Fusion of the Three Innate Martial Souls

The Skydream Iceworm indifferently said, "Idiot. That's obvious. Haven't you ever thought to yourself about this? Even someone possessing twin martial souls wouldn't be able to withstand the suppressive strength of a thousand-year soul ring when he is at the level you humans call 'Rank 20'. The reason why he can do it is exactly because he has three martial souls. Each and every one of his martial souls has improved his physique, so that's how he's able to possess a thousand-year soul ring when he's only at Rank 20. Using the descriptions you humans use, this fellow you're hugging is a super-genius that's hard to see even in ten thousand years."

Huo Yuhao would absolutely never have thought that Wang Dong would actually possess three martial souls. No wonder, no wonder he told Xiao Xiao that she'd absolutely never be his match in a 1v1 situation. No wonder he possessed such strong self-confidence. He was only a two-ringed Soul Grandmaster, but he had never displayed any feelings of admiration towards anyone. Huo Yuhao had never thought that Wang Dong's talent was THIS high.

"Foolish kid, what do you have to be stunned about? In a sense, you're someone who has triple martial souls as well! Furthermore, don't forget this: your first soul ring is an unprecedented million-year soul ring. I can guarantee that you absolutely won't find a second million-year soul beast on the Douluo Continent. Therefore, even though he's an exceptional genius, you're unique and unmatched. Have some confidence in yourself. For example, now. With your Brother as an unprecedented intelligent soul ring, I'll let you take the initiative when you two undergo martial soul fusion. Relax your body and allow me to do everything."

As he spoke, a refreshing feeling instantly spread from Huo Yuhao's brain to his entire body, causing his awareness towards his surroundings to dramatically increase.

It was as if he'd used his Mental Detection; everything in the room appeared as a three-dimensional figure. Not only that, but there seemed to be various colors interchanging in the room. Huo Yuhao finally saw the colour changes on Wang Dong's body. Gold, bluish-gold, dark gold—the three colors flickered alternately. On the other hand, the three colors on his body were white, ice-blue, and grey; the three colors transformed unceasingly.

It was just as the Skydream Iceworm had said, the compatibility between their martial souls was simply too high. Whenever the color on Huo Yuhao's body became white, the color on Wang Dong's body would turn gold. Then, the ice-blue on Huo Yuhao's body would be matched with Wang Dong's bluish-gold; grey was matched with dark-gold.

The three pairs of colours were extremely harmonized.

However, after the Skydream Iceworm started to move, the colour of Huo Yuhao's pupil quietly turned a faintly ice-blue color, which was different from the time when it had helped Huo Yuhao fight against Ma Xiaotao's terrifying Phoenix Flame. This time, the Skydream Iceworm only poured a trace of its strength into Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea; it didn't control his body. He only guided Huo Yuhao's aura, causing it to start producing various transformations.

Gradually, it could be seen that the aura on Huo Yuhao's body had quietly strengthened by quite a bit. During this kind of process whereby martial soul fusion was occurring involuntarily, a transformation in the aura of one party would inevitably cause a subsequent transformation in the aura of the other party.

Consequently, Wang Dong's aura immediately strengthened by quite a bit as well, and at this moment, a strong spiritual undulation was released from Huo Yuhao's body, simultaneously jolting the two. The two then fainted in what was practically the same instant, causing their bodies to fall onto Wang Dong's fur-covered bed.

The Skydream Iceworm's cunning voice then rang out, "Next, just watch this Brother. There's also a distinction between the main user and the secondary user during a martial soul fusion, so let's take the dominant position and take a few advantages. Eeh, this fella called Wang Dong is actually… since that's the case, I'll take a few less advantages from him."

Strands of icy-blue thread started to slowly appear on Huo Yuhao's fingertips, rapidly enveloping his and Wang Dong's bodies. If you examined them closely, you would realise that these threads were actually completely made from soul power; this was absolutely not Huo Yuhao's soul power. With his current cultivation, he was simply too far from wanting to materialise his soul power.

Gradually, the two who were embracing each other had already turned into an enormous cocoon.

After all, the Skydream Iceworm was a silkworm, and forming cocoons was a natural abilities that belonged to silkworms. Currently, their respective auras were completely concentrated within that blue cocoon, unceasingly wandering about their bodies while transforming.

The Skydream Iceworm's pleased voice rang out, "Done. I'll just let them continue for now. It was a perfect fusion, their compatibility rate was 100%. With the fusion between three martial souls, I don't believe that grey tortoise won't be forced out. If you have the ability, come out from your shell and fight three hundred rounds with this Bro. Hmph."

