Chapter 2: Friendship can deal with a beast

Joseph was irritated by Noah's rude manner but he was just a seven years old young boy who didn't know what to do in this kind of situation. He was dragged by Noah till they reach the expensive black car which is Noah's personal car and since Noah is a child there is also his personal driver.

Both of them didn't utter a word till the car stopped in front of Joseph's home. When Joseph was about to get out of the car Noah said hurriedly "Lil doll is your wrist ok. I am sorry." in a bit guilty tone. But he can't help but be angry when someone try to get close to his lil doll. It was just like an animal instinct without a thought.

Hearing him Joseph's mood get a bit better and said in a firm tone "Next time don't intrude when I am with my friends Noah."

"But I don't like it when other males get close to you. So be friends with uneteis only." Noah's tone was bit demanding. So it made Joseph angry with him again. Without a word Joseph left Noah and headed towards his front door.

For Joseph Noah's attitude was really annoying, at some point even scary and that made him cautious towards him. He didn't want his mother to worry so he never told her about Noah's attitude. But he just forgot all about this once he came home. After all he was a kid...

Since then strange things started happening around Joseph...

That day he was attending class as usual. It was just an ordinary Tuesday morning. Their Math's teacher was teaching them new lesson. He was focused on the board carefully writing note as teacher talk. He noticed Ted who was sitting next to him staring dumbfounded at the board. Joseph was done with his note at the time. He seemed having a hard time understanding the new lesson for Joseph. So he thought "maybe I could help him a bit" and whispered into his ear "Ted if you don't understand, I can help you with it I finished my note. Don't stare stupidly at the board."

Ted was greatly startled by his sudden approach and said timidly "It is ...ok. I can ...a..ask from other kids. You don't have to worry." Joseph was surprised by his reaction. In normal circumstance he would make a shining eyes and thank him. But he just let it slide.

Later at lunch when Joseph asked him to eat together he said he was eating with others and left him. He was openly avoiding him whole day. It made Joseph upset since Ted was considered his close friend since they became sit mate. But he thought everything would went normal tomorrow. But it didn't....Ted requested from teacher to change his sit and stopped talking with him.

Joseph thought Ted was sick of him and didn't want to be his friend. This thought saddened him so much that he was gloomy next few days. Even tough he tried to approach other students they too was distancing themselves from him. During those days Noah was gentle towards him and hanged out with him to fix his mood. It moved little boys heart and he started often hanging out with Noah. He even thought Noah was a nice.

Joseph thirteen years old>>>>

For the last six years Noah and Joseph's relationship was quite good. There was some conflicts between them time to time due to Noah's strange attitude.

This year Joseph decided to make new friends. It is just he wanted to spend his time with other people. So he was in a high spirit on the first day of school. Jospeh studies in a top school that is why he was the only unetei in his class. Most uneteis attend special school for uneteis that teaches easy lessons and lessons regarding how to raise a baby or wife's duty. But Joseph was clever and liked studying. He wanted to study harder lessons. So he was pretty much sure his new friend would be male. But he won't mind.

When he came school they were two new students. Alfred and Wilson. They were cousins from city B. Joseph talked with them by chance and they were quite compatible . Alfred is a naughty boy who like to case trouble but he was clever. His way of thinking is quite interesting. On the other hand Wilson was calm and mature boy who liked music and book. Joseph liked both of them because they made him delighted. Their gentleness and Noah's gentleness felt completely different to him. He couldn't understand why but he felt more open when he is with Alfred and Wilson. But Noah was different story. Noah always give strange vibe to is hard to felt like someone who is coaxing his favorite pet...

As the time flows Joseph started refusing to go home with Noah which irritated Noah so much. Noah felt like he was too careless as to let his guard down. He eventually found about Alfred and Wilson.....

"How annoying...tsk...what a trouble..."




Week later>>>

"Joseph ... that boy Noah is creepy why do you hang out with him. Do you know what he said to me yesterday. He is like a real jerk. You better not get close to him." said Alfred angrily.

Joseph was bit surprised to the mention of Noah's name. "What did he say"

"No. First what is his relationship with you. He was talking as if he owns you. How irritating. I would have punched him in the face if the teacher didn't come"

"Oh. He also met with me day before yesterday. He was indeed creepy." added Wilson who was wearing headphones.

Being asked like that made Joseph uncomfortable but he still answered honestly " is just we are engaged...he has quite a temper but not bad kid so just don't mind him. Would warn him about it."

Hearing word engaged let alone Alfred even Wilson was shocked.

"So-So you are unetei? And engaged? Not just anyone but that creepy maniac?" Alfred's voice was loud because of his shock.

"You didn't notice he was always you are so dumb" said Wilson hiding his shocked face. Wilson actually noticed Joseph was unetei. You know Jospeh's beautiful face and long blonde hair can't belong to males. But he didn't know about his engagement with that creepy kid. Engagement was normal thing but to think with such a boy. He felt like snatching him away from Noah.

Under the attention of this two Joseph was embarrassed without a reason.

"Why didn't you tell us" asked Alfred.

"I didn't hide it guys never I never told. You guys won't leave because I am engaged with Noah...will you." Joseph's small nervous sound was adorable beyond belief. Who would say that they would abandon him.

"Of course not. Did you grow stupid being with Alfred." said Wilson with his rare playful tone and patted Joseph's head. How soft.....

"Yeah...if Noah is giving you a hard time we would just beat him up..."

Hearing his friends word Joseph was so happy and was emitting light.