Chapter 3: Let’s date (, lil doll!)

Thinking back about the Alfred and Wilson's attitude when he warned them about not getting close to Joseph, he was rather troubled. Last time when he dealt with Ted, it was easy. But it seems, he needs more effort. Wilson and Alfred's background is not simple. Because of his young age Noah's influence and power in his family is not big, let alone outside. So he can't use force like last time.

"I acted based on my emotion. No good"

After some self reflection, Noah went to his father's office to get some advise.

After listening to his son's words, Mr.King was smirking with a amused expression.

"Silly boy, you are his fiancé, why bother compare yourself with his friends. Occupy your position as a lover in Joseph's heart. If other males having idea about what is yours, then get red of them from the shadows. We King's family rose from commoners position. To do such thing clever means is essential."

Dripping sound of rain was giving pleasant feeling to Joseph who was studying in his room. His speed of writing gradually slowed down and unconsciously Joseph was staring outside. He likes the tranquil feeling rain gives.

Knock knock

Disturbed by the sound, Joseph pause for a second before shouting "come in". In the next second unhurried footstep sounded through the room and Noah was already behind him. Resting his chin on Joseph's shoulder he said with a cheerful tone,

"You studying? Why not give yourself a rest. Let's have some snacks together. I bought your favorite cake. Later let's get some fresh air."

Hesitating for a second, Joseph replied with a soft tone that he is ok with it.

Smiling happily Noah straightened his back and pulled Joseph who was stilling sitting up.

"Then let's head down."

Joseph and Noah was in the guest room having some snacks and juice.

"Noah, what did you tell Alfred and Wilson? They said your are creepy."

Not even surprised with the answer, Noah smiled with a innocent smile,

"I just complained that they are getting your time more than me."

Surprised with the answer, Joseph made an incredulous expression.

"Why would you complain to them?"

Blushing, Noah bowed down his head and spoke in a small voice,

"I was too embarrassed to complain to you. I wanted to be with you, but you are always avoiding me. You think I am childish?"

Seeing Noah like this for the first time, Joseph was baffled even forgetting about the matter he was talking. It was the first time he felt that Noah is a normal kid.

"You used to always force me be with you...what is-" not finishing his words,

"That was because..I didn't know other way to let you spend time with me...seeing you with others made me jealous"

Finally looking up at Joseph, Noah said with a earnest tone,

"Noah, I really love you. Why did you not like me? You always avoid. It always makes me sad...."

This time it was Joseph's turn to blush. His mind was running wild.

'What happened to him. Why is he making this puppy face and what is it..aghhh....he said that he LOVE ME! My gosh what do I do.'

"I...I..." shuttering, Noah couldn't find a way to answer this sudden confession moment. He never heard Noah being this honest and straightforward.

"I always dream of marrying you...but you seemed to really dislike me. "

"No that is not it...I don't hate you at all. It is just I was uncomfortable..." Joseph's voice became quieter as the time goes and his cheeks hotter.

"Then can you give me a chance?"


"Let's date"

Seeing Noah's unfamiliar expression of eagerness and innocence Joseph just unconsciously nodded. Before he could talk, Noah was started making happy expression as if he got the whole world and then Joseph shut his mouth.

'Since we are engaged, this much is ok, right?' Thinking this way, Joseph started admiring Noah's 'pure' face.

'So he can be like this, too....actually he is quite handsome...?'


Short and tall two kids were walking around the Central Park in the rain, sharing their big white umbrella. Tall boy was smiling happily like any other kids and was chatting with beautiful short boy. Boy's cheek was red. It is not very clear, if it was from the cold wind or embarrassing praise he was listening.

As the time goes by, two kids turned around and headed back home. Tall boy followed after short one even tough short kid told him to head back home right away since it is getting late.

"Go back home early. Then I will be going in first. Bye!" Just as Joseph was about to turn around and leave, he felt something warm and soft touching his cheek accompanied with a small whisper right beside his ear, making him dazed.

"Thank you for accepting my confession"

When he came back to his sense, Joseph's ear and cheek was blushed and the main culprit for this was nowhere in sight.

"He is quite nice. Maybe he was good kid after all..."

Heading back home, Noah's expression wasn't that of a pure happiness but fulfillment with a hint of other emotions. He was happy, there is no need to mention. After talking to his dad and reflecting on himself, he found that he was immature and irrational.

After making some more effort he found that it wasn't hard to keep Joseph by his side.

Today was the first time he saw that many cute expression's on his lil doll's beautiful face. He is now even more reluctant to let people near him. Apart from his obsession over control, Noah started to took an interest in his toy. He was never in love with his toy, but when he sees his awkwardness it felt good. He try to keep Joseph to himself simply because he felt like it, it is more of an unique sick character of him. But he never expected that his doll was this interesting. As far as Noah remember even when they were getting along in the past six year, Joseph was just used to him and tolerated his temper. His expression was always that of an neutral gentle smile...habitual smile...

'Let's play house, my lil doll.'