
My eyes shut out! Only my legs were placed on the rubber-like grass. My back was pulled up by two hands. I looked up to see a guy with fat dripping from every inch of his body and thin white-brownish beard. He also wore a chess printed shirt and a gummy smile.

I got up on my feet.

"Are you okay?", asked a familiar female voice.

I flipped my head to see the girl who helped me elevate, with worry lines on her forehead.

"Yah", I chunter.

I then flipped my head to the guy who saved me, "Thanks dude"

He smiled even more smile. The fat near his lips slid all the way to the cheeks and ears, "Never worry too much" he said cheerfully. He had short curly brown hair planted on his head and his waist was a perfect moon. He wore black shorts which showed his fat dripping legs.

"Hi, my name is Ron Lipodian", he said and shook hands with me.

"Nice to meet you, Ron. I am Tan Albugo" I introduced myself whilst shaking hands.

Then we turned to the girl, "I am Selena D August"

"Nice name", I complimented but she seemed to not carry much.

"Anyways, you guys better talk, I don't wanna miss the hallway gathering," she said and walked away.

"What does she mean by hallway gathering, Ron?", I asked him.

"Oh, let's walk", he said in his deep but barely audible voice, "The hallway gathering will introduce us to teachers, rules and you know everything blah blah blah", he added, "I am excited about the botany class," he said, excitedly whilst rubbing his palm.

We entered the bungalow like a university which had some serious texture to it. The walls and everything except the floor resembled the colour of mercury, except the fact, anything wasn't liquid but normal structures like pillars and walls. The texture of the walls also seemed to change daily. Together we walked near a giant bronze gate. Ron pushed it and loud mutterings struck our ears. We entered inside. I followed after him and the gate automatically closed behind me. I looked straight to see not many students like me or some random people on the podium but the astonishment the wall and sky offered. The beautiful golden chandelier was hung in perfect harmony in air and above them was a blood-red sky with cotton clouds. The walls were marron and designs and textures of gold dawdle around. The tiles formed constructive ripples on the surface when walked on them.

"Silence Please", said an old woman whilst clashing a spoon against an empty wine glass. The echo silenced all the whispers and mutterings. She wore some witch-like outfit. He had a witches hat which was a thousand times larger than her little face. Her face had numerous wrinkles and complexion as milk. She wore a black cloak with frequent green fingerprint-like dots.

She continued, "Welcome to Neilwoods, the university which had shaped numerous magicians who had helped shaped the world a better place" she ran out of breath but abruptly sucked in enough to continue, "Now you have the chance to become one of the many and a chance to fulfil your dreams," she said and glared at almost every single student her dead fish-like eyes could.

"I hope you'd have a great time here, my name is Mrs. Botolin" she said and moved back after a bow.

After she approached a very young woman. She had platinum blonde hair tied on both side on her head and reaching her belly. She wore a bark coloured sweater above a white shirt, a little black shirt that seemed to end where it began and black leggings with black sandals. Her little nose and lips weren't clearly visible due to the powder-like complexion. But her eyes were all there is; Almost like someone drew them. Wide and broad with white lashes and an ocean on blue. Her body was slender. She must be a student selected with a scholarship or the caption of some kind.

"Hello, students. This is the director of Neilwoods", she said and at sudden loud whispers rumbled the hall. In fact, it came as a surprise to see such a young lady be a director.

The boys were all over by her jaw-dropping beauty by now. But none of that mattered to her, she carried no emotion.

"Each year, passionate talents like you enrol in this academy to pursue their career. The next four years you're going to spend here would cherish you throughout life. Learning new things you never knew that you never knew and making friends would be fun" she said and then like Mrs. Botolin, glanced at all the students. I wouldn't be visible to her since the mob hid me well.

"Our course is divided into four years but mainly the first year is the same for all. From the second year you could choose a field like a Wizardry or medicine" she said and added, "Make yourself a better person and...", her voice echoed, "let darkness never engulf you, remember the spell of truth" she said and moved back.

Mrs. Botolin moved forward to announce, "Now you may all be shifted to your respected class"

Everyone ran into conversation whilst walking out. My eyes were laid on the young director. She passed her sight at me whilst crossing her arms. For like five seconds we stared each other until she moved her gaze away. Then I was pulled by someone from the elbow and I was out of the hall. I looked at the person and he was definitely familiar. He was Andromeda Clergy who was smiling at me.

"I have searched you literally everywhere and here you are", he said.

Umm, how do I explain to him this?

"Where were you?", he asked me.

"Well, some-where out th-ere", I answered hesitantly whilst scratching my cheek.

"Now c'mon let's visit the botany class", he said and flipped. I faced his satchel and he started to walk. I followed after him.

We slid a glass door with metallic veins going through them just like the colour of mercury. We entered and realised the students have already taken their seats. There were glass windows on both sides of the walls similar to the glass door and numerous kinds of green plants placed in pots. The professor faced us his back and he would have been busy in something. He wore a yellow cloak with an imprint of a green tree on his back.

Andromeda instantly sat wherever he could find a seat. The only seat left for me was the first bench. I fasten my pace and sat beside a girl in the first bench. The professor faced us and my eyeballs dropped instantly.

His face was not at all human-like. His face was, in fact, resembling more that of a tree than anything besides a human. The so-called face was a dark trunk with the large ball like eyes embedded and two-minute holes probably for the nose with lips that had pitch darkness instead of the tongue. His hair was a canopy of leafy foliage.