The dormitory quieted back down after that. Only the large icy-blue cocoon remained, flickering with a mysterious light. There were no soul power undulations outside the cocoon, and the two people within the cocoon were in a deep, deep sleep.

Time slowly passed. Today was the only day Huo Yuhao didn't sell his roasted fish.

Xiao Xiao waited for the two for a long while, but she didn't see them exit the dorms. Just like how male students couldn't casually enter the girls dorms, female students couldn't enter the male dorms as they wished! After a moment of helplessness, she could only return to her room to rest.

On the other hand, Tang Ya had dragged Bei Bei to the entrance of Shrek Academy in order to wait for Huo Yuhao's roasted fish. However, they didn't find Huo Yuhao's absence strange. After all, they had heard of the freshmen assessment's system. The assessment system changed every year, and this year's system was especially fierce! The two even asked around about the trio's situation within the assessment. Since Huo Yuhao didn't set up his stall, they naturally assumed that he was too tired from the assessment. Thus, they didn't think much of it, and decided to go back to their rooms after waiting for a while.

They weren't the only ones who were disappointed by Huo Yuhao's absence. Today, Jiang Nannan had also queued up early. Unfortunately, she could only return disappointed today.

However, nobody knew how important this was for Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong. After being schoolmates for three months, the relationship between the two started to have a qualitative change from today onwards.


Sea God's Lake, centre island, lakeside.

Teacher Wang Yan, who had just carried out the freshmen assessment not long ago, was standing here. Only, he had an exceptionally respectful expression on his face.

An old man with disheveled hair was sitting not far away from him, his figure somewhat messy. His originally-white changpao had already been changed into a greyish-brown one which had many holes on it. His naked feet were currently immersed in the cool water of the Sea God's Lake while his right hand held a massive bottle gourd.

The bottle gourd was red-purple in color, and nobody knew what it was made out of. He occasionally took a gulp from it, immediately causing a strong smell of alcohol to spread. His other hand held a fried chicken, ignoring the grease on it. The way he was eating and drinking made one feel that it was extremely joyful.

"Xuan Lao, this is what happened. These students are still young; they're freshmen. Even though that's the case, they're truly deserving of our attention."

"Oh…" The sloppy elder who was called Xuan Lao swallowed a mouthful of chicken before glancing back at Wang Yan. In all other aspects, he looked like a very old man. However, his unexpectedly scarlet eyes were extraordinarily bright; they seemed as if they could steal one's soul away. But his gaze was slightly disorderly, so much so that he even appeared vacant; it was as if he wasn't seriously paying attention to Wang Yan's words.

"A Body Soul, interesting." Xuan Lao mumbled to himself, his voice somewhat rough and aged.

Wang Yan asked, "Xuan Lao, can a hair martial soul be considered a Body Soul?"

Xuan Lao spoke as he ate, "It could be connected to it."

Wang Yan replied, "Since that's the case, Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo should deserve your attention; they can even release a fusion skill. If they can even be connected to a Body Soul, their future potential should be quite large."

Xuan Lao shook his head and said, "Hair? Impossible. You're known as a person whose research and theoretical skills are very strong, so how could your knowledge of Body Souls be so weak?"

Wang Yan smiled bitterly. "There's simply no one I can perform research on! Also, the information related to Body Souls is simply too limited. The Body Sect hasn't entered the world for a long time."

Xuan Lao chuckled and stood up, his wet feet stepping on the grassy floor. He appeared very casual and relaxed as he said, "Then let me teach you something. To tell how strong a Body Soul is, you have to see how important it is to the body. If the body part used in a Body Soul is more important to the human body, the better it'll be. Because of that, I'm quite interested in that youth who has the Spirit Eyes. If your hair falls off, it can still be grown back. But what if you lose your eyes? Furthermore, he even possesses a spiritual-type martial soul. In other words, his martial soul actually consists of his eyes and his brain. To be able to see a Body Soul that stands at the peak of all Body Souls within your lifetime, you're quite lucky. However, I believe that his Body Soul hasn't been completely stimulated yet. Otherwise, why would he be reduced to using a ten-year soul ring? Go tell Little Ning I'll be watching the freshmen assessment's ranking tournament. Ask him to leave a space for me."



Night gradually descended. However, the ice-blue halo in Wang Dong's and Huo Yuhao's room continued to quietly flicker.

