

Drazon and the crew continued to travel down the cave while getting battle experience from battling all the bat people. They had finally arrived in the small room, which seems to be a dead end. 

They entered as they saw a fruit sitting on a bunch of stones, the queen quickly went and grabbed it and examined it as she told them what kind of fruit it was. It seemed to be another water fruit. 

Drazon was not interested after he already consumed one, so they gave the fruits to Issa, who had improved as the days went by. The Queen had also consumed one when she was younger, that's why she was much more potent than her other peers. 

In this Special World of theirs, they had different kinds of levels, the highest being at a level 10 while the lowest was a level one. The Dragon King was a level eight before he died. The other leaders that I had killed the Dragon King like Raja was a level six. 

The Eagle Queen was level five, while Bono, the hog king, was level seven. Drazon was a level one, but after consuming several fruits, he had gone up to level two and was close to the edge of being a level three. 

All the guards in the Dragon territory were between levels three and four. Put was a level four, but after retiring, he had gone down to a level three due to not keeping up with his training. 

After Issa had consumed the fruit, they waited for her to digest the fruit. Issa was meditating while absorbing it, she was also experiencing pain, but it wasn't as crazy as when Drazon was in pain. 

While they were waiting, a pair of red eyes were staring down on them, and they didn't notice until Issa had leveled up as her aura had blasted through the barrier the monster staring at them had put up.  

Drazon noticed with his sensory ability right away when the barrier went down as he looked up in fear and pointed. The Queen also looked and got scared. 

This creature was the Batking and was a high level 7, something the queen who was only a level 5 couldn't handle as she quickly picked up Issa and told Drazon to run. 

The Batking roared as he spread his giant wings to chase the group down. When the Batking saw all his clansman slaughter on the way, he got so angry as he roared in anger and picked up his speed. 

He quickly caught up to the group as he flew past them, making them dive to avoid the attack. The group knew they couldn't escape, so they had to stay and fight. All of sudden, the place got dark as the Batking said you guys won't escape after killing some of my clan's members I'm going to torture you dry.

The Queen started screaming as she had gotten a deep cut on her back from the Batking's strike. Drazon got mad as he wished he could escape with his family. Drazon didn't want to see anyone else die, especially his one and only mother.

Drazon roared, causing the darkness to dissolve, the Batking was surprised by this as he stared hard at Drazon. The Batking decided to kill Drazon first as he had the most potential to get revenge. 

Just when the Batking was about to strike, Drazon had made a small portal as he and his family disappeared into it. The Batking was so mad he searched throughout the cave for them but couldn't find them. 

He knew they escaped outside, but it was still daylight, and with his shadow powers, he wasn't able to go out in the light. The Batking was pissed; his prey had never escaped from him, but for the first time, someone was able to do just that. 

Drazon and the crew appeared outside as the heat welcomed them once again. The Queen was shocked. They were able to escape and didn't know what happened as Drazon had passed out for expanding too much energy. 

Due to his young body, he was only able to teleport at least once or twice a day. Issa quickly healed the Queen of her injury, but she still needed medical attention. Issa and the queen frowned upon feeling the heat, but Drazon's body reacted differently as it started absorbing it. 

Drazon started to steam up as he continued to absorb the heat. The Queen was surprised by this but didn't say anything because she had seen the king go through this before, so it wasn't anything new to her. Drazon finally woke up confused, but the Queen didn't say anything. He had no clue he had just saved their lives. 

They continued to travel through the desert; they encountered the scorpion clan who had an underground territory. The guards of the scorpion clan quickly stopped them. They halted their advances as they asked them what their business was. 

Drazon was amazed by their appearance; they had a crab-like head with a human male body and a poisonous tail, they looked bizarre kind of like aliens. Drazon did not say anything not to offend them, but they knew that he was thinking negatively of them, so they didn't have a good impression on him right away.

The Queen quickly told them that they were here on visitation to visit The Sandwitch. The guards could only shake their head as they thought of the crazy lady that stayed within their desert. They granted them passage as they went in heading to the scorpion territory. 

They traveled for a half-day before they were able to start seeing buildings from the scorpion's territory. At least they were underground now, so they were able to avoid the blazing sun as Drazon and Issa were pretty excited to be experiencing this new territory. They were wide-eyed while looking at the structure of the buildings. A day after the Hogs clan had arrived at the scorpion clan to look for Drazon and his crew.