

Unable to control the lightning coursing through his legs for that amount of time, the power exploded outwards and shot through Drazon's body, knocking him unconscious. Though passed out, his limp body still hurled towards Drake at a meteoric speed. 


The ragdoll flew directly into Drake, transferring its force into him and falling on the ground. Drake was forced off his feet and sent through the air uncontrollably, until he landed on the ground, out of bounds. 


The entire audience stood up, wordlessly staring in shock, mouths agape. After a few seconds, neither contestant stood up, and the referee eventually snapped to.


"Out of bounds, Drazon wins!"


Soon after, several guards came and carried the two boys out to the infirmary. Neither conscious for their subsequent victory and loss.




As a special seed, a contestant slot was purposefully left open as the "last chance arena" position. Each of the losing contestants prior to the semi-finals had the opportunity to participate in a battle royale type fight. This royal rumble was a disaster of a fight, little skill was required to win it. Luck was more important than skill here. 


Drazon's old friend, the walking ball, found himself to be the winner when most of the other contestants couldn't hurt or move him. He even threw his weight around, knocking several opponents off at a time until he was the only one left on the arena.


The next semi-final match featured this seeded position going against one of the other expected winners, Bash.


Having won the royal rumble, Chubby had convinced himself that he had some modicum of talent and pumped himself up for the coming fight.


The match soon began, and Chubby let Bash walk right up to him. He tried to take Bash's attack head-on so he could reflect it with his fat. The effect he intended did not come to pass, Bash's momentum was like a freight train, and Chubby, anticlimactically, ended up being sent straight out of the ring. 


Bash's ten-fold enhancement was not something his mere fat could deflect. The match came into an end as soon as it started.




The crowd surged into a frenzy as they called out Bash's name. He became the new favorite as many still didn't want Drazon, the outcast, to win the tournament and claim a treasure many of the other dragons wanted.





The last and final match of the day was between Siri and Destiny.  Though still young, Destiny's power as the holy dragon had begun to manifest. She could accurately see three seconds into the future, along with a well-tuned control over the water elements.


Siri, much like Bash, her brother, held great strength, as well as a dual talent for fire and water. Her elemental abilities allowed her to suppress every other opponent she has gone against thus far.



The crowd went into a frenzy as the referee announced the match; the only two female seeded members were going against each other.






The referee's voice pierced through the crowd's noise as Siri dashed towards Destiny.



She enhanced her leg muscles as she stirred up dust and punched towards her opponent. 



As if already knowing what would happen, Destiny only took a single step sideways and dodged the fiery fist that brushed her cheek. Angry as her attack had been easily dodged, Siri cried out as a fiery aura surged from her body.



The use of elemental aura is a higher level manipulation of the element. It's the power of the element running through one's vein that imbues every attack with the element, as well as bolstering the body in different ways, depending on the element.


'So talented!'

'How could such a young girl have that kind of control over fire?'

'She can do this at such a young age? Imagine what she'll be like in the future!'


The crowd went nuts over the showcase of the fire aura. Most, being of lower levels, were unaware that the use of Aura brings a great strain to the user. It burns up elemental power at an unsustainable rate, commonly being used as a last resort.



Siri shouted as she shrugged off the strain and pain she was putting herself under with the aura. She launched a flurry of blows and kicks. 


'Burn it all, if it makes me faster. There's no way she can continue to dodge if I just go faster!'



Destiny dodged each and every attack, but not without consequence. Higher elements deal a significant amount of damage to the owner's body, and the frequent use of time elements deals significant damage to their willpower. Blood slowly trickled down Destiny's nose as her face contorted in pain.



"Haii ya!!" Forcing herself to hold on, another vision flew past her mind; Siri overhead, she thought, and immediately rolled away. No sooner had she rolled away did Siri slam her leg into the pavement. Using that little window, she swept her feet and slammed it into Siri's midsection.



They both got entangled in a bout of punches and kicks as dust and wind surged all over the ring.



Finally, the strain took its toll on each contestant as both of them stood apart and gasped for air.



'I can't go on like this.' Destiny thought. Though she could only see three seconds into the future, she didn't need her time element to see that both of them would run out of juice before a winner was decided.


She wiped off the dripping blood at her nose as Siri's Aura slowly dissipated. Her body smoking from the heat.



Suddenly destiny opened up her mouth as a surge of water flew through the air and slammed towards Siri. Expecting it, Siri conjured a wall of water as her own water absorbed it harmlessly.



Two fireballs descend towards her position. Knowing she couldn't dodge, Destiny moved a step backward as she pulled up the water element in her body.



The power answered her call and swooshed out from her body in a torrent; her hand swiped upwards, and the water followed, sweeping up and dousing the flame overhead.



They both began a deadly dance of fire and water. Blue and orange crisscrossed and blasted deep holes into the ring.


The two relentlessly expended every drop of elemental energy they had trying to gain any sort of advantage. Once the well of power ran dry, they jumped back into a martial battle without skipping a beat.


As they began fist fighting, Destiny felt Siri slowly become weaker and attempted to push her lead. A punch slammed into Destiny's stomach in her mind just before it was about to happen in reality. Expecting it, Destiny took a step forward, dodged it, and slammed her fist onto Siri's head with all her strength.


The impact from the punch, and Siri's own momentum, knocked her to the ground; the whole scene played out like Siri was clotheslined.


Instantly passing out, the referee declared Destiny Winner.