The Body Soul’s Secret

Not only was the Threelives Soulcrush Cauldron quick, but its arrival was also relatively sudden. Thus, the three Agility System Soul Masters weren't able to unleash their soul skills in time. It was apparent to everyone watching that Xiao Xiao was already extraordinary solely for being able to multitask to this degree. It was impossible for her to still have energy leftover to use a soul skill at the appropriate time while also controlling her martial soul, which had already been divided in three. After all, her opponents would arrive at different times since they were approaching her at different speeds.

As a result, Xiao Xiao showed the audience a shocking scene. Three bangs rang out from the cauldrons, unleashing three tremors in their respective places.

It all happened the moment they collided with the Agility System Soul Masters; the three Agility System Soul Masters were knocked back from the impact, and directly fainted from the shock. They didn't have the physique of assault system battle soul masters, thus this period of dizziness was naturally even longer for them than what Huang Chutian had previously experienced. The cauldrons overtook her opponents and struck them once more.

"Bang, bang, bang." The three cauldrons approached their respective opponents and struck them once again with precision, causing the three figures to fly out of the arena at the same time.

The three black cauldrons rose up and merged back into a single entity above Xiao Xiao's head, then quietly disappeared into thin air following the retraction of her martial soul.

Everyone present fell absolutely silent. This match was even more shocking than the previous match, with Xiao Xiao emerging victorious as the lead figure. The entire fight had taken less than half a minute. By relying on her own strength alone, she'd forcefully stunned her opponents; she hadn't even let them dash across half the battlefield. She'd faced a three-directional battle and obtained total victory in all three directions.

Wang Yan had seen all of the previous assessments that Huo Yuhao's team had passed with his own eyes. In his heart, the strongest person in this three-man team was naturally Wang Dong, whereas the most mysterious one—who was also the steadiest one—was Huo Yuhao. Xiao Xiao's tool soul seemed to be pretty good, but relatively speaking, its function leaned more towards that of a part-auxiliary, part-control system tool soul. From his point of view, her tool soul fell behind the other two's.

However, Xiao Xiao had used her own strength to prove to Wang Yan that she also played a decisively important role in this three-man team. A young lady that was merely around eleven years old had actually been able to discern all of her opponents' attacking routes with such calmness and precision, and then from there had been able to unleash a barrage of attacks. Even a four-ringed control system Soul Ancestor might not necessarily have been able to achieve such a natural and smooth manner of defense, control, and retreat against their opponents. How was it that such a small young lady such as her was able to accomplish such a feat?

The other groups had originally thought that they could take take advantage of the fact that Huo Yuhao and his team had exhausted their energy in their first match, but now, that thought completely vanished from their hearts. Their team had two people with the strength to fight a whole team on their own! They were really too valiant.

However, Huang Chutian's team—whose strength had been lacking compared to Huo Yuhao's team—wasn't nearly as fortunate. Even though the Lan sisters had awoken from their unconscious state, they had a headache that was so bad it felt as though their heads were going to split apart. They'd also consumed an excessive amount of soul power; to the point that they couldn't partake in the following matches and had to rely on Huang Chutian alone to continue participating in the competition.

Huang Chutian had previously consumed a large amount of his soul power, and had also been injured by Wang Dong's Wing Guillotine. Moreover, all three of his opponents would be completely focused on him if he were to face them alone. Even though Xiao Xiao had also faced three opponents alone just now, the other party had been distracted, cowering in fear when Huo Yuhao stood behind her.

As a result of this, Huang Chutian suffered a tragedy. Although he persevered for a while during the second match of the competition, he was defeated by his opponents in the end. Thus, his team was utterly defeated during the second round.

From Huo Yuhao's three-man team's point of view, the rest of the competition had entered a virtuous cycle. No one was willing to to forcibly confront them head-to-head in battle, and were all doing their utmost to preserve their strength when contending against them so that they could deal with the others. One could say that Huo Yuhao's team won the next three rounds with an abnormal level ease. This was especially the case during the fourth match, when Wang Dong had managed to completely recover his soul power. With both him and Xiao Xiao standing in front of Huo Yuhao, their opponents had only symbolically confronted them for awhile before conceding.

