"This is ALPHA came in over." -static-

No answer.

He figured that the Empire must be interfering with communication by jamming radio waves. But that was not the case because someone responded.

"This is Wild Dog checking in, over.-static-Still alive and running commander. HAHA!!" He was relieved to hear someone respond even if it is Elizabeth the obnoxious little brat. Then one by one each member of the team answered his call.

"This is Red Fox checking in, over. Don't cross me out yet boss." Christopher said following after him is Heinz.

"Not getting rid of that easy commander. This is White Wolf checking in, over" Then next is Bob and Cyrene.

"Don't worry guys this beautiful face of mine is unscathed. This is Bull Dog checking in over." Bob gave a deep and long laugh from the bottom of his lungs, glad his still breathing .

"That's a pity, I thought your ugly mug will finally be hidden. This is Dingo checking in over." Cyrene said playfully to Bob with a small smile hidden in the dark of night. A rare sight to see, truly a waist no one was there to see it .

Miles was also smiling at their playful remark, then he turned serious.

"Alright guys, for now lets just regroup and then discuss our plan.-static-over."

He put his hand out in the air and in his head imagined a Portable Navigation System(PNS). It then materialized in his hand, a hand held devise that works like a sonar. It picks up friendly frequency by GPS chip attached to the helmet.

DING* Deduction of 10 experience points(XP) for summoning PNS. Remaining EX 90.

'Umm... what, XP that was not there before. Is this a new function for the latest model?'

Although he is curious he had no time to ponder on little things because there's more urgent things at hand.

He look down on the screen to check their position. At the moment he is facing East. The middle is a blue dot with the letter 'A' for Alpha. To his left is a lone green dot with the letter 'WD' which means that Wild Dog is the closes to him at the moment. Then to his right is the finest sharp shooter he's ever known 'RD' Red Fox. Straight of him is three blinking green dots close together, the letters were 'BD, WW and D'. Miles new who it were; Bull Dog, White Wolf and Dingo. Between him and the group of three in front is a blob of red, blue and grey dots. He assumed- Red for enemy, blue for allies and grey for non-combatants.

He then formulated a plan in his head trying to work out the quirks and preparing for the unexpected. when he finished he relayed it to his team carefully making sure they understand.

"Alright in your scanners you can see that there is already a battle in front of us. The plan is that we attack from all sides.

-static- First- Red Fox, assume sniper position from a vantage point and provide overwatch.

-static- Second- White Wolf and Dingo are to join up and hit them from their left flank while myself and Wild Dog do the same to their right flank. Forcing them back to retreat.

-static- Then Bull Dog is to cut off their escape by setting up mines before hand behind enemy line. After that we will eliminate the remaining stragglers that run off to different direction. Do you lot understand over" Miles ask before starting the operation.

-static-"Do we take prisoners!?" Sergeant Heinz ask, knowing full well the answer but to just confirm.

"Cant afford to keep non-combatants safe while also watching Empire's dogs." He simply said back with full detest towards the imperial soldiers. With nothing else to say the plan is in now in full motion.

It did not take long for Elizabeth and Miles to join together. They headed towards the battlefield.

As they near they can now smell smokes from the air, then they heard gun shots up ahead. Although the shots does not sound automatic fire, more like burst from a pump up shotgun, but it still did not feel right.

"This is ALPHA, is all team member in position. over!"

"This is White Wolf, in position over"

"This is Red Fox in position over"

"This is Bull Dog in position over"

"All accounted for, go live"


System [Warning entering battle mode. During battle mode summing equipments will be restricted]

'WHAT... This the first time I've heard of this... no way is this true... The helmet must be busted up.' As if to contradict him Elizabeth spoke up.

"Umm... commander my system won't allow me to summon things from my portal device."

They looked at each other confused, they know this has never happened before. Miles reach out to the others to confirm.

"This is ALPHA to Pack, check your ability to summon from your portal device, over."

They all confirmed that they were restricted to summon during battle mode.

Although he was still confused, as well as his men, he can't spare anymore time to this little setback.

"Continue as planned, conserve your ammo don't waist it." He advised his team.

"copy that." His team replied.



Ser Jaime Friedrich Wilhelm (POV)

'Shit, there's no end to this nightmare. we are being surrounded and swallowed whole.'

Jaime is a small time knight in a small village called Siegfried at the corner of Kingdom of Eloresa.

Their border use to be beside the Kingdom of Alivon but now it belongs to the Empire and advancing to their borders.

In front, Jaime saw a new unit, two rows of ten soldiers marching with a match lock musket in hand, with spear unit behind as guards. Regular imperial infantry soldiers retreated behind to avoid enemy fire.

The first row of the new unit knelt down and aimed at Jaime's men, while the second row remained standing. Jaime somehow knew this is bad so he ordered his men to retreat, but he's a moment to late.

The first row fired their volley simultaneously, shooting six of his men at the back. Then second row fired as well taking out another five while injuring four, including Jaime himself.

"Shit, we can't take that head on. Fall back, archers cover our retreat." He knows if he remains standing there they will be annihilated, they only have swords and bows he must act quickly to survive.

'What kind of weapon was that. It took out ten of my men in an instant, that's terrifying. it's also deafening with a load boom, which caused my men's moral to plummet in an instant.'

Jaime thought to himself while applying pressure to his right arm. wincing every step.

Then he heard it again, but this time it was more faster, precise and muffled.

When he turned around he saw a person in in green spotted clothes, bulky with what looks like green soft armour might be made of leather. There seem to be a some kind of metallic frame around the person, don't know what it is.

'Hmmm There's another one beside him that I only notice now... no wait, there's four of them- another two from the opposite side of each other.'

He observed them more, it just clink on him that their weapons were pointing at the imperial unit with the match lock musket. They go down one by one without knowing what hit them.

He does not know who they are but it its clear as day that their also fighting the Empire. Now he has to decide weather to use them to buy time while they escape or charge his men in hopes of driving out the Empire soldiers.

The choice was simple, this was his only chance to strike back. He raised his sword up high so every one can see him and hear.

"Those who can stand and fight CHARGE"

He sprinted off towards danger with one goal; to eradicate imperial soldiers.

Jaime knew the soldiers will charge upon order because this is their home.

Their not even real soldiers just farmers conscripted to fight. Their houses were set on fire by imperial soldiers and wrecked havoc everywhere, killing even the children. They would rather fight and die rather than abandoning their home where they grew up in.

Fire were lit in their hearts turning mad for revenge ignoring their pain and charge looking for heads to split.

One last volley were desperately shot in an attempt to slow down the mob. couple more soldiers went down, alas, it only enraged them more and increased their advance.

Finally clashing with the spear unit guarding the musket troops but were only trampled on.

It now turned into a melee battle; head were cracked, arms cut off and guts spilling everywhere. If one were to see this up close they would surely think of hell.