! You'd want to hear this!" Arya said as she ran up to him.

Jon nodded in reply and the two rushed to the court room. Daenerys was standing in the middle, wearing her regal robes and stood as the embodiment of elegance.

As Jon took his seat, Daenerys began, "I have recieved a raven from one of Edwyn Baratheon's men in King's Landing. It seems that his sister's death was too much for him to accept. Cersei and Jaime Lannister are dead, killed by Edwyn for their crimes against the realm."

The momentary peace that Jon had wished to enjoy was gone.

It was utter chaos at Winterfell.


A/N: Hi.. Been busy. Managed to squeeze this one out of my head. Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading.