Magic Hour

"If this amazed you, then welcome to your first magic class", said a man's voice. A black crow flew past me and then a black cloak emerges out from its wing. The cloak whirled around until a man emerged. He was a young man with a perfectly clean shave and a red tie hidden in. blue suit and white shirt. His face was so much like groundnut. He wore a witches hat through which he peeked at us with a smile and grey pearl eyes. Near his sparkling eyes, slid bang that distended till the collar bone.

"Hi, everyone", he said loudly,

"I am your magic teacher"

I heard whispered throwing out, "Oh, he is so hot!"

"Jesus, look at his jawline!"

"Silence", said the young professor, "My name is Karen Natalia and I will be teaching you, basically magic", he giggled whilst saying magic.

At the blink of an eye, we switched back to the monotonous barren class.

"Take your seats and we'll begin", he said and grumbled followed after him.

"Magic is not for entertainment", he said after hearing the grumbles of switching back to the class.

I sat with Andromeda.

"Magic, as you see, can be broadly categorised into two categories as - Defence and Attack for anyone who wishes to learn magic", he said and added, "This is a rather loose category because we really don't know much of magic, except that it is there but we don't know the reason why and how maybe you could write a thesis about it?" he asked.

Then he selected a bunch of students one by one and asked their perspective on the origin of magic. Firstly, he selected a damsel on the first bench. She wore a stewed off the shoulder. Oops, that's Selena.

She stood up and confidently answered, "I feel magic is in the air, like the air itself" he answered.

The young professor thought for a while on her raw idea, "Pretty well" he said and asked Selena to sit.

He then asked another guy who wore a blue coat and yellow pent. His had blonde hair neatly combed. He had razor-sharp nose and jawline, and thick but perfectly edge brown eyebrows. His lips were stained with blueberry.

"I think magic is a fundamental particle itself that our body has evolved with", he answered. Guess, a nerd with a pretty face, is he?

Mr. Karen seemed to be so impressed of him, "Impressive" he remarked and complimented, "The students here are out of ordinary. I thought I'd be dealing with some bunch of crack nuts and bury my head in the soil for explaining you little pieces of stuff" he paused and added, "But, you guys are raw talents, passionate"

He then looked at the student and added, "And you my friend, we have many branches here like palaeontology, histology and Wizardry, you'd have a good time here" he said and then grunted, "Until he is asleep"

He then looked and he and asked me to stand. Andromeda elbowed me to stand up. I stood up hesitantly and look awfully clumsy.

"What do you think magic is and where'd it came from?" he asked me.

"Well...", I nervously muttered and thought to myself. My heartbeat ragged up, "Ma-gic" I nervously uttered,

"There mi-ght be a magnet in our hands that could pull particles like oxygen to bring out fire and water to bring out water" I answered.

His eyebrows hit the ceiling, he then giggled, "You guys have so much to offer me. I could spend my entire session learning from you people. Great job" he said and then clapped.

I sat on my bench whilst he continued talking, "I liked your ideas but I am afraid that they might remain dormant theory on your tongues, so it's really important to nurture your ideas and values"

"So, we were on magic, right?" he asked and then explained, "We still don't know what component magic is made of. In fact, you'd find it rather ironical or even funny, that we know more about what magic is not, than what it is"

He basically confused every single one of us,

"Firstly, magic is not light," he said and chalk began to soar up in the sky. It then moved to a board behind Mr. Karen that seemed to come out of the blue. The chalk by itself began to write what Mr Karen just said on the board.

"Because if magic was light, we would have detected it in the spectrum, but we didn't" he explained the first thesis.

"Secondly, magic is not anti-matter, because it would then react to normal matter, and they would quickly annihilate each other" he explained the second thesis.

"The third thesis states, that magic is not dark matter or dark energy, can anyone tell why?" he asked.

A hand seemed to be raised up ahead of me by a young man with brown hair, "Because dark energy and dark matter are out there in space, not here" he said and silence followed after him.

The teacher glanced at him then his shimmering owl eyes laid on me. I abruptly disrupted our eye contact.

"Very well, Mr.?", he asked the name of the student who answered.

"Allen Sebastian", the guy introduced his name.

"Well, Allen I am glad to tell you, that what you just said, is literally", he exaggerated his words, "Purely, bullshit," he said and the whole class ran into chunks of laughter.

He was totally sarcastic there. After we were done munching on laughter, he ordered us to silence and said,

"There is both dark energy and dark matter herein Cassiopeia, but we don't know where okay?" he explained and then asked the guy name, Allen.

He nodded his head in agreement to Mr. Karen, "Maybe, people laughed at your assumptions today but in future, maybe you could be the first one to find dark matter and energy. I swear to be the first one to read your published thesis"

Allen smiled at the positive statement of Mr. Karen.

"Now, magic is not light, magic is not anti-matter and magic is not that dark stuff, then what is magic?", he asked again.

He prompted the usual idea, "WE DON'T KNOW"