In the end, Huo Yuhao's team—representing Freshman Class 1—emerged victorious from all ten matches of the round-robin tournament, obtaining the best score in their group.

Huang Chutian's team had a strong foundation as well. After losing two matches consecutively, the Lan sisters had recovered a little. They managed to reappear on the scene once more, while Huang Chutian displayed his valiant strength again. They were able to win their last three matches consecutively by directly confronting their opponents, who'd already exhausted a lot of their energy from their previous matches. As a result of that, they won seven out of their ten matches in the end. As such, entering the top sixty-four teams shouldn't be that great of a problem for them.

When the round-robin tournament ended, Wang Yan finally couldn't suppress his curiosity anymore.

"Huo Yuhao, you three stay behind for a bit." The other teams headed back to rest, but Wang Yan held Huo Yuhao's three-man team back.

"Teacher Wang." Huo Yuhao arrived in front of Wang Yan.

Wang Yan nodded in his direction, smiled, then said, "Congratulations to all of you for winning all of your matches in the freshman assessment's round-robin tournament. I'm afraid that less than ten teams were able to obtain such results during this freshman assessment. You guys are truly very strong. However, I've always been very curious about you, Huo Yuhao. Being your team's leader, what exactly is your martial soul? Even though I wasn't able to see you do much during your battles, I believe that you're the core of this team. I'm right about this, aren't I?"

Huo Yuhao went blank for a moment, and then, feeling slightly bashful, said, " Teacher Wang, you flatter me. We were able to obtain such good results all thanks to Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao's powerfulness. I'm only a supporting character compared to them because, as you can see, I only have a single ten year soul ring."

Wang Yan laughed faintly and said, "You don't need to be modest. If you weren't that powerful, I don't believe that such talented individuals as Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao would be willing to let you be the team leader. Moreover, I also investigated your performance at the Academy during these past three months. Do you know what students call you?"

Huo Yuhao went blank for a moment, then shook his head.

Wang Yan continued, "All of them call you 'Iron-willed Yuhao' because you have a willpower akin to that of steel. Your innate talent is the weakest, but you are the most hardworking. That's what makes you the role model of Freshman Class 1. However, I didn't ask around about your martial soul because I wanted to personally see what your martial soul and soul skill was for myself, to prove my own abilities. However, I've no choice but to admit that I've lost; I couldn't tell what your martial soul was from the beginning of the competition to the end, and I also wasn't able to find out what soul skill you were using. I saw that white ten year soul ring of yours light up every single match, but I just couldn't seem to make out what the effect of your soul skill were. Can you clear up my confusion for me?"

Huo Yuhao replied, "Teacher Wang, my martial soul is the Spirit Eyes, and it's classified as a mental-type martial soul. As for my soul skill, please let me keep it a secret. After all, we still need to continue participating in the assessment." His martial soul wasn't that big of a secret within the Academy, as there were many people who knew about it. If this Teacher Wang sincerely wanted to find out, then he could definitely do so, yet why should he be so petty? As for his soul skill, he wasn't willing to reveal it.

"Spirit Eyes? Your martial soul is your eyes?" Wang Yan's response was even greater than Huo Yuhao could've imagined. After hearing Huo Yuhao's explanation, he was so excited that he almost jumped up. He looked at Huo Yuhao with a face full of excitement.

Huo Yuhao stared blankly and asked, "Teacher Wang, what's come over you?"

Wang Yan grabbed ahold of Huo Yuhao's shoulders with both of his hands and said, "Answer me first. Is your martial soul your eyes?"

Huo Yuhao nodded and said, "Yes!"

Wang Yan inhaled deeply, then interrogated him further with a nervous expression on his face. "Then, do you belong to the Body Sect?"

Huo Yuhao shook his head, feeling lost, "The Body Sect? Teacher Wang, I haven't heard of them before."

A hint of ecstasy blossomed in Wang Yan's eyes. He released his grip on Huo Yuhao and said, "Wonderful! This is truly wonderful! Haha, I never would've thought that our Shrek Academy would obtain such a great bargain. No wonder… No wonder your role is enormous, even though you only have a ten year soul ring. As it turns out, you actually have a body soul. It really is a pity. If you'd entered the Academy earlier, I would've helped you obtain a soul ring at the limit of what you could absorb for your first soul ring, no matter what!"

