Present time


"Hey, Joseph! What's up. Been a while, huh?" energetic voice of an young male was loud and clear in Joseph's ear. Following that bright boy with a wide smile came into his view with a boy who always seemed aloof and clean.

"How is your life here. I thought you would come begging for help after a week. I didn't expect our pampered young master to hold for this long." melodic baritone voice that didn't match his clean, somewhat delicate face made strong contrast. But regardless Wilson was handsome to the point people around can't help but take a second look. Even Joseph who didn't see for some time was in awe after seeing him and hearing his voice.

"Daebak! How the hell did you became so tall! Wilson!"


"Where did you learn to talk this way! You were here only for a year and look at you!" smacking lightly on the Joseph's head, Wilson began his famous 'scolding'.

Alfred who was beside them shielded Joseph and said while complaining "Stop scolding my cute Joseph!"

"Yeah, you can't scold me like this when we meet after such a long time. I changed for the better!"

"What for the better! What horrible thing did you do to your hair!

"Hey you knew about my hair what are you suddenly scolding me now..uwu.." (fake crying)

"Old geezer! Our Joseph looks beautiful no matter what ok!" Still hugging Joseph.

Playful and not a bit awkward reunion after a long time between good friends was quite a sight in the airport stationed in LA.

Wilson's POV

Thump thump

My heart was beating faster the nearer I got to my destination. Thinking about the certain clever and bright unetei made it even worse but I don't hate this feeling at all.


'This really something' looking at the snoring Alfred beside me, suddenly my hear calmed down and...


"Get up. You have been sleeping entire time. We are about to land"

"Ugh..ok..ok..I will"

'This guy is so loose! All he ever do is sleep and play around don't have any worry. '

Finally we landed. Many people were waiting for someone and airport was lively. Despite the fact that many people were here, I could spot the one I was looking for the moment I came. His long blue hair and outstanding face and figure was beautiful and for a moment I felt myself unable to breath. His hair would gently sway as the person in question head towards me with a bright smile. In a year he became even more beautiful and unforgettable. My head was racing as he came closer. In order to hide my inner turmoils, I stayed quiet. When Alfred take the initiative to greet I felt myself don't know what to do. Saying whatever came to mind and then I wondered if what I said bother Joseph.

When Joseph's clear voice mentioned my height I felt myself satisfied and don't know how to answer and just started blabbering whatever came to my mind.

'I am so fucked up.... I didn't mean to talk about such things..'