Illuminated Sky

"But we do know, magic is here and we have a really good command in it, right?" he asked and everyone nodded, except me.

Mr. Karen instantly pointed his eyes at me. I abruptly nodded even though I don't know the hell this world do with magic.

"We can use magic to blaze fire in our hands", he said and a burst of flames emerged from his palms, then instantly perished and the place was taken by a huge ice crystal, "Wonders!" he whispered.

I stared him awe-struck. All the things I could only see in movies and imagine in bed were realistic and functioning.

Before he could show us more, a bell pierced our ears.

"Alright, students that's all we have for this day", said Mr. Karen and ventured off. More like whirled his dark cloak around and twisted the space around him in a hurricane to perish with a flash.

"What happened?", I asked Andromeda for the sudden exit of Mr. Karen.

"Classes are done for today", he answered. I sighed and smiled.

"Are you guys just keep sitting here like lovers or move?", asked a familiar voice. I looked up to see Selena and a smiling Adele.

"Ya!", I screamed and got up, almost freaking the soul out of Selena.

The rest two laughed at us.

"Class was fun, wasn't it?", asked Selena whilst walking out of the classroom.

Before I could answer, Adele said, "Well, my favourite class for the day was the magic class. I could never be off with those eyes" she kissed her chest with her arms.

"What?", I asked, not able done interpretation of her words.

"N-nothing...", she nervously uttered.

"Anyway, what's your plan for the way?", asked Andromeda to me whilst placing his hand on my shoulder. Damn heavy... my shoulder almost broke by his muscular triceps.

"I need a home to stay", I asked and the three of them were shocked. Selena and Adele who were walking ahead of us flipped back at me. Andromeda removed his hand off me and stared me with a gliding jaw.

Again, another crazy rule of this place? For not having a house, I hope they'd not break up a friendship with me...

"What? I thought you'd live there, in the resident area 456, where I live", said Andromeda surprisingly.

"Where did you stay the last night?", asked Selena suspiciously.

"Oh, poor boy", grunted Adele in condolence for me.

Sweat broke on my forehead and began to slide down my cheek, "Well, I live very far from here. I had plans of coming here but had no place to stay" I lied white and hoped for them to believe.

"Aww...", Adele showed even more concern for me and placed her hand on my erected collarbone in sympathy.

"We'll need to find you home now", said Selena and then peeked outside. At the outside night sky which illuminated more than a day could. The inky colour of the sky was a rare spot to spot but large circular and luminous stairs were hinged in the sky.

Majority of them were half quarter the size of them but thrice as luminous, some of them emitted blue, gold and maroon sparkles and the rarest fraction pink. Maybe one or two even exchanged their places.

Wow! My jaw dropped. Andromeda pulled my jaw back to home,

"Maybe you'd leave really far away to not see this kind of night sky," he said but I care not to burry myself with lies for everything.

I walked up fascinated by the sky and my jaw fell down again.

"Fascinating, isn't it?", whispered Adele in my ears which shocked me. I might have fallen down but she caught my wrist in time.

"Don't waste time or we'd not find a place for you", pointed Selena.

We walked out of the building and even though the sky was luminous even, only a bare fraction of light did hit the ground. The rubber-like grass beneath our feet was tarnished black. I barely saw anything whilst walking, hopefully not to step on dog pop, the cause is an expert at that.

At a flash from the lamps, fire blazed and illuminated the ground. We finally saw the stone-tiled pathway and began to walk on them.

As we walked a tender breeze flung my hair to one side and dazzling spots of light shimmered in one side of the eye. I stopped and turned my head to see fireflies in the sky, close to us. It's been a long time I spot them...

I pointed my fingers at him,

"Oh, fireplies," said Adele as one of it sat on her index finger. I glanced a closer look to see that's it's not really a firefly but a little thing with luminous light on the head and two leaves on the side which flapped when it soared in the sky.

"C'mon", said Selena and pulled me by the wrist.

We walked near a giant tree with most of it's leaves shed.

"Excuse me, we wanna use the gate?" asked Selena in a kind voice which is not her usual self.

The twisted back of the tree began to straighten up and two black eyes larger than my head glanced us, "Sure" said an old fragile voice from the tree. The lips bifurcated into a mouth with pitch darkness. We one by one showed our tickets and jumped inside the mouth. Again it was a tunnel, this time a little more twisted but we got out with goat screams of me.

We fell on each other. I was above all of them, so I was the last one to get hurt.

"I hate this service", groaned Selena whilst holding her head.

"Ouch, could this day end with any more pain than this?", asked Adele in a moan.

The macho guy, Andromeda was laid dead on his chest on the rubber grass. His tongue laid out and eyes passed out alongside his soul.