Plant Of Past

He grabbed a tiny pot by his arms that were in true sense branches bifurcating in think fingers. He placed his gaze at me than to everyone else, 

"Welcome students, my name is Barren Sivister and I will be your botany teacher", he said in the most British accent possible but also he sounded old. His trunk head was bathing in long lines of wrinkles.

"Now what you see here is not some ordinary plant", he said and showed us the tiny pot. It consisted of a sprout with two oddly fluffy leaves.

"In the scientific community, this plant is termed as Auld Lang Syne, but in more general terms it is called as The Plant of Past", he placed the pot on the table and asked, "Now will you please grab the pots on your table?"

"But there's no pot in the tables", rebuked a chubby guy with rodent-like teeth.

"Look down", said the professor and magically there was a top on my table. Not only mine but also everyone. All of us were jaw dropped except for Mr. Barron who smiled at our surprised faces.

I hesitantly grabbed the pot softly.

"Now, keep your mind relatively calm, you'd be now sent off to a distant memory in the past. Maybe time with your family or a friend you'd want to see", he said.

Good times with family, he said? Ohio, I would love to have this. I keenly placed my brain at the edge of the pot. The leaves I placed my eyes at began to slowly enlarge in size. From a tiny sprout, they were long than banana leaves. The two leaves never to stop to grow until they were perfectly over me. I looked at the others who were facing the same situation as me. As I turned back my gaze to the growing leaves, I realised I was caged. The leaves had astonishingly caged me but still, I saw a faint view of outside by the thin veins. The point in the stem where the two leaves bifurcated had a glowing ball. I touched it with my arm and the light engulf me whole. After a blink, I was somewhere else.

A place with a similar sky as in the hall before. From the blood-red sky were dripping blood rain. The drops never touched me but the bubble inside which I was. The soil beneath my feet were drenched and pale orange with frequent maroon stains. Long stretching my eyes, all I saw was a dead place. I turned back and look just when an angry man charged his sword towards my belly.

My eyeballs dropped as he passes the sword by my belly. His eyes were filled with anger and forehead bathed with sweat. I placed my hands on my stomach but the sword didn't seem to hurt me, at all. In fact, it looks like as if it never pierced through me. Even the blood didn't drip out. But I continuously listened to the clash of two swords. I turned back to see another man with much muscular body clashing his sword. I walked back but slipped on the ground on my butt. Those two were literally locked. And the hoofing of the horses were behind me. There was a chocolate brown horse who were carrying soldiers of different armies by the uniforms.

Those two began to clash their swords, forming enormous wind gust. The horses of the armies merged and clashed of swords and weapons were all over. Soon were I was in the middle of a massacre. Men fell down from the horses and the giant hoofs crushed jaws and bones of many. A drip of blood slid beneath my leg. Fountains of blood stained the sky and river made from the dripping drops of blood of men engulfed the land. I got on my feet in disgust.

My heartbeat was louder and louder. Seem like they haven't noticed me and if they do, then I wouldn't have survived to think about this. Still, I tried to dodge every charging sword and ran out of here. This plant is supposed to bring you happy memories of parents and family, not war and blood. Soon as I tried to flee, a saw a woman covered in a maroon blanket running, crying a small baby in her arms with gold hair. There were numerous horses chasing after her. The glanced at the little baby, he opened his eyes and looked at me with a bunny smile. His blue eyes laid on me and my vision was snatched by whiteness. For a time I was floating in mid-air, having nothing around me but white. Then zoop, I was black on my table.

The leaves started shrinking until they were sprouts with fluffy leaves again. Someone rested a palm on my back,

"Are you fine?", he asked.

I looked back to see Andromeda and Selena having concern lines on their forehead. Apparently, I didn't notice but my face was steamed. I mopped my face with a shirt.

"Are you fine?", asked a sweet but sharp female voice. I turned my head to see a damsel sitting next to me.

She had silky blonde hair and brown lips. She also wore a pastel anorak. I nodded and asked,

"Where are all the students?" because apparently everyone has left, including Mr. Barron.

"They are attending the Zoology class", answered Andromeda.

"Apparently, you should have come out of the cocoon in ten minutes but you didn't and Mr. Barron had another class to attend. So, we decided to stick here", explained Selena.

"Thank you", I grunted and got up.

"So, what did you saw?", asked the damsel.

"Nothing...", I muttered and started to walk out. It wasn't a happy memory or so being stuck in the middle of a battlefield.

"Hey!", Andromeda shouted for me from behind, then pulled my shoulder back, "Are you fine?" What did you saw?" he rained questions on me.

I faked a smile, "Nothing, I was just taking a steam bath" I lied.

He rolled his eyes and sighed. I think I heard Selena clapped her forehead.

"C'mon, guys hurry. I don't wanna get punishment in my freshmen", said Selena.

Then the three of us walked out of the classroom,

"So, what's your name?", I asked the damsel whilst closing the door.

"Adele Indiana", she answered.

I nodded with a smile and we walked down the little stairs to the garden on small rubber grasses. It might be anorak to others but I really want to walk barefoot on these grasses. Parallel to the botany classroom in distance was the zoology class.

The classroom was nothing like from before. The door consisted of thick arteries that continuously pumped blood.

"Eww...!", groaned Adele.

"Not very friendly to pass by", I said.

"C'mon guys, it just a fancy entry", said Andromeda cheerfully as if it was nothing out of ordinary. I could already hear the professor had begun to teach.

He placed his hand on the artery to jump inside but his palm abruptly soaked into something slimy.

"Eww, mucus", he moaned whilst splashing his hand to get rid of it.

"Whose there?", asked someone from inside the classroom.