Time gradually passed as evening became night. The aura surrounding Huo Yuhao's and Wang Dong's body had secretly undergone mysterious changes; the colors of their respective auras had further coiled around each other, fusing. Furthermore, their respective soul power had even travelled in a strange cycle after entering each other's bodies. In addition to that, each differently colored aura was followed by a different circulation path.

If it were anyone else who had entered a martial fusion, they would need at least three days to complete their fusion. However, the Skydream Iceworm's help managed to help them directly complete the soul power circulation paths during their fusion by utilising the interactions between their auras, allowing them to save an extremely large amount of time.

After a wordless night, day gradually arrived.

The ice-blue cocoon gradually melted, revealing the situation within. Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong were still tightly hugging each other, but the differently colored auras surrounding them had already disappeared. Their faces were right next to each other, and they could even smell each other's breath. They were sleeping very, very soundly.

After coming to Shrek Academy, this was the first time that Huo Yuhao hadn't woken up early to cultivate, as well as the first time he hadn't eaten breakfast.

The outside of the dormitory quickly became lively. The other students living in the dorms had already woken up, and they were rushing about to clean themselves.

The noisy sounds gradually affected the two who were sleeping soundly, causing Wang Dong to wake first.

"Ugh." Wang Dong's soft groan sounded somewhat lethargic, yet also seemed slightly delicate. As he slowly opened his eyes, he saw Huo Yuhao right next to him.

He was left stunned for a moment. After moving his body for a moment, he realised that he'd been tightly hugged by Huo Yuhao; their chests were stuck to one another's tightly. Huo Yuhao's body even seemed to be giving off a warm feeling.

Wang Dong only knew that he had slept for a very, very long time. He had never felt something like this before, so at this moment, besides a slight sense of peculiarity in his heart, he actually felt panicked.

"Huo Yuhao, wake up." He struggled lightly against Huo Yuhao's embrace, wanting to free himself from Huo Yuhao's hands. However, staying in that position for too long a time had caused the two's bodies to slightly stiffen up. Without even talking about Huo Yuhao's hand, even his own hand felt slightly numb as he tried to pull them back to himself.

"Ah?" Huo Yuhao finally woke up from his sleep, discovering Wang Dong, who was in front of him, with a glance. The two were simply too close to each other; the only reason why their noses weren't stuck together was because Wang Dong had deliberately raised his head. But, Huo Yuhao felt the sensation of a long pair of eyelashes as Wang Dong blinked.

"Why're you so close to me?" Huo Yuhao spoke subconsciously. As he spoke, his warm breath covered Wang Dong's face.

"You…" Wang Dong flew into a rage. He suddenly started struggling, finally withdrawing his arms. Then, he used his hands to grab Huo Yuhao's shoulders, pulling himself backwards while raising his soft legs and shoving them between him and Huo Yuhao, creating a gap between the two of them.

When Huo Yuhao woke up, he subconsciously loosened his grip on Wang Dong's hands. But after being separated from Wang Dong by his legs, he finally woke up from his sleep. However, Wang Dong woke him up even more in the next moment…

Within the dorm room, the two each had a single bed to themselves. The sudden strength released by Wang Dong's long legs immediately kicked Huo Yuhao away, causing him to land on the ground with a "putong".

"Aiya, Wang Dong, what're you doing?" Huo Yuhao was in agony due to being fiercely kicked to the ground by Wang Dong while he'd been completely defenceless. This immediately caused an indignant expression to appear on his face.

Wang Dong was slightly breathless as he sat up. After straightening his messy clothes, he angrily said, "You're asking me what I was doing? Why were you sleeping on my bed last night?"

"Uh…" Only then did Huo Yuhao discover that he'd been kicked off Wang Dong's bed. He remained silent for a brief moment, thinking to himself, "Bro, oh Bro, you've doomed me. Don't you know how mysophobic that guy is? Why would you make me sleep together with him?"

Although he thought this in his heart, he still argued, "You can't blame me for this. Look, didn't you sleep with me as well?"

Wang Dong snorted angrily. Just as he was about to reply to Huo Yuhao, a piercing ring suddenly rang out, jolting both of them.

"I forgot, it's time for class. Crap, we're late. Quick." Huo Yuhao instantly jumped up, directly running outside with Wang Dong in tow.

Wang Dong didn't have the time to be angry with Huo Yuhao, as he was also aware of the trouble they had gotten themselves into. Thus, he ran alongside Huo Yuhao.

