
The college ended and I tugging down my head on the footpath. Could my life be more miserable?

All I wanted was to become a wizard but that all looks good in the cinema... So I decided to become an actor. But my parents had a dream of their own for the future. They wanted me to have a good job to get me a roof and three meals, yes in this century.

I lost my high school to get into a prestigious college. Turns out the days I spent indoors with the books, let me lose all of the friends. Once I got into college, I could never forget the smile my parents had. My chubby dad had a gummy smile down his white whiskers and his tummy never stopped giggling. On the other hand, mamma had tears of joy.

Sacrificing my life for them was worth if I could see that smile forever long, not until they were gone...

They had a terrible car accident near a riverbank and their bodies were never found. The past two years have been disastrous for me. I ask myself, why do I continue to attend college and I could go into the unknown. Maybe, I am too afraid of having lost my only support or too alone in this world. Somewhere, out there in the millions of galaxies and the trillions of planets wandering in them, would my destiny transcend.

I slid the door and bang it and sat near a mirror. Looking at myself. Skin was vampire pale and eyes were dripping brown and lips were stains of the turnip. Long strains of mustard hair flung down to one side of my forehead and ocean submerged within the two eyeballs. The mirror as me as exact as possible. I tilted my head and I could see how miserable the person sitting in front of me is. But he smiles!

He smiles and titled his neck straight but I didn't. He reached how his hand for me until it rose out of the mirror. The mirror acted as if ripples were forming in the surface of the pond whilst his palm dawdle.

Nothing but the mirror felt as boiling platinum. I moved back as the hand moved closer to me. It almost reached my collar and with zoop pulled me in. My eyes brushed up to see a tunnel which was painted the most oddly that is vibrant shades of green. I realised not only I was floating in mid-air but also flying forward. The tunnel twisted and so did my body which my permission. A sudden, pitch-black was all I saw but then I was back there. This happened so many times until my body was acting as if it ran of fuel and I fell.

Straight down but passed the surface like it was just a projection. Clouds and loud air brush against my body as I fell down. Looking down was nothing but pillows of clouds. They started disappearing and again there was something green...


I blinked my eyes several times and every time I saw something who was getting focused with every blink. He was a boy of my age with dark chocolate skin and a yellow sweater. He had white teeth and his lips were twisted from both ends in a smile. I placed my elbow on the firm soil and tried to get up. But soon as I did, there was a shivering pain in my head. I abruptly pressed my head with another palm and sat.

"Are you alright?", he asked me.

I nodded and then looked at him. Before I could ask him the most usual question, I glanced around. In my whole life, I have never seen grass taller than it was here. Each strand was the darkest shade of green and taller than my house. Each drop I saw consisted of an enormous water drop stuck ventral side of the apex.

Not to mention, there was no sun in the sky!

I looked at the guy with suprise look, "Where am I?" I finally asked him.

He smiled at him, which was the most childish possible, "In the resident area 456" he answered.

Resident? Where are residents? He got up and offered me a hand. I grabbed his palm and got up. Then I dusted my behind and knees.

"Why are the grasses so tall?", I asked him when I was done the house cleaning.

He glared me with astonishment, "Kidding?" he whispered.

"Wait! Don't tell me I have been transmigrated into another world, into another galaxy?", I asked him whilst grabbing his elbows.

He pushed me away, "Dude, are you out of the brain?" he asked and added, "I think you had an accident, probably that's why you were lying unconscious on the ground"

What the hell is going on? He started walking away from me. I caught after him. I know I have been into a very different world than earth but I cannot freak this guy out like in every movie or drama's main lead would do when they get transferred into an unknown world.

"Excuse me, I think I fell down from a great height and now I don't remember anything," I said, wanting him to badly believe in my classic shit.

He stopped and looked at me, "Listen, you should go to the police station, I have to attend the very first day of my university and didn't wanna get late" he told me.

Before he could walk away, his eyes laid on my pocket. He glared for sometime before pulling out a slip tugged in it. He glanced it. Maybe it was a movie ticket or a football match I missed in past. But none of them interested me? A kitty party ticket then?

"Wow, were you playing with me?" he asked.

I tilted my head side to side in disapproval.

"Nice to meet you", he pulled out his hand for a handshake, "My name Is Andromeda Clergy" he introduced himself whilst I shook hands with him.

What an odd name to begin with. What else am I going to see, fire-breathing dragons, eagle-headed gryphon, magical fairies or gods? Or maybe everything at once, but that may be impossible.

"And what's your name?", he asked me.

"Tan Albugo" I answered.

"Wow, what a weird name", he said with a slight giggle. I could feel the same for his name.

"So, Tan Albugo. Let us hurry or we'd be late" he said.

"Late for what?", I asked.

He laughed, "I like your sense of humour. You have students pass in your pocket in you are playing with me?" he asked.

What pass? Oh, this what he is holding. I do not understand anything at all.

"Let's go! A whole new world is waiting", he said and pulled me by the wrist.