Madating Egg

"We are here to attend the zoology class", answered Selena to the person.

"Oh, come in", he said and the arteries began to move out of our way. I could see bubbles in the blood that flows in these extremely thick blood vessels.

We entered one by one and the class was pretty similar to the botany except all the plants were removed for specimens and the lights were dim.

"Oh, quickly sat", ordered the professor.

We sat on wherever we could. Luckily, for me this time there was vacant space in the middle seat. If Mr. Barron resembled a tree, then case here is even worse.

What I saw was a centaur with a black coat and long black hair till shoulders,

"So, as we were discussing Mandating Egg", he said whilst gesturing his hand towards a normal feathery white chicken sitting on a table. Yup, really sitting like a human.

But don't tell me you're making us stitch or cut the chicken here.

"Soldiers during the wartime always have these chickens with them. The eggs these chicken lay when cracked will turn into any dish you'd want to eat", he said and suddenly gossips began to flood.

"Now, let me give you all one egg", he said and I thought he might have had the eggs placed in a tray or something but no, he grabbed the chicken by both his hands on lateral sides and pressed it. The chicken began to pop out eggs amazingly on the table with an infinite pace one after another.

When there were like twenty eggs, the professor left the bird and the chicken ran away. My eyes didn't believe what they saw. The eggs were creamy white with brown veins going all over them ending in a pale violet dot.

The eggs then flew in the air by some hand gesture made by the professor. A blue sparkling tail seemed to be formed from each egg. Then they soared randomly in the air until one was on my desk and everyone got one egg. Except for the guy with rodent teeth, the egg smashed his face, making him bath with yolk and albumin.

"Oops, sorry Mr. Moleduster", apologized the professor.

"Nevermind", he said whilst wiping off his face.

"So, it's easy. Just grab the egg in your palm softly and imagine what you want to eat, badly", instructed the professor.

Rest on I didn't hear cause I had grabbed the egg in my palm. It didn't felt like a normal egg in any way except I saw it coming out of the chicken, in the strangest manner.

The shell had veins which were easily ripping off like flakes. It was also unusually colder than expected. To think of I haven't had anything to eat since the morning. I would love to eat a burger. I thought whilst placing my eyes on the egg. The coldness it carried began to fade away with a gentle warmness. The egg blazed light inside it which glowed the outside shell-like the sun. Finally, it burst out into a bubble thrice its size. And inside the bubble was a giant burger I long for. The bubble burst instantly and I grabbed the burger before it falls on the floor.

"Interesting, you are the first", said the professor. I looked up at him who was mountain-tall. Only now I keenly noticed the horse body with black fur and enormous hooves that banged against the tiles when he walked. His tail which was neatly combed human hair swung like a mermaid.

I munched on my burger without the wait of a second. Everyone else was busy focusing on their eggs. Some of them manage to get their meals just after me while others took some time. Then there was Andromeda, whose egg never cracked into a meal.

"Alright, students. That's all we have here. I hope you to see you do well", he said and paid his exit from the class. We all followed him.

I caught up with Andromeda, "Man, what's wrong?", I asked.

"Apparently, his egg is too cold to burn into a meal", joked Selena at Andromeda.

"Shut up", he rebuked.

"Guys, don't start", said Adele.

"Well, I wanted to have this egg in my egg collection", said Andromeda.

Now, who keeps an egg collection? Uh?

We walked out of the class before the arteries began to shut again. Unfortunately, I was the last one to jump out but the first one to bath in mucus.

Ewwwwww.... I grossed out!

The next class schedule excited me the most with the name of Magic. A class with just the name of "magic" frenzied all my nerves.

We walked inside the building and grabbed our way through the stairs. Apparently, they were some normal stairs with mercury-like texture on them but when stepped on they functioned as an escalator. I loved who we didn't have to walk all the way up to the fourth floor but the stairs did our work.

"What are they going to teach us?", I asked the stupidest question to the three of them.

All of them giggled, "Magic" answered Andromeda.

We entered alongside the students into a monotonous room that seemed like never swept or mopped in ages. As we walked into, the dusty floor beneath our feet perished and the blue sky took the place. I almost died seeing myself walking in the sky. There were clouds beneath my feet. The ceiling and wall vanished and we were transmigrated into open heaven. Like all of us were standing on an invisible platform in the air.