The two didn't have time to eat breakfast, nor did they have the time to shower. Instead, they quickly ran towards the teaching blocks. They were extremely clear about Zhou Yi's temper; was there any difference between being late for class and committing suicide?

Their appearances were truly somewhat wretched. Wang Dong was still fine. At the very least, he had still managed to straighten his clothes when he'd kicked Huo Yuhao earlier. Huo Yuhao, on the other hand, was in an even more sorry situation. His school shirt was half tucked into his pants. Not only that, his hair was also messy, and two of his shirt buttons were unbuttoned, exposing his bronze chest. As he ran, the wind blew his clothes around.

However, they didn't have the time to worry about that. Right now, all they wanted to do was to rush to the classroom with the utmost haste and extinguish the flames of Zhou Yi's anger; they were already late!

After a minute, they arrived at Class One's entrance.

"Reporting in." Huo Yuhao shouted out, full of energy.

"Reporting in." Wang Dong's voice was softer than his, so much so that it seemed like he didn't have any energy at all. He stole a glance at Huo Yuhao, a somewhat complicated expression in his eyes. Then, he ruthlessly raised his hand and pinched Huo Yuhao's back.

Huo Yuhao's expression immediately changed, but seeing that Zhou Yi had already walked over to them, he forcefully held in the scream that almost left his mouth.

The other students were already present. Seeing Huo Yuhao's sloppy appearance, a smile unexpectedly flashed through Zhou Yi's eyes. However, the always meticulous Huo Yuhao didn't manage to notice it as a result of the severe pain from his back.

"You two, what happened? Come in first." Zhou Yi waved over to the two.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong hurriedly walked into the class, and Wang Dong even shut the door considerately.

Xiao Xiao, who had already arrived earlier, couldn't help but widen her eyes as she saw their wretched appearances. Her mouth moved, but she didn't say anything. It looked as if she was asking, "Heavens! What were the two of you doing last night?"

The gazes of the entire class were focused on the two, especially on the monitor whose clothes were untidy.

Zhou Yi used her ever-cold voice to ask, "My dear class monitor, tell me. What were you two doing?"

"Uh… sorry, Teacher Zhou. We overslept." Huo Yuhao replied with an embarrassed look on his face. Now, all they could do was to take the initiative to apologize for their mistakes. Furthermore, they could only receive whatever punishment Zhou Yi gave them without complaining.

"Who slept with who? You actually managed to oversleep?" Zhou Yi made a rare joke.

Huo Yuhao was stunned, while Wang Dong's face instantly reddened. This was because she'd hit upon the truth.

The whole class continued to remain silent, but this silence only lasted for three seconds. Right after that, the class burst into laughter.

Wang Dong lowered his head, wishing he could find a whole to jump into. This was embarrassing, simply too embarrassing! Having just noticed Huo Yuhao's untidy clothes, he just wanted to slap him to death! This bastard, he made me lose all my face.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yi smiled as well. Although the smile on her face looked even uglier than someone crying, Huo Yuhao was certain, certain that she was smiling.

Zhou Yi raised her hand, and her authority as a super-teacher undoubtedly manifested itself, causing the entire class to quieten immediately. However, Zhou Yi ignored the smiling expressions in their eyes.

"Enough. Return to your seats." Zhou Yi waved her hands, forgiving the two in a completely unprecedented manner.

"Ah?" Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong subconsciously raised their heads, thinking they had heard wrongly.

Zhou Yi glared at them, "What? You've overslept to the point where you don't know what I'm saying?"

Only then did Huo Yuhao understand what she had said. Pulling Wang Dong's sleeve, the two gloomily walked over to their usual seats. However, they didn't feel like raising their heads after feeling the surrounding looks of ridicule.

However, it was fortunate that they were still freshmen, where everyone was only eleven or twelve-year-old students. They only treated the issue of two people sleeping together as a joke; they didn't think too much of it. But if this reached the ears of the outer courtyard's upperclassmen, and was distorted by the words of a few fujoshis, it could become an even bigger scandal.

After walking back to the teaching podium, Zhou Yi indifferently said, "After three days, the freshmen assessment has finally ended. The final results were already tallied last night."

After hearing her words, the students of Class 1 were filled with energy; not every group was as absolutely confident they had passed the assessment like Huo Yuhao's group.