Looking at the slightly mysterious Wang Yan who was chattering away, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but turn around and look at Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao. Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong had already encountered the unreasonable Evil Fire Phoenix named Ma Xiaotao before. Teacher Wang had been pretty normal when they met him two days ago! How come he'd suddenly changed? Huo Yuhao couldn't help but recall the words that Teacher Xiao Ya and his eldest senior brother had said after witnessing the present scene. There weren't many monster students in Shrek Academy, but there were definitely many monster teachers.

Wang Yan inhaled deeply, calming the astonishment and joy in his heart. He then said, "Alright. Huo Yuhao, you guys head back and rest first. I'll come and look for you again later on." After he finished speaking, he turned around and hastily left.

Looking at his leaving figure, Xiao Xiao couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "It can't be that Teacher Wang is mental, right?"

Huo Yuhao frowned and replied, "Don't talk about Teacher Wang like that."

Wang Dong went up to Huo Yuhao's side and said, "He must've lost his composure due to your body soul. I think I've also heard that people who possess body souls are extremely rare, but I've never heard of something called the 'Body Sect' before."

Huo Yuhao shook his head and smiled. "Forget it. I reckon that Teacher Wang will still come and find me again in the future. Shouldn't we celebrate our total victory? I'll treat you guys to something good at the dining hall."

Xiao Xiao was eager to eat, as she immediately revealed her desire to eat something. "Forget about the dining hall. Class monitor, I still haven't tried your roasted fish. No matter what you say, you have to satisfy this small wish of mine today."

Huo Yuhao chuckled and said, "No problem. It's still early. Let's return to our dormitories and rest for awhile first; we'll meet at the dormitory's gate later tonight. There shouldn't be anything important tomorrow. In any case, let's rest and reorganise ourselves before before the start of the elimination matches."

The three of them returned to the dormitory together. Xiao Xiao went upstairs to the girls' dormitory—the area that was absolutely restricted to the male students.

Huo Yuhao followed Wang Dong back to the dormitory. However, he didn't expect Wang Dong to look as though he had a lot on his mind.

"What's up? Wang Dong, what're you thinking about?" Huo Yuhao asked Wang Dong, who was currently sitting on his bed.

Wang Dong muttered irresolutely to himself, saying, "Yuhao, I'm thinking about what happened during our first match today. No matter what way I think about it, I still feel that something isn't right. Even though the power of my thousand year soul ring skill is extremely strong, the other party was using a martial soul fusion skill! I could feel that you focused your Spiritual Detection Sharing and detected the inner part of their soul skill, but it wasn't to share it with me. Immediately after you did that, their soul skill was defeated. What exactly did you do?"

He raised his head as he spoke and looked at Huo Yuhao with a burning gaze.

Huo Yuhao's heart leapt. He knew that it would be slightly difficult if he wanted to keep things from Wang Dong. Wang Dong was different from Teacher Wang Yan; they both shared a dormitory, and had also cultivated together for such a long time. Wang Dong understood him very well. If he fabricated a lie, perhaps he might be able to bluff his way out of it, but Wang Dong would definitely hold a grudge against him for doing so.

As a result of this, Huo Yuhao didn't reply at first, instead sinking into hesitation and deep thought.

It was definitely impossible for him to tell the truth. The existence of the million year soul beast, the Skydream Iceworm, was too mind-blowing. It would affect one in unimaginable ways regardless of who that person was. If he told Wang Dong the truth, he might only be harming him. However, what was he to do if he couldn't tell him the truth?

Suddenly, the words 'body soul' flashed through Huo Yuhao's mind. His eyes shone, revealing that the fact that he'd come up with an idea.

"Wang Dong." Huo Yuhao raised his head once more. There was a somewhat serious gaze in his eyes compared to normal.

Wang Dong had never seen Huo Yuhao look this way before, and immediately stared at him while saying, "Could it be that you really have some kind of trump card?"

