
Six Years

Another six years passed in a flash for Drazon. With Put being his private instructor, Drazon learned more about combat, survival, and particular elements, than he would have in regular school, where he would have had a more broad and balanced curriculum. 

Drazon spent many hours outside of his strict training regime learning on his own, how to control and utilize his lightning ability. At first, his training went extremely slow and showed little to no results. 

He finally made a breakthrough when he applied the knowledge Put was teaching him about the other elements, to his lightning element. 'Embrace the feeling. Let it flow through you. Don't try to control it's a pathway; allow it to choose its own freely.' Following Put's guidance, he managed to learn to release small amounts of electricity all over his scales. After this initial breakthrough, he was able to make massive progress, even more so than with the other elements. 

With further training and meditation, he learned that he could feel the electrical presence in other living things. Each living thing gave off its own electrical signature. With Drazon's lightning ability, he could feel the signatures given off at a short distance to himself, initially only through meditation.

Drazon was able to feel the trees and leaves around him like an electrical version of echolocation. This Sensor ability was his main avenue of focus outside of his training with Put. With his development, he was able to detect 'negative' space, space that didn't give off an electrical field, and recognize what it was. With practice, Drazon learned to use it in his training with Put. 

Drazon moved swiftly in-between trees and shrubs; sharp whistling sounds shot through the air as projectiles crisscrossed and brought cold chills to Drazon's heart. 

He knew his master was somewhere out there, watching him, waiting for him to let down his guard and strike at lightning speed. The old man was sloppy in every aspect of life, but not in battle. 'Berserker' was the word most commonly used in tandem when the name Put is mentioned. Drazon wondered why his mother left him in such a person's hand; the bastard might just kill him off one day in blood lust.

Drazon looked back, trying to calculate where the projectiles were coming from by the angle of their trajectory. This small action was all Put needed.  A water arrow suddenly shot towards Drazon from the left.

The young dragon was caught by surprise but managed to spit out a small fireball as a reaction. The little water arrow popped like a bubble and fizzed in smoke. 

"HA gonna have to try harder old man!" he shouted out, still unaware of Put's location.

Put burst out with great speed from amongst the woods and appeared at Drazon's back and lashed out with his claws, leaving four deep gashes across his spine. 

"Caught off guard again… You shouldn't rejoice when your victory is uncertain." Put swung his arm and swiped again, but the boy managed to twist his waist and raise his left hand in defense.

Blood sprayed against the ground, dyeing the brown forest floor with a coat of crimson. Young dragon scale is not near dense enough to stop the claws of an adult dragon. Drazon grabbed his tattered, shredded arm with his other hand and tucked it firmly into his stomach, bending over as he fell to his knees. 

He bit his lip, a futile attempt at holding back his pain as moans escaped between his teeth. 'I can't take much more of this.'

Quite ruthless, but not yet having his fill, Put swung his left leg and caught the boy at his midsection. A 'crack' sounded as he sent the young dragon flying a dozen feet straight into a thick tree. Drazon could feel his ribs stabbing his insides; the last hit made him feel like he was going to pass out. 

Sliding down the tree, he hit the ground. "Stop! Stop!" He garbled, grimacing in pain, spitting blood with each word. Drazon was scared that if he didn't admit defeat, the old man would continue until he was indeed dead, or completely broken.

Drazon believed he'd grown, but every time he and Put fought, it seemed that he was farther and farther from the top of the mountain the Put stood on. 5yrs ago, even though the old man only used a single hand, he was still knocked unconscious in a single hit. 'I can still only stand to take three blows from him.' *cough cough* More blood spewed from his mouth.

Drazon only became committed to his training due to an accident he had about four years ago.

The young dragon, curious of the tribe, left the palace and wandered to the town. Therein he met four dragons his age. Drazon simply wanted to play with other kids his age. 

But the other kids, believing they would not be punished since the red dragonewt was always ridiculed, and wanting to have something to brag about to their friends, they pretended to lead Drazon to a hangout spot. They brought him to an alleyway, trapped him, then beat and ridiculed him before they left him lying on the ground, in a pool of blood and tears.

His mother was scared after not seeing her son even though it was noon; she sent her guards to find him. They scoured the entire city, only later to be found by luck in the secluded spot. 

The Queen was beyond livid, as was the king. He never loved the child and even once sent assassins to rid himself of him, but he saw the attack as a slight to his bloodline; he took it as rebels taking up arms against a member of the royal family.

Though furious, he didn't order the culprit be brought to justice. He asked Drazon in private what happened, and learned that it was not the act of some group seeking to overthrow him. He immediately lost interest in the matter, knowing his crown was secure, though he didn't share this truth with Queen Sabrina.

The Queen was beyond heartbroken, she raged and ordered for the culprit to be found; but without the king's help, nothing could be done.

The bruised and battered boy only got even more hurt after the Royal healer came. Disgust crept over the old female dragon's face. She didn't want to touch the child and was only forced to after the threat from the Queen.

Drazon, a child who grew up amongst hatred, let it creep into his little heart. His father's indifference, his eldest sister's disdain, the healer's disgust, and the other dragon cubs' bullying made him want to become stronger. 

He absolutely hated the feeling of helplessness he had when he couldn't fight back. Broken and bruised, he made the decision right there in that bed that he'd get stronger, learn everything he could, seek out any resource necessary to be able to protect himself, and stop others from looking down on him.

After that day, Put worked him to the bone, and he gladly accepted it. His newfound will helped him strive to go further and harder than he had previously. 'More. MORE. Further. Faster. Stronger. Don't stop. Keep going. 


I can't give up!' Drazon continued to work hard with his master, growing rapidly in these teen years. He had a clear goal, and nothing would stop him from reaching for it. He sought to become the strongest dragon. He sought to be the one on top, his ambitions didn't make him want to be king, but he wanted the pride and worship of one.