Curiosity Stream

We walked to the so-called Resident Area 456 where Andromeda lives.

"Sorry, my granny won't allow any friends, especially boys cause lately she thinks I am into boys", he explained.

"It's fine", I mumbled.

"Well, also living here would be difficult for you", said Selena.

"Yup, but I had spent all my life in such houses, so it won't bother me much," said Andromeda.

"So, where'd you gonna stay?", asked Adele.

I didn't know what to answer. The market place ahead of us was ghost-quiet. All the carriages and reptiles alongside people and their shops were shut.

"Well... I have one place for you", said Selena hesitantly.

I looked at her with shimmering eyes, dilating my pupil. She looked away and tried to make no eye contact.

"That's gr8!", shouted Andromeda.

"Ya!", rejoiced Adele.

"But you won't love that place", said Selena.

I instantly rebuke whilst holding her hands, "Oh, I'd love you offer" I said excitedly whilst pressing her palm.

"Pervert", whispered Andromeda nasally in my ear.

I abruptly flung my hands in embarrassment.

"Idiots...", Selena muttered whilst rolling her eyes.

"See you then", said Andromeda, hugged me by side and waved goodbye before entering in the long bush grasses with droplets at the ventral apex.

"Is an apartment inside these long jungle of grasses?", I asked them.

Then I turned back to them, their faces were one hell; Both of them super perplexed.

"Are you sure, you form this globe?", asked Selena without changing her facial expression.

"No...", I unintentionally uttered and their eyeballs instantly dropped, "I mean I have come from far away" I made up an over steamed rice ball.

Selena sighed, "You're weird. I would know about the odd place you had been from" she said.

"Not now"

I was saved by the lovely Adele, "Ain't you wearing a clock?" she asked Selena and added, "It's time I hit home. You guys have a long night chat" she said and waved goodbye to us before venturing off in the unknown. I looked at her go fiercely in a monotonous inky colony without fear, carrying her shoulder bag.

Then I turned to Selena who was staring up at me with crossed arms, "I hope you'd have any better place to stay?" she asked.

I dawdle my head side to side in a disagreement.

She sighed and clapped her forehead, "It'd be pain" she mumbled.


After minutes fifteen of walk in the silent footpath we hit a luminous place. Beautiful giant flowers that emerged out of stems and sparkled shimmer of all kinds. Even the rubber grass beneath our feet coruscate gold till our knees.

The flowers that matched colour with their stem were bent down with no leaves but beautiful giant petals. There were tiny letterboxes attached to some of the petals which were filled with petals.

"Wow...", I fascinated.

"That's not where I live", said Selena and added, "My aunt lives here"

Do people live in here? In this some kind of decoration in the garden of a five-star building. We stepped inside but an earsplitting hooting stunned our spines.

With flaps of wind, a giant owl appeared in front of us. It stopped flapping its wings and basically fell on the ground. Then hasted to get on its claw but sat in the most human-like manner by pulling the legs forward and sitting as we sit on a chair, except it has no butts, hello?

Eyes larger than my fist which enclosed an even more giant dilated pupil. The extraordinary owl glanced us side to side.

"What do you want?", It asked in the sharpest tone possible.

My ears quaked.

"We want to visit Aunt Petrishia", said Selena but quickly slapped her lips, "Ohh, I mean Mrs. Pello Petrishia" she corrected herself.

The owl glanced us side to side before bifurcating his beak, "Mrs. Pello Petrishia has passed away" it said and saw Selena's stomach breaking.

"What?", she yelled at the owl.

The owl nodded and said, "She has passed in her bed, now visit tomorrow"

We were like stunned for two minutes hearing the owl.

Selena clapped her forehead, "Could this owl be any more nasty with words" she grunted.

"Let us pass-through", I asked the owl.

"No", It screamed and disrupted mine and Selena's eardrums.

"Why?", asked Selena in a screeched.

"Because....", it said and whirled its head. The behemoth eyes now reside at the bottom and edgy beak at top and our eyes swelled and jaw escalated down.

"What the heck?", I asked to myself with awe.

"Please, steer my head back. It always gets twisted like that", begged the owl.

Selena elbowed me, "Just do it for the sake", said Selena in a whisper.

I displayed my distaste colouring up in my face but for the sake... I dawdle my hand near the big head of the owl and softly grabbed it.

The feather was bush-like, not at all feather-soft. I steered the head on its axis and Pesus Jesus! The head plucked out of the neck and in my hands.

I screammmmm! And threw the head over to Selena. She yelled in disgust and threw it back at me. I threw back at her but she dashed the head back at me. There was a sudden vigour generated in my wrist that with one shot, the head blasted out of sight.

It hooted as it ventured out in the starry night sky. With flapping of wings, rest of the body flown and after the head.

"What the hell was that?", asked Selena.

"I don't know, but surely bizarre", I answered in a gasp.

"I don't think there was a guard here, especially an owl this crazy", she said.

"Anyways...", I grunted and we stepped into the shimmering golden grass. The shimmer rose beneath my legs as we walked.

"Beautiful flowers, aren't they?", I asked Selena.

She looked me with and raised an eyebrow, "This ain't no flower, these are houses", she explained, "Are you sure, you are of this world?" she asked.

I giggled awkwardly, trying to not display the buildup of sweat on my forehead, "Well, kidding" I answered. How can anyone live in such small flowers?

"So, that means the tall grasses where Andromeda lives are also some kind of apartments?", I asked.

"Of course, they are", she answered.

I sighed, "Where do they live?" I asked another question.

"Obviously, in the raindrops", she answered and my jaw dropped.

She pulled up my jaw and rested it back to its position, "I think we have a lot to talk about tomorrow" she said.

"I was just wondering, how can anyone live in a raindrop, doesn't the furniture gets wet or it evaporates in summers?", I asked awkwardly out of my curiosity stream.

She grabbed my wrist softly and pulled me near to a giant pink flower that dazzled with violet sparkle. The stem bent down and petals faced the ground.

Selena knocked the petals which produced the same noise as a wooden door would do.

From inside the flower ventured an old, unstable and sharp female voice, "Whoooo?" in a yell.