

Drazon's instincts kicked in, building up an electrical current beneath his scales in his arm. 'What is this power? My muscles feel like they're going to explode!'

The pressure on his arm from Drake ceased almost entirely as if he were merely helping Drazon stretch.

The red dragon started to curl his arm back towards his body, pulling and bending Drake along with him. Pressure built in his arm as the blue hue shone brighter.

'Something doesn't feel right. The tingling feeling is starting to sting. I don't know how to control this…'


An electrical discharge pushed the two fighters ten feet apart, skidding across the stone.

Everyone let out a surprised gasp.

"What was that?"

"I've never seen anything like that before, how should i know??"

"Do you think he's cheating??"

"He must be cheating, no dragon has an element like that!"

Drazon sat up and pushed one hand against his knee and slowly picked himself up off the ground. Shambling towards Drake, limping as he walked, he could see his opponent laying on the ground gasping, trying to force himself to move.

Drazon stood over the pale faced Drake, huffing, he wordlessly grabbed Drake's leg and began dragging him to the edge of the arena. Drake looked to be in no condition to fight back, his arms dragging behind, in tow.

'I don't know what he did, but I can't lose like this! Why won't my muscles respond to me? AHG' Fighting the frustration, Drake shot out a bullet of wind from his mouth, hitting Drazon in the back of the head.

Though the blast was weak, especially compared to what he normally would be able to put out, Drake was still freed from the grasp, and Drazon had to stumble forward to prevent him from falling.

Drazon turned to face Drake, 'I have to end this quickly, I don't know if ill be able to win once he recovers. That lightning blast wore out all my muscles in my arm.'

Standing still, Drazon focused and attempted to muster all the remaining strength he had in his body. At the same time, Drake began rolling over, using his wind to help him move. Crouched, one hand on the ground, he moved as little as possible to get into a position that would allow him to charge at his opponent.

'Drazon is a much tougher opponent than I thought… I can't continue to hold back against him. No more restrictions.'

The two tacitly felt that this would be their final engagement, this would be the part that decided the match.

With their last bit of strength, they rushed towards each other. Drazon took two bounding steps and swung his arm back, cocked, primed like a piston, fire surrounding his fist as it shot forward, towards Drake.

Drake burst forward from the ground in a gust of wind and tucked his shoulder down, ready to ram into Drazon like a cannonball.

As Drazon's fist came down on Drake's shoulder, his fire hit the wind cyclone surrounding Drake, empowering the fire and turning Drake into a blazing inferno. This punch didn't come in time to stop him from launching himself into Drazon, though it did knock him aside after. The cyclone smashed into Drazon's stomach and shot him backwards towards the edge of the arena, lying flat on his back.

After the punch, Drake was knocked to the side and hit the ground where he stood.

The two lay on the ground for a moment, trying to catch their breaths.

'How many times do I have to knock him down before he stays down? Good thing he only just started using his wind. I likely wouldn't have the energy to fight him otherwise.'

They each stood back up, Drake immediately hurled his cyclone at Drazon, unwilling to use himself as a projectile this time, he put every last drop of power he had left into that raging windstorm rolling across the stage.

Drazon looked on, dumbstruck.

'How am I supposed to dodge THAT?'

He stepped back, finally realizing how close he was to the edge, 'I have to think of something quickly...…Maybe if I…'


Drazon let breath of fire in a cone towards the tornado in an attempt to slow or stop it altogether. But as the flame hit the tornado, it imbued it with fire as well, and continued to rage towards Drazon, except now instead of just being chased by a tornado, he was being chased by a tornado of fire.

'Thats... not what i intended….' Dejected from is failed attempt, Drazon racked his brain for any other ideas.

'If there's no way to go around or break this thing….. Then the only way to deal with it…. Is to go through!'

Preparing to take off, another idea struck him, 'What if i try to do that lightning thing again? Except this time.... In my legs!'

The scales on his calves and thighs began to separate revealing a blue light.

'More…. More… just like when it exploded.'

The light began to flicker as crackles of electricity danced across his scales. All of this happened in just a matter of seconds, the tornado crashing across the stadium towards Drazon. Just as it was about to engulf him, Drazon shot forward like a gauss round, fast enough to leave a hole in the flaming tornado.

With his vision blocked by fire and wind and unable to aim for his opponent, Drazon closed his eyes as he passed through the attack, praying that Drake hadn't moved from his previous spot. He put his elbows forward and his head into his arms, blocking the attacks from damaging his face too much, every moment inside the flaming cyclone left scorch and stretch marks across his body.

'There was no way he could dodge that attack. And using all my wind element I saved throughout the match, there's no way he didn't get sucked into it. On top of that, he added fire to it, making it even stronger! What an idiot! He should know those elements boost each other.'

As he was thinking this, a silhouette formed on the edge of the tornado. 'What? No way….'

With the lightning coursing through his legs, Drazon plowed through the inferno and emerged from the other side, not but ten feet between himself and Drake.

Crackling with each step, his legs pounded the stone floor, propelling him forward faster than he could control. Forward. Luckily, his gamble paid off, Drake hadn't moved from his spot and was directly in Drazon's path.

'Shit I can't dodge in time!'

Drazon took the last necessary step to push forward into Drake when the lightning in his legs exploded out between his scales.

'Crap I still can't control it yet! Please be enough….'

Drazon crashed into Drake just as the lightning wave exploded and fell to the ground, unconscious.