

Throughout the entire Awakening ceremony, Queen Sabrina could hardly believe what she had witnessed. At the height of the Dragon races' power, those who wielded fire were commonplace, it was expected, even. After the Phoenix war, as the dragons were forced to become vegetarians, their bodies changed, it burned food and fuel differently in such a way that fire was no longer the common element for the dragon. Their body burned the herbivore fuel in such a manner that when an element was produced, water was the natural outcome. But what left Queen Sabrina flabbergasted, was the last element 'lightning'; she had never seen, nor heard of,  a dragon producing electricity.



Once Drazon passed out, the lightning dissipated. The queen moved towards her child and softly caressed his head, whispering into his ear, "Oh Drazon, my child, you are so very special." She said this as she nuzzled her head into his, then instructed the apostles to assist her in taking him back home.




A week passed before Drazon regained his consciousness after the awakening ceremony. He got up feeling sore, but well rested. As he went down stairs, he noticed an unfamiliar old man sitting in his living room, eyes shut, hands resting on a cane in between his legs.


In a forest just a stone throw away from the tribe settlement, Drazon made his little paradise in a large tree; a sanctuary devoid of people, one where no one looked at him with scorn or disgust; a place he could roam through the forest as lord, ruler over everything from trees to pebbles.



But here, in his solitary kingdom, sat an uncouth invader. An untidy, eldery dragon appeared to be sleeping in Drazon's little encampment. As Drazon moved closer, he got a better look at the old man. The mans' scales were dull, apparently uncleaned for an extended period of time, his untrimmed horns grew wildly and spread in every direction, almost like antlers.


"HEY! Wake up old man!" 


No response.


'Did he get lost and fall asleep in my tree?'

'Is he even alive?' 


The old dragon woke up screaming, frightening Drazon as well, and the two looked at eachother and screamed in unison.

Once the screaming died down, Drazon finally asked the man, "Who are you? And what are you doing in my tree?!" 

"Kid, believe me, Your mother, Queen Sabrina sent me." The older dragon looked bitter at the demanding child. 'Why did I accept such a request. He's still so naive and childish!'


Drazon shook his head in doubt, 'My mother is the Queen, she wouldn't ask some homeless guy to come here.' Putting up his most fearsome expression, the child bared his teeth and claws in hopes of looking fearsome and threatened the dragon "Tell me who you are, or I'll rip you to shreds!"



The old-timer was in between tears and laughter, 'how could a child pretend to be so fearsome? It's almost cute!' 


"Kiddo," the old dragon started, "My name is Put. I used to be the captain of the palace guards, Loyal to the Queen. Queen Sabrina has ordered me to be your instructor."



The child looked him up and down, his fearsome scowl dropped and was replaced with an innocent smile, "Okay!" Drazon shrugged his shoulders and completely accepted what the old man had to say.


The older dragon said no words, and shook his head. 'Are kids these days really so trusting? I'll have to add judgement to the curriculum. I really have my work cut out for me.'


Put glanced over the boy and went straight to business. "Let's get right down to business. I will meet your highness here every morning and teach you how to utilize your powers and unleash your potential. Though be warned, I won't go easy on you because you're a prince. Are you ready to begin?"


Drazon nodded, to which Put immediately began his first lesson: explaining the elements. Unfortunately for the elderly dragon, Drazon was far more interested in how weirdly shaped Put's horns were than listening to his lecture.



After Drazon left the forest and arrived at the palace, the first thing he did was ask his mother

"Mom? Did you really send Mister Put to teach me? He's so old and nasty! How am I supposed to learn from someone who can't even bathe?"


The Queen had a bitter smile as she moved towards her son and gave him a heavy knock to the head. She pulled him closer and said, "Don't judge a book by its cover. Put was one of the strongest knights to ever serve. You'd do good to listen to every word he says

The king had long since given up on Drazon due to his difference, he poured all his efforts at molding an heir into Drazon's eldest sister, Judea. A talented young dragon with pearly green scales. She trained and pushed herself daily in hopes of proving to her father, and grew up to be a fine warrior.

But like all the others she neither respected nor acknowledged Drazon; she viewed him as the weakest link, an abomination one which should have never been conceived, one who deserves to die for the color of his skin and scales.

Judea made it glaringly obvious that she hated Drazon, even at the cost of making their mother sad and ruining their already weak relationship. She was jealous of how much their mother loved Drazon. 

Issa, the middle child, didn't harbor any ill will towards Drazon, but still enjoyed teasing him. Their father didn't pay much attention to her, so she felt free to do as she pleased, most of the time.

Another 5 years passed and even with the hate and scorn, Drazon grew ever stronger. Heeding his mother's advice, Drazon made sure to keep his lightning hidden, and never showed others his true strength. He acted like every other Dragon youngling.

Put developed a training regime that Drazon followed to the tee. Though the training is dangerous, life threatening and sometimes impossible, Drazon finally felt like he had gained some modicum of control over the three elements. His body also grew in this time. His childlike body was beginning to elongate and become more sturdy. Hard lean muscles covered Drazon, the product of his hard work.

Fire and water elements were easy for him to control, but lightning was new to Put, he couldn't tell Drazon how it would feel when using the ability or show him proper form. Even in the only surviving history tome that Put managed to refer to, there was no mention of red dragons nor a single dragon who wielded lightning.

'I honestly have no idea how to teach this kid to control all his power. I should just focus on fire and water for now until he has more experience.'

Drazon had to roughly grasp it himself as he suffered for his tribe's ignorance.