Having Wang Dong look him straight in the eye, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but have his mind go blank for a moment, as Wang Dong's eyes were really just too beautiful. His long eyelashes curled upwards, and the whites of his eyes peeked out from the edges of his jet-black eyes. That curious look in his eyes made those large pair of eyes seem as though they could speak.

Huo Yuhao secretly let out a sigh in his heart. No wonder those girls were captivated by him. He really was extremely good-looking!

Huo Yuhao lowered his voice and said, "I wouldn't say that it's a trump card. You could say that this is a secret of body souls. I discovered it not too long ago."

Wang Dong was astonished. He immediately asked, "The body soul's secret?"

Huo Yuhao nodded and said, "You mentioned yourself that body souls are extremely rare when we returned just now. The reality of the matter is exactly that. Moreover, our body souls really do have a few unique areas. Since cultivating the Tang Sect's Purple Demon Eyes, I realised that my Spirit Eyes had definitely started to mutate again. When I focus my first soul skill—Spiritual Detection Sharing—in a particular direction, I can generate a spiritual attack if I focus my spiritual force into a single point and strike out with it. I tried it out against a few small animals in the Academy, and it was really effective. I decided to test it out in battle today because I'd been backed into a really tight corner, but I didn't know that it would actually be so effective. Maybe… Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo were actually finding it extremely difficult to use their martial soul fusion skill, and at the same time, they were also being restricted by your thousand year soul skill. Perhaps they only collapsed after the sudden spiritual force attack from my Purple Demon Eyes combined with the accumulation of all of these factors. However, I shouldn't have had anything to do with them losing consciousness. Have you forgotten what the teacher said before in class? Not only does a martial soul fusion skill consume a lot of energy, but its users will normally be subjected to a rebound. The more powerful the fusion skill is, the greater the rebound. I'm afraid that even the lightest rebound would cause its users to become extremely weak. Since they used their fusion skill today, I reckon that they can't use it again for a period of time, too.

Wang Dong widened his eyes. "What you're saying is that your martial soul was influenced by the Purple Demon Eyes, and that you were actually able to unleash a spiritual attack similar to that from a soul skill?"

From a certain standpoint, Huo Yuhao wasn't lying. Of course, that wasn't the entire truth, because in all honesty, a matter like the Skydream Iceworm would be too shocking. Now that he'd found a suitable explanation for his Spirit Shock, Huo Yuhao heaved a sigh of relief. He knew that he'd still have to face many different examinations along with his studies in Shrek Academy, and in order to face these examinations, he absolutely couldn't afford to conceal his Spirit Shock. Even so, he'd have to find an explanation for it sooner or later, and the theory that he'd just given to Wang Dong seemed to be rather suitable.

Wang Dong had a look of shock on his face as he looked at Huo Yuhao. "A body soul is actually so awesome? It can even spontaneously evolve and create a skill."

Huo Yuhao scratched his head and said, "This isn't anything special. Your Radiant Butterfly Goddess naturally possesses the ability to fly, right? The altitude of your flight will also increase as your cultivation increases. This kind of innate ability ought to be considered as your martial soul's natural characteristic."

After pondering what Huo Yuhao had said for a moment, Wang Dong replied, "Nope, it's not the same. You're right, the innate ability of my Radiant Butterfly Goddess is flying. But that spiritual attack of yours isn't an innate ability, since it appeared through the evolution of the Purple Demon Eyes. Meaning, your Spirit Eyes has the natural ability to evolve as a mutating body soul. This is something that my Radiant Butterfly Goddess can never compare to. Maybe some other kind of skill will emerge in the future when the Purple Demon Eyes evolve again."

Huo Yuhao chuckled sheepishly and said, "Actually, it's not any kind of skill either. A more accurate interpretation should be that the Spirit Eyes is continuously increasing my spiritual force. On the other hand, I found a use for it after releasing my spiritual force through my Spirit Eyes with the assistance of the Purple Demon Eyes."

Wang Dong nodded and said, "I understand what you mean when you put it this way. It's just like how I purify or compress my soul power to attack and defend. The only difference between mine and yours is that your spiritual force is formless, so it's even more difficult to detect it when you use it. I never thought that there would be such a clever way to use soul power."

