Chapter 33




Tommen was unable to get over the loss of his mother and his rage over Edwyn's monstrous act. For a man to kill his own mother was incomprehensible for Tommen. He wanted his mother back but more importantly, he wanted revenge.

But, he was powerless.

The days were grim without his mother by his side. He loved her, so much. For days he had been inconsolable. No matter how much Margerie tried, Tommen simply couldn't recover.

His sleep was filled with nightmares of Edwyn burning the world around him.

Tommen was beginning to lose his mind.

But, then he found hope.

Hope that the demon would be stopped. The gods themselves had spoken to him in his dreams. He had seen the light.

For an ungodly creature like Edwyn, the gods had sent one of their own. Kzarka was what he was called. A name that made Tommen's soul shiver from anticipation and maniacal happiness.


Edwyn will be stopped.


His mother will be avenged. And he shall make sure that Lord Kzarka has all that he needs to bring down that abomination.

Tommen called for an emergency meeting of the small counsel. As all of his advisors took their seats, Tommen said with mad glee, "I know what we need to do if we want to get rid of that demon. I want to commission a statue to be built. Yes, a statue. The gods also want him dead! And they have sent their champion amongst us! There should be celebrations! A tourney!! In the name of the one!! Kzarka!!!"

His eyes shone with the colour of madness, of evil and of corruption as he danced in joy.

As the people of the small counsel shared looks of worry, Tommen stopped and shouted, "Why aren't you happy?! He is finally among us!! You should rejoice!! Kzarka!!! He is here!!! Sing! Dance! Preach his name!! For he shall set us free!!!"

'Yes... sing to my name.. I shall liberate you.. Leave your worries to me... Throw away your inhibitions... for madness... shall set you free..'

Kzarka had made it across the sea.

The final pieces were taking their place on the board.


Daenerys could barely hold back her tears as she painstakingly waited for her love to arrive. Disturbing news had been made aware to her about King's Landing and she was tired having to be on her guard all the time. She wanted to be in his embrace and forget about her duties for once. She wanted to be vulnerable knowing that he would be around.

As instructed, she had urged the Starks to accompaby to the twins.

Walder Frey had lived a long life. A life filled with his betrayals and debauchery. A man so vile, Daenerys wanted to burn his castle to the ground.

But, his life was not hers to take. No, that right belonged to the Starks.

The battle had begun with Daenerys sitting on Drogon as she let her army join the Northern charge. The dragons were left out of the battle after they had done their job of destroying all the defences erected by the Freys.

The battle was completely one sided as the Freys were slaughtered by the angry Northerners. Walder Frey could only watch in horror as all of his children, his legacy was being brought down all around him.

The old man was the last to die and his death was a sight to behold. Arya Stark was the one who executed him. She had been there when the Freys had celebrated Rob Stark's death. She had seen it all and with Walder's death, Arya's heart was finally at peace.

The entire castle was razed to the ground. The Starks who were alive, Daenerys smiled a little as she watched them embrace one another as they cried. Vengeance was theirs.

The sun was still up but the smoke and ashes had obscured the sky.

As the northern army began setting camp, out from the smoke emerged the man she had longed to lay her eyes upon once more. The man who had stolen her heart.


Daenerys abandoned all of her worries in that moment. Gone was the queen who exuded elegance and ambition. She was a woman in love as she ran towards her lover.

Arya's attention was also diverted towards her mentor as she heard Daenerys' shout. A big smiled blossomed on her face as she saw the two embrace one another.

She was happy for Edwyn. She knew all to well how much he had missed Daenerys. Gods, he loved to talk about her when they used to sit around the fire at night.

Yes, Arya finally had found a semblance of peace. She was back with her family and her mentor, the man she admired and looked up to, was finally happy.

For a moment, she forgot about the future wars to be faught and the perils she'd face. For now, she wanted to live in the moment.

Edwyn was back in Westeros.

Jon had no plans of going against the storm. There was only one battle left.

A battle that would determine the fate of the realm.