Angry Lions Roar

He pulled my wrist and look me out of the forest of giant green leaves. Turns out what I saw inside was just the tip of the iceberg. The outside was crowded with carriages. What actually dropped my jaw was they every vehicle was driven by some kind of dinosaur. Most of them were taller than me, on two or four feet and lizard-like scales. The ones of two legs were furiously brushed in cherry scales and alligator eyes with claws on toes larger than my fist. But they were fast, running off sight within a blink.

Another one was on their four legs. Most of them were green and resemble a proper miniature of enormous herbivore dinosaur. They diddled pulling luggage of all sorts. They probably didn't carry people. Some had watermelon behind a cart and others were selling boots.

"C'mon", he said and pulled me again.

They crossed the road where these creatures land just by luck. The other side was filled with people and shops. Most of them looked resembled how people look and dress in the earth.

Except for the clothing, which was really traditional like the nineties. We looked on the crowded side lane and stopped by a tree. Then he pulled out a paper slip, one that is similar to mine and showed it to the tree. I waited patiently to understand his intentions. Then with the cracking of wood, two eyes seemed to be formed on the thick bark of the tree. They were pitch black and shaped like a half-circle. There also curved a mouth that touched the soil beneath which was also eternal dark.

"You may enter", said an old and fragile voice out of the tree. The voice resembled of an old saline grandpa.

That guy walked near the door shaped mouth and bent a little before jumping inside. And like that he just vanquished. I stood there frozen.

"Where is your pass?", asked the tree.

I nervously pulled out my pass that I don't know where I got from and showed it. The tree had a glance on it,

"You may enter", it said.

I sighed in relieved as I thought it wouldn't let me in. So far, it's going good. I looked back to see this place one more time, the fascinating reptiles. But my heart was not ready to enter the door like mouth.

I stood there and passed my hand inside it. It vanished into the darkness but when I pulled back it was in all pieces. 

"Hurry..", ordered the tree with it's dying breath.

I looked up and peeked inside. For a second I thought my eyes were closed but then I pulled back my head. I wasn't sure to jump. As I stood there, something grabbed my waist. It pulled me up in the air and I saw, it was one of the branches of this tree that had a tight grip on my waist. It threw me right inside the mouth. I scream! It was clearly a tunnel I was sliding down.

Finally, I popped down on soft little green grass. But when I looked closely, they weren't some ordinary grass but more rubber-like. I got up, thankfully I didn't fell on my jaw.

"What are you doing here?", asked a female voice from my behind.

I abruptly turned back to see a woman with blue lips. She had white complexion, black eyes and hair till her shoulder neatly combined like silk. She also had black bangs and earrings of black roses. She wore a stewed cherry off-shoulder top and palazzo and black scandals.

"I was looking for a friend", I answered.

"What friend?" she asked.

Where is that guy? "Andromeda Clergy", I said.

She abruptly slapped her lips. I was astonished.

"How rude", she said.

"Rude what?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance and walked away. I followed her since there was no one too. Also, now that I noticed around my surrounding. The sky was pastel blue and the ground was green by this rubber grass and everything else here was made of centuries-old platinum. Firstly there a statue of a lion resting on a pillar. The strange thing about this was that the lion was built as if it was roaring, its mouth was engulfing some effulgence flames. Green flames were sprouting from inside its mouth.

The young lady pulled up her hand but she was far to short to reach the lion's mouth. Then she got on her toes to reach but still, she was smaller. I thought of helping her and walked towards her. Then suddenly, her struggling toes lifted up. Without a pull on her waist or anything I'd see, she was elevating up until she was the height of the lion. She placed her pass, similar to mine near the lion mouth and let it burn with the green flames. She then elevated down like she was using an invisible lift. Her white and red pass burned into shimmering gold. I grabbed my pass and tried to throw it inside the lion's mouth but it was too high for me.

"Need some help?", she asked, sweetly.

Now the helper needs help...

My hand was stretched the farthest it could. She lifted me up, not with her arms directly. She rubbed her palms on an imaginary sphere that never existed and I was suddenly elevating. Then there was a transparent vague sphere in between her hands and little candy blue spheres dawdling within the sphere. I was elevated until I confronted the statue.

"ANGRY LIONS ROAR" was what written on the template below the monument. I placed my pass inside the mouth, barely letting it touch the fire, but within an instant, the pass bathed in green flames. This shocked my heart and my balance. I fell on my back and I heard the girl scream before I was down.