When the doubts in his heart had been answered, there was a somewhat relieved expression in Wang Dong's beautifully big eyes. However, he quickly became extremely excited again. "Yuhao, the martial soul fusion skill that those twins used was really powerful. I'm afraid that we would've lost today even if we'd had three soul rings! Even though a fusion skill can't last long, it's still immensely powerful, and has an extremely powerful explosive force. It can be said to be the top-ranked skill for us Soul Masters. Their soul power is going to get even stronger in the future, right? If they can sustain their fusion skill for an even longer period of time, then it will definitely be extremely difficult for anyone of the same rank to contend against them. It'd be good if we could also have this kind of skill."

Huo Yuhao burst into laughter and said, "Stop dreaming, how could such a good thing happen to us? I still recall that teacher said that the compatibility of one's martial souls needs to be extremely high before it will be possible for a martial soul fusion skill to appear. The possibility of it happening is so slim that not even a single one will appear among thousands. If and when two people's martial souls are highly compatible, there will be a reaction between both parties. We've lived together for three months already, yet have you had any feelings of compatibility with me before? In any case, I haven't felt anything."

Huo Yuhao didn't expect Wang Dong to lower his head as he spoke, as though he was mulling over something. Moreover, his face had become slightly flushed.

"What's wrong?" Huo Yuhao asked, puzzled.

Wang Dong seemed to have made up his mind when he raised his head. There was a somewhat strange look in his eyes as he looked attentively at Huo Yuhao, and began to speak in a serious tone. "Since you've told me the secret of your body soul, then it's not right if I conceal the truth any longer. The truth is, I've always been concealing my ability, as well as my aura, to some extent."

"Ah?" It was Huo Yuhao's turn to be surprised. Wang Dong's strength spoke for itself. He'd already amply displayed the strength of his martial soul—the Radiant Butterfly Goddess—during the freshman examination. Wang Dong had only used his second soul skill once during the ten matches, but even then, no one had been able to see what exactly it had looked like. Yet, he was now saying that he actually still had a concealed ability. How could Huo Yuhao not be shocked at this?

Wang Dong continued, "Although you cannot sense the aura on me, when I received that Spiritual Detection Sharing of yours for the first time, I could already feel that your aura was extremely close to mine. The reason that my aura doesn't extend outwards beyond the scope of my body is because it's restricted by another power of mine. You'll only be able to sense the existence of my aura with close bodily contact. Do you want to try it out?"

"Close bodily contact? How do you want to get close?" Huo Yuhao asked in a dim-witted manner.

Wang Dong suddenly became exasperated. "Stupid, isn't it fine to just hug each other for awhile?"

Huo Yuhao chuckled and said, "Is that so! You should've just said so. Do I need to undress?"

"No!" Wang Dong gave Huo Yuhao a shock.

Huo Yuhao laughed and said, "Then come on." He willingly spread his arms out wide as he spoke, walking towards Wang Dong for a hug.

Wang Dong, on the other hand, was slightly dazed when he saw Huo Yuhao getting closer and closer to him. He didn't have Huo Yuhao's willingness, which in turn caused his body to unconsciously tense up. His whole being seemed to have entered an especially rigid state.

Huo Yuhao hugged Wang Dong in a very natural manner. From his point of view, it was a hug between friends. Wasn't this very normal? But, when he really hugged Wang Dong, the feeling changed slightly.

He suddenly remembered that this was the first time that they'd been so intimately in contact with one another, making him suddenly recall the time when he'd seen Wang Dong's figure from behind once more.

He'd originally thought that Wang Dong's body would be as muscular and sturdy as his. After all, they were both Soul Masters who painstakingly trained their bodies and cultivated their soul power everyday.

However, when he hugged Wang Dong, it was completely different from what he'd imagined. Even though Wang Dong's body was elastic to the touch, it was also extremely soft; the kind of softness that made him feel as though he had no bones. Moreover, he also had a faint fragrant smell on him. They were about the same height, so when Huo Yuhao hugged Wang Dong, his face was to the side of Wang Dong's neck. When his chin rubbed against Wang Dong's slender neck, the smooth and sleek feeling made his mind tremble slightly.