A smile that nobody dared to compliment unexpectedly appeared on Zhou Yi's face for the second time today. "I have no choice but to admit that you've worked very hard. You've given me face. Out of our twenty-two teams from Class 1, all of you have passed the freshmen assessment. I'm very happy about this."

"Bang——" The entire class was filled with boiling excitement; cheering sounds filled every corner of the classroom. This time, Zhou Yi didn't stop them. She smiled as she watched the excited cheering of the kids in front of her.

They truly had the qualifications to start cheering! Last night, all of the proctors as well as the teachers in charge of the ten classes had worked together to tally the results of the assessment.

Practically all the proctors stated that the students from Class 1 were much more resilient than the students from the other classes. During the intensive assessment competition, they had all displayed a frightening amount of willpower and combat strength; out of all the classes, they were the class that had turned the tides the most times during the assessment. Most outstandingly, the students from Class 1 practically won all the matches that involved opponents who were evenly matched with them.

Ever since she had become a teacher at Shrek Academy, this was the first time Zhou Yi had received public praise. Originally, the students in Class 1 had been the fewest in number among the ten classes. But after the round-robin tournament, over half of the students who had participated in the assessment had been eliminated. As a result of this, Class 1 was now the class who had the greatest number of students in Year 1.

No matter how strict Zhou Yi was, everyone was feeling very happy today. This was also the main reason why Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong had been forgiven even though they had turned up late to class.

"Okay, quiet down." After letting the class cheer for a long time, Zhou Yi motioned for them to quiet down.

"The only way for you to guarantee that you'll stay in the academy is to pass the assessment. At the very least, you won't be easily eliminated for another year. However, it's only one more year. If you become lazy in the future, I'm afraid that I won't be able to continue seeing you after your second year here. Furthermore, it's not such a big deal to be able to pass the freshmen assessment. Out of the twenty-two teams here, fourteen teams haven't finished their freshman assessment yet, because you've entered the top 64. You'll still have to go through the knock-out competition, which is where you can truly prove how outstanding you are."

After hearing Zhou Yi's words, the two raised their heads, exposing a trace of amazement in their eyes. There was no need to mention the fact that all twenty-two teams from their class had passed the assessment, but there were actually fourteen teams that had entered the top 64. In other words, their class alone occupied over 20% of the top 64 spots; the percentage of students from Class 1 who managed to enter the knockout round was double that of the other classes. With a result like this, they truly deserved to be arrogant!

Zhou Yi continued speaking. "During the round-robin tournament, a total of six teams managed to win every single match they participated in. Our class only has one such team. Originally, I was planning to give them a reward, but unfortunately, they turned up late to class. Hence, their merits are equal to their demerits, so I won't reward them or punish them."

Once again, Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong became the center of attention of the entire class. The two of them truly felt depressed! They then looked each other in the eye. Their gazes looked normal, but both of them were stunned.

When they looked at each other, they clearly sensed the soul power in their bodies undulate for a moment. This caused a sense of intimacy that was hard to describe to involuntarily arise, so much so that they felt like hugging each other again.

At this moment, the two simultaneously thought of the reason why they had ended up on Wang Dong's bed after hugging each other.

Wang Dong muttered, "Could we have succeeded?"

Huo Yuhao was more certain of the answer than Wang Dong. After all, he had talked to the Skydream Iceworm! He naturally couldn't appear too certain, but he couldn't help but expose a fervent look in his eyes.

"It could be. Shall we try it out after class?"


The two nodded at each other at what seemed to be the same instant. A hard-to-describe sense of understanding involuntarily arose between the two, and although Huo Yuhao's Mental Detection hadn't been activated, the two of them seemed to be able to predict their counterpart's next move. This feeling made them feel as if they were twins; it felt wonderful, yet extraordinarily peculiar.

"Thump——" A loud sound jolted the two from that peculiar feeling. The two simultaneously raised their heads, just in time for them to see Zhou Yi's angry face.

Oops… their absent-mindedness during class had been caught.

"You two, go outside and start running with chainmail on you. You're not allowed to stop until the bell rings. You two just achieved something, but you're already so satisfied with yourselves!"

This isn't fair! The two simultaneously cried out in their hearts. However, they knew that as long as Teacher Zhou decided on something, there was no way she would change her mind. Helplessly, they could only leave the classroom with a bitter look on their faces and return to their dorms to get their chainmail.

As she saw the two leave dejectedly, Zhou Yi snorted, "All of you, remember this. No matter how successful you are, you must always have a humble and cautious heart. Not only can arrogance cause you to deteriorate, it can also take your life. The knockout round will start tomorrow, so I'll give you a simple explanation regarding its main parts."

