The base came alive as the alarm sounded on while the corridors were filled with bright red colours. Alerting all personnel to prepare for combat and head to the Portal Room when ready.

Miles Commands squad of twelve loyal soldiers. He is young and he's above average height with black hair and blue eyes. He is fun, talkative and easy going, but that all disappears when he is in battle mode because he takes warfare very seriously. Miles fitted his battle suit which is;

A helmet, fitted with system assist A.I- the latest model.

An exoskeleton, to support the wearer in anyway possible.

Bullet proof vests

His main weapon, assault rifle-HK433

A side arm-M9

Portal glove devise, palm size

Miles is now battle ready and he proceeded to his squads barracks.

The sergeant who is mid-thirty, sharp face and bald head with strong posture, saw his commander coming "Attention, Commander on deck". As he ordered, the men fall in line and gave a salute.

Miles came in, he looked at his sergeant "thank you sergeant Heinz" then he look at his battle ready men.

From the nearest to him to the furthest there is;

Sergeant William Heinz(A.K.A-White Wolf) Second in command. Very trustworthy and keep secrets like his life depended on it. He is very responsible with everything around him especially his friends. He can withstand pressure and are not swept away by the tides of time and circumstance. He is reliable and not affected by emotional upheaval. His advice often stems from experience and indifference to momentary distress.

Cyrene Patterson(A.K.A-Dingo) She is an Assault class. Tend to bring vibrancy and compassion wherever she go. Gets angry at the drop of a hat and is mysterious; but she can hold the reins well under pressure. perform exceptionally well where others fail, especially since she is quick and decisive. She is average height with black hair and green eyes. Has a pretty face but has a cold stare.

Christopher Hale(A.K.A-Red Fox) His role is scouting and sharp shooter. He's tall with red hair and brown eyes to top it off he has a handsome face. Act tough but actually kind and sensitive. Confident and at the same time humble. Physically fit and posses immense mental strength.

Elizabeth Blackwell(A.K.A-Wild Dog) Medic. As the nick name suggest she is hard to control, free spirited and smirking all the time. Can tolerate pain at a certain degree and has great stamina despite her big chest. she is short with black hair and blue eyes.

Then bringing up the rear is Bob Reeves (A.K.A-Bull Dog) Explosive Expert/Heavy Gunner- Big built, bushy black beard, loud and a bit slow. Has hazel eye. Strong, sensitive, and secretive. Possess immense physical strength and stamina. Tend to go for things when the time is right-thanks to his 'in the moment nature'.



He summoned a tablet from his palm size portal which contains the mission briefing. Then shared the contents to his team. "At ease men. Right at this moment all our FOB (Forward Operation Base) are under attack by non other than the great Empire itself. Our mission is to become the reinforcement and salvation towards our fellow men along with other squads. It's a coordinated attack so we must trend carefully. Any questions?" One of his men took a step and yelled "SIR!!" He looked at him. "What is is private Hale". Hale took a deep breath before continuing. "Sir which FOB are we reinforcing sir." He said and resumed back into the line. "We have not been informed yet. If that's all the questions then let's move out." He says leaving the barracks and lead his men into the Portal Room.

Miles and his team was in a long and wide hallways walking at double time considering the situation at the moment. There were other squads fully equipped and all were heading at the same place.

They went through a giant entrance with the sliding door opening into a massive warehouse, enough room for thousands of people and space for the Portals. As always, when they receive new orders they are to head to Portal no.12-F for fast transport. Other squads were headed to their own designated Portal Chambers.

When they arrived one of the operator briefed them a second time with more detail explanation.

Operator-"Commander, you and your squad will be sent to planet T-24. Your mission this time is to provide support by performing flanking manoeuvre to the enemy side. Hence we will send you a fair bit distance to give you room for moving. After repelling the enemy you are to stay there until all personnel are evacuated from harms way. Trend carefully Commander, because this FOB is old; meaning most personnel are non combatants... and whatever weapons they have for defence is old. So don't rely on them for much help."

When the operator finish his run down of the mission, Miles and his squad step into the Portal Chamber. It is cylinder shaped with enough room for two dozen people. Inside were all white and the edges were green lights. The front is a triple glazed bulletproof glass. The entrance were bolt shut and locked. The operators were pressing keys and buttons to start up the machine.

"Commencing mission. Destination planet T-24. missio..."





It was cut off by another explosion - then another one, but this time it was at the warehouse-the Portal Room- and gun fire erupted.

The operator look panicked, the chief of operator saw this and gave him orders.

"Quickly, get them out of here!" He yells. then all of the sudden gun fire was aimed at them and the chief operator went down.

Few of the shot hit the Portal itself which caused it to spark. The green light inside turned to blinking red lights. A female robotic voice said "WARNING 'PORTAL NO.12-F' IS UNSTABLE. PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION!" When the operator heard this he new he has to work fast which he did. He pressed a few more buttons for adjustment and hit enter. The warehouse has now turned into a battlefield with explosion and gun fire everywhere.

The last thing that Miles and his squad saw was the operator getting riddled with bullet holes. All things went dark; then a sudden burst of white light flooded their eyes.

Miles opened his eyes and was greeted with the starry night sky.

'Where I'm I??' He thought still disoriented from the sudden transport. He's laying down on grass, when he got up he was surrounded by the dark night but no team in sight. He crouch on his knee and continue to scan the area.

He figured the rest of the team must have been scattered and separated because the Portal was partly damage due to gun fire.

"This is ALPHA came in over." -static-

"This is ALPHA came in over." -static-

No answer.