Huo Yuhao really wanted to let out a sigh, but he felt that something was wrong. However, at his age, his knowledge in certain areas was still insubstantial, and thus he didn't think too much of it. He only felt that hugging Wang Dong was much more comfortable than he'd imagined it would be.

"How does it feel?" Wang Dong practically mumbled. He didn't put his hand on Huo Yuhao's back and hug him the same way; rather, he only let Huo Yuhao hug him. The feeling that he had was also different from what Huo Yuhao felt. Huo Yuhao's body was very sturdy, and he also had a heavily masculine scent that was accompanied by the faint scent of sweat that youngsters had. Such an experience made Wang Dong blush deeply.

"It's pretty good. Very comfortable." Huo Yuhao subconsciously answered, based on what he felt.

Wang Dong went blank for a moment, but his expression immediately became one of anger after a moment. "Stupid, did I let you hug me so that you could feel comfortable? I was letting you feel the aura of my martial soul!"

"Uh… I forgot. I'll try hugging you again." Huo Yuhao suddenly felt somewhat embarrassed, but he immediately hugged Wang Dong even tighter.

When Wang Dong was hugged with even more strength, he couldn't help but let out a light groan. He wanted to push him away, but he still decided to endure it. With his hands reluctantly grabbing Huo Yuhao's clothes and his lips tightly shut, he really looked as if he'd suffered a large grievance.

Huo Yuhao slowly gathered his soul power while conscientiously perceiving Wang Dong's aura, but the first thing he smelled after hugging Wang Dong was the strong fragrance that came off his body. Wang Dong's body felt somewhat firm, but it was still extremely soft.

Gradually, Huo Yuhao felt the undulations of Wang Dong's aura; it was a strong, radiant aura that felt comfortably warm. As it stimulated his soul power to slowly circulate around Wang Dong's body, it caused an indescribably comfortable feeling. What made him even more astonished was the fact that an even stronger aura of life had gradually appeared in the midst of the radiant aura.

Wang Dong's aura unexpectedly transformed three times in a row, but every change made him feel even more intimate with Wang Dong. When he felt the final transformation in Wang Dong's aura, his soul power surprisingly started to circulate along the circulation paths of the Mysterious Heaven Technique.

This, this was…

Huo Yuhao gradually widened his eyes; Wang Dong was similarly astonished. After Huo Yuhao hugged him, a golden stream slowly appeared on the surface of his skin. Then, it slowly turned a bluish-gold colour before turning dark-gold.

The colour of the light changed three times; this was also a strange undulation that Huo Yuhao felt after his aura transformed.

In the end, Wang Dong was still more experienced than Huo Yuhao. Huo Yuhao silently sensed the aura on Wang Dong's body, while Wang Dong observed everything on Huo Yuhao's body. He discovered that a light had started to appear on Huo Yuhao's body. First, it was a dim, white stream that was soft and profound, and even had a diverse feeling to it. When his aura came into contact with this white aura, an indescribable sense of coziness unexpectedly appeared. Huo Yuhao's aura seemed to be virtuous, and harmonized perfectly with his own aura.

Following that, the aura on Huo Yuhao's body began to transform. His soft and profound aura gradually turned chilly, and a faint chilliness appeared on his body. However, that chilliness also felt as if it were filled with an endless amount of life; it merged perfectly with the aura of life on Wang Dong's body. Although one was an aura of life was one that belonged to the natural world, while the other was an inexhaustible amount of life that came from the desolate cold of ancient times, the endless undulations of life that they shared allowed the two auras to combine with each other, further harmonizing them.

When the stream surrounding Wang Dong's body finally turned dark-gold, the aura on Huo Yuhao's body changed from an icy-blue colour to an insipid grey one.

This grey was very, very dull. However, to Wang Dong's astonishment, the profundity and stability that came from the stream of grey surpassed even the dark-gold on his body.

Yes, the aura on Huo Yuhao's body had expectedly transformed three times in a row as well. Furthermore, it fused perfectly with Wang Dong's aura each time it transformed.