The two of them were doomed to not listen to Zhou Yi's explanation, but it was fortunate that Xiao Xiao was still there. Although she didn't explicitly state it, Zhou Yi intended Xiao Xiao to pass the information on to them.

"I'm blaming you for this." Once they left the teaching block, Wang Dong exploded, speaking angrily to Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao had a wronged expression on his face as he said, "How can you blame me for this? You were the one who insisted on me hugging you yesterday."

"What did you say?" A cold light appeared in Wang Dong's eyes as he looked at Huo Yuhao with clenched teeth.

"Uh… we're a team, we should be united." Huo Yuhao solemnly looked towards Wang Dong, who already had his fists clenched.

"Unity my ass. You're the reason why I got punished, so you tell me what you're going to do about it." Wang Dong said angrily, "Also, you slept on my bed last night. What're you going to do about that?"

Huo Yuhao patted Wang Dong's shoulder while putting his hand around his neck, "Okay, okay. We're all brothers, so we shouldn't bicker over a small matter like this. Okay? We should just quickly finish Teacher Zhou's task, just in case she flips out on us."

In the instant Huo Yuhao placed his hand around Wang Dong's neck, Wang Dong was immediately stunned. Huo Yuhao's voice had also become softer. After speaking, the two completely stopped moving. Huo Yuhao subconsciously looked towards his hands; Wang Dong did as well.

"Why would this happen?" The two spoke in unison.

Correct, a strange thing had happened to the two. When Huo Yuhao's hand touched Wang Dong's neck, it seemed like the two had been connected. Huo Yuhao's soul power had flowed into Wang Dong's body in a very natural manner, while Wang Dong's soul power had slowly flowed back. It was as if the two had formed a complete whole. Although the connection was only formed from Wang Dong's neck and Huo Yuhao's hand, that feeling was very clear.

"That's not right, let's try it again."

Huo Yuhao first pulled back the hand he was holding Wang Dong with, before gripping Wang Dong's two hands with his own hands.

Wang Dong's hands were unusually soft, and they were extremely smooth; it was very comfortable to hold them. However, the present Huo Yuhao didn't have the time to fully experience this feeling.

In the instant the two held hands, the soul power from Huo Yuhao's Mysterious Heaven Technique started moving. It flowed rapidly from his right hand into Wang Dong's left hand. Then, his left hand generated what seemed to be an absorption force that absorbed Wang Dong's soul power into his body. The soul power of the two rapidly circulated, and the speed of this circulation was at least double the speed of Huo Yuhao's previous circulation speed.

Wang Dong was a genius among geniuses in the first place, so he immediately realised what had happened. "Try controlling it for a bit. Try and pour it into your body." As he spoke, he pulled back his left hand. This way, only his soul power was being transferred to Huo Yuhao's body.

Immediately, Huo Yuhao felt that his soul power was explosively increasing at a astonishing rate; an unprecedented feeling of power filled his entire body.

As a result of being remoulded by the Mysterious Water Pill and nourished by the Mysterious Heaven Technique, the endurance of his passageways had already reached the apex of what could be achieved by his peers. Although a large amount of soul power had entered his body, he didn't feel bloated at all.

An imperceptible sense of understanding had already appeared between the two of them. Huo Yuhao immediately activated his Mental Detection, enveloping Wang Dong within it.

For the sake of immersing himself in this bizarre feeling, Wang Dong shut his eyes. Immediately, he discovered that the range of Huo Yuhao's Mental Detection was increasing at an astonishing rate.

Originally, Huo Yuhao's Mental Detection could exceed a range of sixty metres when it was activated in a spherical manner; it could reach a hundred metres or so when it was focused in one direction. However, his Mental Detection quickly reached a radius of a hundred metres as a result of Wang Dong's additional soul power.

As the two stared stupefied at each other, Huo Yuhao's voice trembled slightly, "Wang Dong, have you heard of soul masters who can share their soul power with another person who they fused their martial soul with?"

Wang Dong blankly shook his head and muttered, "Why would this happen? Don't tell me that our attempt yesterday actually succeeded?"

Huo Yuhao had an excited expression as he said, "Shall we find a place to try it out?"

Right at this moment, an angry voice rang out from the window of the nearby teaching block: "Why aren't you two wearing your chainmail and running? Why're you holding hands and courting each other?"