Gradually, Wang Dong's hands, which were holding onto Huo Yuhao's clothes, started to rise upwards, hugging him as well. At this moment, there were no distracting thoughts in their minds; they were completely immersed in the wonderful feeling caused by the changes in their respective auras.

The three different auras varied unceasingly, while the soul power in their bodies started to circulate. Furthermore, the circulation speed of their soul power became increasingly faster as time passed, while the speed at which the three auras alternated continuously increased.

The differently-coloured streams that unceasingly surrounded the two were faintly discernible; in reality, they were very light in colour, so only the two of them could clearly sense their auras.

At this moment, the two didn't understand what this state truly meant to them, but they took advantage of the opportunity that had presented itself and calmly hugged each other, silently perceiving this wonderful and increasingly relaxing feeling.

Regardless of whether it was Huo Yuhao or Wang Dong, the two of them felt as if the other party had merged into their body; this feeling was simply too wonderful. Subsequently, their souls felt as if they had ascended to a higher plane.

At this moment, a refreshing feeling appeared in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea. An extremely familiar voice then echoed out.

"How can your luck be this good? This can't be true."

This sudden voice startled Huo Yuhao, slightly awakening him from that strange feeling. He subconsciously wanted to release his hands.

That voice hurriedly said, "Quickly hug him, you idiot."

Huo Yuhao immediately tightened his arms. He had an absolute trust towards this voice, because he had already recognised that this voice belonged to no one else but the Skydream Iceworm.

Yes, the Skydream Iceworm, who had been in a deep slumber for several months, had actually awakened due to Huo Yuhao's and Wang Dong's hug.

However, it quickly turned taciturn. After a brief moment, its voice rang out in Huo Yuhao's mind again, "From now on, follow my instructions. I'd never have thought that you'd actually be able to find someone who's completely compatible with your aura. This Brother really can't understand it. No, this is practically impossible! However, you've done it. This, to you, is something extremely fortunate. You have to grab this chance; it'll give you two endless prospects in the future."

Huo Yuhao subconsciously thought in his mind; "Brother Skydream, just what do you mean? Wang Dong's aura is perfectly compatible with mine?"

The Skydream Iceworm responded; "Simply put, the current relationship between you two is just like that of a married couple between mortals. On the one hand, we have Yin; On the other hand, we have Yang. We have two completely identical auras, but they respectively represent Yin and Yang. After they fuse completely, a completely harmonized body of Yin and Yang will form. As a result of this, you'll inevitably release an extremely large amount of power. It seems like you humans call this situation a 'Martial Soul Fusion'. In other words, your martial soul and the martial soul of this fellow you're hugging are perfectly compatible. Furthermore, there are different levels of martial soul fusions. Generally, the possibility of a fusion only exists if your compatibility exceeds fifty percent. However, the compatibility between you two is a hundred percent. Not only that, but this Brother was even astonished by the fact that you two actually have three martial souls that are fusing with each other. This practically isn't a miracle, it's perverted!"

"Three martial soul fusions?" Huo Yuhao asked blankly. "How can that be possible? Wang Dong only has one martial soul, and that's the Radiant Butterfly Goddess! I only have two martial souls, and my second martial soul isn't even decided yet."

The Skydream Iceworm unhappily said; "Do you think he's just going to tell you that he has a few martial souls? If it were me, I wouldn't even talk about it! As for you, not bad. You originally had one martial soul, but I gave you an Ice martial soul. That's two. But do you still remember that small grey ball? That unfathomable fellow. Even if he looks very weak, don't look down on him. I've thought about him for a long time, but I still can't swallow him up. He's unexpectedly become a strange sort of martial soul. Even with this Brother's million years of experience, I still can't fathom what he's doing. It doesn't seem to be able to obtain any soul rings, but the innate strength of its soul terrifies even me. Even I can't imagine what it'll become. But, this martial soul that can't even be called a martial soul actually managed to fuse with this fellow you're hugging. Otherwise, why would this Brother be so stunned?"

Huo Yuhao astonishedly said, "If you put it this way, then doesn't it mean that Wang Dong has triple martial souls as well?"